Cuckolded during a Cabin Retreat
Hey. I never thought I'd really become a cuckold but it finally happened last week. I can't lie... it's been a fantasy for most of my adult life. I just never thought my girlfriend would actually do it.
My girlfriend's name is Sara. We're in our late twenties and have been dating for a few years now. She has a skinny body, small boobs, and dirty blonde hair. She's cute with a girl next door type appearance.
Before Thanksgiving, we decided to join some friends for a trip to a cabin in the snowy mountains. In total, there would be five people at the cabin. There was me and Sara, John and his girlfriend Amy, and then Chris. We were good friends with John and Amy but we didn't know Chris that well. It was his family's cabin though and he was gracious enough to host us.
It was a long drive to the cabin up some narrow mountain roads. Sara and I arrived in the afternoon. Chris was already there and showed us inside. An hour later, we got a call from John who said they had some car trouble. They were getting a tow back into town and wouldn't be able to make it to the cabin until the following day. This left Sara and I alone with Chris for the night in the cabin.
Chris was tall, attractive, and very confident. Both Sara and I are on the shorter side and he towered over us while giving us a tour around the cabin. The cabin was beautiful though and we were excited to stay there for a few days. Once we got situated in our room, we all ate dinner together and drank some beers. It was a bit awkward with Chris as the third wheel to me and Sara but we were having a good time overall.
After dinner, Chris suggested we all use the hot tub in the backyard. We told Chris that we hadn't brought any bathing suits since we didn't know there was a hot tub. He assuaged us and said his family kept spare suits for just the occasion so we'd be ok. Chris led us into his bedroom and opened a drawer that contained several bikinis. Sara found a small two piece that looked like it would fit her. She then ran into the bathroom to try it on. I rummaged further looking for some men's trunks but there weren't any. I asked Chris and he told me to just use the bottoms from one of the two piece bikinis. He explained that it was just the same as a speedo.
I continued to look through the drawer and the only bottoms that looked like they fit were pink and had a bit of a thong cut. Chris told me to try them on. I was gonna head into a spare room but Chris told me I could change right where in front of him. He was taking off his clothes as well to get changed. I tentatively agreed and started to take off my pants. Before I dropped my boxers though, Chris took off his and revealed his massive dick.
Seriously it was the biggest dick I'd ever seen in person. I immediately felt submissive to him. Adding to the humiliation, I then took off my boxers and Chris could see my much smaller dick. I tried to change as fast as I could and put on the pink bottoms to cover myself up. They fit but I looked ridiculous. Half of my butt cheeks were hanging out in the back and my small dick and balls were pulled up against my crotch in the front.
Right at that moment, Sara knocked on the door and asked if she could come in. Chris said yes and she entered wearing the bathing suit she picked out. She looked great. The suit showed off her skinny body while giving her small boobs a bit of cleavage. Her bottoms were a thong type too and her butt looked incredible. Sara looked at me though and laughed. She asked what I was wearing and I embarrassingly said it was the only thing that fit. I felt so embarrassed.
Chris, Sara, and I then headed outside to the hot tub and we had to walk through a bit of snow to get to it. Chris pulled the cover off and we jumped in quickly to escape the cold. The hot tub was small and I don't think John and Amy could have fit in there with the three of us. We continued to drink and converse while enjoying the warm water in the tub. Eventually, Chris suggested we play a game where you run out, jump into the snow, and then run back into the hot tub. He said the temperature cycling was great for your body. We were skeptical but he went first and even made a bit of a snow angel with his arms and legs before jumping back in the tub. Sara then went next, screaming a bit as her body touched the snow and then quickly running back. It was then my turn and I was humiliated again to run out in a pink thong bikini and flail my body in the snow while Sara and Chris watched and laughed.
I got back into the tub and Sara teased me. She said it would be better if I was naked instead of wearing that ridiculous pink thong. Chris added on and suggested Sara could loan me some of her panties when we got back inside. Sara jokingly agreed and said I would look great in them. I laughed too while dying a bit inside. Chris then suggested that he and I race to fence at the end of the yard and back. I protested and said they were just gonna make fun of me again. Chris said I could take off the pink bottom and he'd take off his trunks too. It would be a race in the buff through the snow. Sara voiced her excitement for the race and I reluctantly agreed. Chris explained that we'd run from the hot tub to the fence and back. Whoever got back to the hot tub first got to jump in. The loser then had to go into the house and get towels for everyone.
