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    She Cuckolds Me
    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Wednesday, November 29, 2017

    I Tried Fighting My Feelings


    I guess I am more into the "hot wife" lifestyle. Reason being that I enjoy when my wife has good sex with someone else, but I don't enjoy being belittled.

    Anyway, alot of parallels here. I fought my fetish for a long time. Kept it a secret from the majority of girls I have dated in the past. I remember the first girl I really cared about... I actively knew she was cheating. I felt so conflicted about it. It really hurt but at the same time it turned me on so fucking much. Eventually I came to realize, it wasn't the cheating that hurt. It was the lying. I eventually came forward to her with my fetish in hopes she would see, that she could continue her sexual escapades while being honest. Totally backfired. She acted like I was a weirdo/pervert and never admitted to the cheating.

    Didn't bring it up to any woman for a LONG time after we broke up.

    Next person I brought it up to was after 2 or so years of dating. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, November 26, 2017

    Her First Big Cock Initiation


    So, my wife and I had chatted about people we liked and who we would like to fuck for some foreplay. Kate had always picked hung guys off tv/movies that we watched. One night when we had been out for a few drinks with friends and Kate was a little tipsy we arrived home and went straight to bed where we kissing and touching each other and generally getting horny with each other.

    While kissing Kate's nipples and easing 2 fingers into her already wet pussy, I asked her why she liked hung guys so much when she has never been with 1. Her reply was - I've seen porn films and they always look so big, I just fancy being filled by 1, plus lots of those bigger cocks are so cute! I wasn't sure what she saw but I wasn't going to argue. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, November 22, 2017

    Girlfriend Hooked Up with an Old Flame


    Boyfriend - For the past couple weeks I'd been tied up with a ton of things happening and unable to see my gf. Tonight, I was finally free to go see her. So a little back story, I've been seeing her for years but only officially for close to a year. Throughout this time we've built a deeply connected relationship and in doing so, shared our inner most fantasies. Slowly, I opened up to her about my desires to see her with other men.

    This led to setting up a couple scenarios, however, it was always my doing (with her eager as well). Fast-forward to tonight, I show up and she answers the door wearing nothing but a towel. 2 weeks of celibacy, I'm rearing to go as she leads me to her room where she drops her towel as she pushed me back on the bed and straddles me. She slowly unbuttons my pants as she's telling me how horny and wet she's been from waiting for me. I'm thinking ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, November 19, 2017

    Her Pussy Gave Her Away


    So, I'll start off by saying that me and my girl have been together for about 10 years and our sex life has always been vanilla. She's only ever been with me sexually, so she's pretty inexperienced, but she's never expressed an interest in anyone else. I found out about 4 years ago I was sterile and couldn't have kids. I fell into a deep depression for a while. I've always had low self esteem and this just shot it all to hell. I have an average size cock but I always felt like it was a little on the small side. I felt so inadequate compared my idea of what "Alpha-Males" should be, giant cocks that shoot loads of cum.

    One day I was watching the movie "Unfaithful" with Diane Lane. It was super hot watching her cheat on her husband and it really got my fiance going. I started to wonder if she may want to be with someone else. I talked with her about it and she dismissed it right ... READ THE REST HERE

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    Wednesday, November 15, 2017

    I am now a Proud Cuckold


    We're 45 (me) and 39 (her). We first married when we were 23 and 24 respectively. We had a good marriage, kids, good careers and were happy for a number of years.

    Eventually, though, things soured. Lots of details involved of course, but sex became less frequent, we talked less, things became tense, communication got worse. Mostly-dead bedroom ensued.

    Much of this was my fault. I was too focused on career and worked long hours, and traveled a lot for my job. She became somewhat of a secondary concern for me and I let my marriage fall into decay.

    Long story short, we separated. Divorce was pretty amicable, all ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, November 12, 2017

    Girlfriend Met a Guy for New Year's


    My girlfriend (Liana) and I have been dating for 4 years now, I am 25 and she is 22 years old and we have always dirty talked during sex about having other guys join in with us. Around November of last year she finally actually asked me if it was something I would like to do. My only issue was that I wanted it to be someone that neither of us knew and we ended up agreeing to try it on New Year's eve. The plan was to go to a club where I would pretend to not know her and let her go wild on the dance floor looking for someone to share a new years kiss with.

    Here are a few pictures so you can see what she looks like.

    As you can see my girlfriend is short with a very round ass so ... READ THE REST HERE

    They will Cuck You!

    Wednesday, November 08, 2017

    My Wife Fucked for Money


    I wrote some time ago about my beautiful wife Debby, who got a job working for an attorney here in town soon after we arrived in Florida. The attorney took an instant liking to my wife and as he is an avid photographer, she ended up posing nude in photos for him and having sex, for which he gave her a huge pay raise. I was of course very upset about this but Debby has a far greater sex drive than I have and her needing a lot of sex had been causing problems in our marriage. I love my wife very much and in a weird way, my wife being used by another man aroused me and when she told me she had no intention of leaving me for anyone, I felt relieved.

    Soon after I last wrote, things changed and not really for the better. One day my wife arrived home from work and said she had to go out with her boss to meet a big client of his that evening. She said she didn't have much time to explain and would do so later when she got home. I was very concerned but there wasn't much I could do about it so just sat back ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, November 05, 2017

    I Enjoy Humiliating My Boyfriends


    A bit about myself first. I'm 28 years old, and would describe myself as not an exceptionally nice person, although not horible or anything like that. I think i'm nice enough to the people who are normally around me, but when it comes to the men in my life I tend to gravitate towards humiliation and abuse. I end up staying with the men who enjoy it, since the ones who don't tend to run away really fast, if they're smart. I'm not a bad person, just one that enjoys seeing some men at their weakest.

    Visually, I stand at 5'5", blond hair, well, see the pictures please, you're all grown up men here. My boyfriend at the time was a classic "gamer guy". Kinda chubby, low paying job, lazy, and (most relevantly) a tiny dick. Not super tiny, i'm not talking micro ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, November 01, 2017

    She Cuckolded Me on Holiday


    I have always fantasized about my wife fucking other men and last Sunday while on holidays with the kids, she did just that. We have played with a this guy chris once in a threesome before, but this time my wife wanted to go alone.

    So here it was Saturday night and my wife got ready to meet Chris. She had done her hair, make up and put on a short black shirt, black bra and g string and a little black top. She was looking goregous. She even asked me to help shave her pussy 1 hour before leaving.

    I was so nervous and excited at the same time. She left at 6pm and while I stayed to watch the kids, she went to his hotel and had sex.

    At 10pm, I received a text telling me, "I am catching a cab now, be home in 15 minutes." It was the longest 15 minutes of my life. Here I am waiting for my wife to come home from fucking someone and I am excited. ... READ THE REST HERE

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