We both got out of the hot tub and took off our bottoms. Chris's giant dick was now on display for Sara. He was somehow unaffected by the cold whereas my dick was as tiny as it could be as I shivered in the snow. Sara counted us off and we both started to run. We reached the fence approximately at the same time but then I slipped and Chris made it back to the hot tub several seconds before me. He jumped back in the hot tub with Sara while still completely naked. I then walked past and went inside the house, leaving my girlfriend alone with Chris.
I went into the bathroom and hurried back with towels and fast as I could. Sara teased me again and said I was faster getting towels than I was in the race with Chris. I handed them the towels and we all dried off and headed inside. Chris asked if we wanted to shower to wash off and Sara agreed. In the bathroom, he turned on the shower and showed Sara how to control the temperature. I sat on the toilet while Chris stood there with just a towel around his waist. Once the water was a good temperature, Sara jumped in and closed the semi-transparent curtain. Chris asked her if she wanted him to wash and dry her swimsuit so she could wear it again tomorrow. She agreed and started to strip it off in front of both of us. She then pulled the curtain back and handed the swimsuit to Chris. She was partially obscured but I'm sure Chris got a good look at her naked body. Chris then left us and I joined Sara in the shower.
Sara hugged me in the shower and apologized for teasing me before. I told her it was ok and it was all just fun and games. Sara agreed and said she was having a good time. We started to kiss and I immediately had an erection. Sara noticed and started stroking my cock. She started to bend down to give me a blowjob but I was already on edge and erupted on her boobs before she could even put her mouth on my cock. She got back up with a smirk and said I must be excited tonight. She washed off my cum and then headed into our room while I finished in the shower.
When I got into the room, Sara was already dressed in pajama pants and a tank top and rummaging through her luggage. She called me over and then handed me a pair of red panties from her bag. They were a silky material with lace around the edges. I looked at her quizzically but then she asked me to put them on. I said no but she said it would be funny. I was still hesitant but she kissed me and said she'd finish that blowjob that she didn't get to give me in the shower later if I did it. I eventually acquiesced, dropped my towel, and slipped her panties up my legs. I paused for Sara to look at them. She grinned and said they looked great. I was about to take them off before she stopped me. She said we should show Chris. I said no way but she pleaded saying it would be so funny. I eventually gave up and Sara yelled for Chris to come to our room.
A few seconds later, the door opened and Chris erupted in laughter. Sara laughed too and boasted that she knew I would look good in her panties. Chris joked and asked Sara if I looked better in her panties than she did. Sara said no and pushed her pajama pants down to reveal she was wearing a yellow version of the same panties that I was wearing. Chris laughed more and said he wasn't sure who looked better in them. Sara then took her pajama pants fully off and posed a bit. Chris said he still wasn't sure and Sara turned around to show off her butt and made me do so as well. Chris was coy and said it was a really tough call which led to Sara posing herself and me in more humiliating positions for him. Eventually, Chris admitted that Sara looked better but jokingly said I was a close second place. Sara laughed again and kissed me on the cheek.
Chris invited us to have more drinks in the living room and we agreed. Sara walked out the door without putting her pajama pants back on. Not wanting to leave her alone, I quickly threw on some pants and a shirt and followed behind her. In the rush, I kept her panties on. To be honest, they felt great and the silky material combined with the humiliation in front of Chris got me strangely turned on. When I got to the living room, Sara was sitting next to Chris on the couch. I sat on a chair across from them and we watched TV together while drinking more beer. Eventually Sara complained that she was cold. I suggested she put some pants on but she brushed me off and told me to just bring her a blanket. I got up and handed one to her which she draped over her body while leaning and snuggling up against the side of Chris. A bit dejected, I got another beer from the fridge and then sat back in the chair across from them.
We watched TV for another half hour before the phone rang. I picked it up and it was John. He said they got word from the shop that their car needed major repairs so they would no longer be able to make it up to the cabin at all. I told Sara and Chris the news. Sara got up and talked to John and Amy on the phone for a bit, telling them how sorry she was that they couldn't make it. Eventually she hung up and went to the fridge for another beer. I told Sara I was getting sleepy and she said I should go to bed but she was gonna stay up a bit longer.
I tentatively followed her directions and went into our room. She was still just wearing a tank top and panties. She headed back to the couch and sat right next to Chris. I left the door just barely open so I could spy on them. At first, they continued to just watch TV normally. After five minutes though, Chris said he was cold as well and Sara shared her blanked with him while snuggling up under his arm. I turned off the light in the room to subtly indicate that I had gone to bed. I simultaneously feared and hoped that something was gonna happen between them. I took off my pants so I was just wearing a shirt and Sara's red panties. I knelt at the edge of the door while watching them while slowly stroking my dick through the silky material.
Minutes felt like hours as I examined their every move. Eventually Sara shifted down and Chris laid sideways behind her. They both got fully under the blanket and Chris put his arm around her. I was so close to cumming again that I had to stop touching myself. Several more minutes passed with the occasional rustling and repositioning of Sara and Chris' bodies underneath the blanket. The TV show then ended and Sara got up to turn off the TV. When she returned to the couch, Chris was sitting up and she straddled him. Chris put his arms around her back and she put her arms around his shoulders. They stared at each other for a few seconds and then Sara moved her head forward and kissed him. They made out for over a minute with Chris eventually moving one hand behind her head and another hand on her butt. Sara gyrated her body and was obviously grinding her crotch against his cock.
Sara pulled back from their kiss and Chris' hands went to her boobs. He pulled down her tank top and started licking her nipples while she moaned and threw her head back. Sara then got up, pulled her tank top off, and got on her knees in front of Chris. She pulled on his shorts and he shimmied them off along with his boxers. As soon as it popped out, Sara took his cock into her mouth and started sucking it. Chris put his hand on the back of her head and guided her to go deeper and deeper. She sucked him for several minutes while I watched in amazement. Chis then pulled her up. She took her panties off and then straddled Chris once again while guiding his cock into her pussy and kissing him. I started jerking off again and was quickly ready to cum as I watched Sara bounce up and down on Chris' gigantic cock. I didn't know where I could cum though. I couldn't cum in Sara's panties and I couldn't go to the bathroom to get rid of it without being noticed. In a split second decision, I came directly into my hand.
Chris then picked Sara up off the couch. He carried her naked body into his room with her legs wrapped around him and his cock still inside her. They left their door wide open but I no longer had a view of what they were doing. I heard them on the bed together and Sara's moans were less than subtle. Eventually I hear Sara tell Chris that she wanted to taste his cum. After some shuffling, Chris started to moan and seemingly fill Sara's mouth with his cum. I still had my own cum in my hand and decided to get rid of it by eating it. I put my hand up to my mouth and licked my palm clean, tasting cum in my mouth at the same time as Sara.
I didn't know if Sara would come back but I quietly shut the door, jumped in the bed, and pretended to sleep just in case. I eventually fell to sleep for real without Sara ever rejoining me. The next morning, I was awoken with Sara in the room. She had put her panties and tank top back on. She apologized and said she fell asleep on the couch all night. I said it wasn't a problem. She climbed into bed with me and noticed that I was still wearing her panties.
I stupidly forgot to take them off before falling asleep. Embarrassed, I just said that I was tired and never took them off last night. This made Sara giggle and she teased that maybe I'd like to keep them on for the next day while rubbing my cock through the silky material and getting me hard again. I played along and asked what she'd do for me if I kept wearing them. This jogged Sara's memory though and she remembered she said she'd give me a blowjob for trying them on last night. She kept rubbing me and leaned forward to kiss me. I smelled Chris' cum on her breath and came prematurely again but inside her panties this time. Sara laughed while I apologized saying that the material was so soft.
Sara hopped off the bed, looked in her bag, and threw me another pair of panties. This time, it was a black thong with pink hearts. She told me to wear these instead and I could take a raincheck on the blowjob. She said she was gonna take a shower and headed out of the room with a towel and change of clothes. I peeled the cum filled panties off and cleaned myself off. Later that day, Chris, Sara, and I went on a hike together. There wasn't anything too notable besides Sara and Chris staring at each other every so often. On the way back, we picked up a pizza for dinner and returned to the cabin. We ate and drank together before deciding to enjoy the hot tub again. I dawned the pink thong bottoms once more and we all went out to the hot tub. Sara and Chris were next to each other in the hot tub and I assume touching each other under the water. I felt completely submissive wearing a pink thong in front of Chris who I saw fuck my girflriend with his giant dick the previous night and Sara who had seen me cum prematurely twice in less than 12 hours and knew I had been wearing her panties all day.
I eventually told them that I needed to go to the bathroom but I would come back in a bit with towels. I left them alone together and then spied them through a window in the house once I was out of view. They started kissing almost immediately. I watched for a couple minutes before grabbing towels and coming back outside. Once I opened the door, they separated and acted as if nothing had happened. I handed them towels but said I was feeling a little sick. I said they should stay up and hang out but I might have to go to bed and rest. They wished me a speedy recovery and I headed back inside leaving them alone again. I watched through the window as they resumed kissing. Chris pulled on Sara's top revealing her boobs and then grabbed them. Sara then turned and straddled him and they continued to make out and grope each other.
After ten minutes, they separated and started to get out of the hot tub. I quickly ran into my room so I wouldn't be caught. I was still wearing the pink thong bottoms but I took them off and replaced them with Sara's black thong that I had been wearing earlier in the day. They entered the living room while I waited at the edge of the door again looking through the crack. They were still wearing bathing suits and dropped their towels on the floor. Chris sat on the couch and Sara proceeded to give him a bit of a lap dance rubbing her butt on him while stripping off her bikini top. Chris then got up and Sara leaned over doggystyle on the couch. I watched as Chris then peeled her bottoms off and pushed his cock into her. Sara was facing our room and I saw her gasp as his cock entered her. I had Sara's red panties that I had cum in already that morning in my hand. I jerked my cock and came into the same panties again as I watched Sara's eyes roll into the back of her head.
He started to fuck her roughly and Sara couldn't help but moan loudly with each thrust. Midway though, she looked up and noticed the door to our room was slightly open. I don't think she could see me but was maybe worried that I would hear something. She got up and led Chris into his room where they closed the door. I heard them vaguely fucking through the walls for another hour before it got quiet and I went asleep. I somewhat purposefully fell asleep wearing Sara's black thong and left her red thong that had my double cumshot on the bedside table.
The next morning, I woke up to the sounds of Sara and Chris having sex again. I stayed in bed until they stopped and Sara came into our room soon after wearing only a towel. She pulled the sheets off the bed and saw that I was only wearing her black thong. She crawled up the bed and asked if I was feeling better. I said yes. She asked if I had just passed out last night and I lied by saying yes. I don't think she quite believed me though, especially after she noticed her red cum covered panties on the table. She asked if I finally wanted that blowjob and I agreed. She took her black panties off me while teasing that we didn't want another accident.
I was now completely naked lying face up on the bed. She took off her towel and was completely naked as well. She jumped up on the bed and straddled my chest facing me with her legs holding my arms down. She reached back and stroked my cock a few times to get it hard before stopping. She then leaned forward and picked her red cum stained panties off the table. She held them over my face and asked if I had enjoyed wearing them. I said yes and she looked pleased. She waved them back and forth making a point to brush them across my face each time. She eventually balled up the panties and told me to open my mouth. I complied and she put the ball into my mouth while giggling a little. I could instantly taste the cum. She asked if I liked that I gave a muffled yes.
Sara then leaned forward putting her pussy inches in front of my face. It was so hot. I could see that her pussy had been freshly fucked by Chris. She asked if I wanted to 69 and I again gave a muffled yes. She pulled the panties out of my mouth while spinning around and putting her legs on my arms once again. She then leaned back and pressed her pussy against my lips. I opened my mouth and started licking. I could taste that Chris had cum inside her, possibly more than once. My dick was rock hard but she didn't touch it.
Instead, she sat up straight so her asshole was against my nose as I continued to lick her pussy. Completely captive underneath her, Sara mentioned that she thought she saw something in the window last night while she was in the hot tub with Chris. And then later in the night, she saw something again in the door to our room. I was completely floored that she had caught me and she knew all along. Sara grinded her pussy harder into my mouth and asked me if I liked it. I couldn't even respond and just kept licking as best I could. Sara then reached down and grabbed my cock. Within four strokes, I started cumming. I was beyond shame at that point. She then got off me and used the dirty red panties to clean off her hand. Sara smirked and said that I didn't my blowjob today either. She walked back out of the room completely naked and went into the shower.
Later that morning, Sara and I packed up and said goodbye to Chris. While I was in the car but still in view, Sara kissed Chris and thanked him for a great vacation. Halfway home in the car, Sara turned to me and said she arranged with Chris that we would come back to the cabin in two weeks and see him again.
HoHo -

Every evening laptops get turned on and the consumption of cuckold videos begins. Ravenous wives taken, cuckold husbands watching and stroking ...