Massage Therapist Cheating Girlfriend



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My girlfriend and I are in our late twenties. Her name is Emma. She is a professional massage therapist. She works at an upscale place and makes good money giving several massages each day to a wide swath of regular clients. When we first started dating, I was worried about her working as a masseuse knowing all the seedy things that can happen at massage parlors.

Emma put my fears to bed though. She explained that she had given some handjobs early in her career before she met me to make some extra money. However, since she got her official license and started working at the upscale location, she's only given normal body massages without any happy endings. She said some guys ask for more occasionally but she just says no and that's the end of it. And if they are ever pushy, they get banned from the place.

Emma is quite attractive so I have no doubt most of her clients dream of getting more from her. To be honest, I dreamed about it a lot too. I had always been curious about the cuckold fetish and my relationship with Emma set the fantasy into overdrive for some reason. Emma is a very sex positive person but I was still a bit nervous to tell her about the fetish. When I eventually did though, she took it in stride and wasn't freaked out at all. I explained that the thought of her caressing the naked bodies of other men drove me crazy but in a good way. Emma laughed and joked about how that was in fact what she does every day while giving massages.

Although she was generally open to the idea of cuckolding, she said she didn't want to rush into anything. We decided to leave it at that for the time and we didn't discuss it further. Perhaps naturally, our sexual interactions decreased after that converstation. We still had a great relationship but Emma made no effort to ever initiate sex with me. And whenever I was the aggressor, Emma would react ambivalently and give the bare minimum of effort.

I still thought a lot about her hooking up with other guys, probably even more than before. In a moment of angst, I decided to post an ad online. I was looking for a hot guy who would get a massage from Emma and then report back afterwards on what happened. I had several gift cards for her place so it would be completely free. The guy just had to show up, get a massage, and then email me afterwards. It was a good deal and the ad got lots of replies. I eventually chose a guy named Mark who was in his thirties and really fit with washboard abs and an 8'' dick. I knew Emma would find him attractive.

I met Mark at a coffee shop before his appointment and gave him the gift card. He didn't believe that I was serious but I assured him that I was. He asked me what he should do if Emma did try to do anything with him. I told him to go as far as he could with her and my only requirement was that he told me afterwards about every detail. Mark promised he would and then left to get his massage.

Two hours later, I was waiting in anxious anticipation for Mark's email. When it eventually came through, I read it immediately. Mark explained that the massage started normally. He got naked, laid on the table, and put a towel over his butt. Emma then came in and started giving him a massage after a bit of small talk.

She worked on his back before eventually getting down to his legs. Mark explained that he got a bit hard while she massaged his thighs. He said she stroked her hands high up on the inside of his legs and brushed his balls and dick a few times. Emma then told him to turn over while she held the towel. After he did, his dick poked up in the towel like a tent. Mark apologized but Emma laughed and joked that maybe he needed a bigger towel.

She massaged his shoulders, then his chest, and then his stomach. The lower she touched, the harder his dick got. The towel then slid off and his huge erection was on full display to Emma. She grabbed it and started stroking it. She told Mark that his dick was one of the biggest she had ever seen. He thanked her as she continued to stroke him. A minute later, he came covering her hands with his cum. She wiped herself off with a damp towel and then the massage was over. Mark said he had a great time and would do it again as often as I wanted.

Later that day when Emma got home, she didn't act strangely at all. I asked her how work was and she just said it was normal. I couldn't believe she had given Mark a handjob. Yes he was an attractive guy with a big dick but I couldn't help but start to think that she did things like that regularly. To test my theory, I found another guy who responded to my ad. His name was Jon. He was in his fifties, a bit overweight, and had a small five inch dick. There was nothing about him that I expected Emma would find attractive. Jon said that he got massages often and he would pay for it himself and then tell me all about what happened afterwards. He arranged an appointment for a few days later.

Come the day of Jon's appointment, I was still on the fence if anything out of the ordinary might happen between Jon and Emma. When I finally received his email though, I was floored. Jon said he entered the massage room, got naked, and lied face down on the table without putting any towel over himself. When Emma entered, she introduced herself and started massaging his back without covering his butt with a towel. As she worked her way down, Jon spread his legs slightly so she had a clear view of his cock and balls.

As she worked up his thighs, she made a lot of contact with his cock and stroked it a bit from behind before asking him to turn over. When Jon turned over, he sat up on the side of the table. She asked him what he wanted and he asked for a blowjob. Emma agreed but said he'd need to give her a big tip. Jon nodded but asked Emma to show off her body for him first. Emma obliged and pulled her top down to show him her boobs. She let Jon touch them while she started to jerk his cock with her hand. Emma then got on her knees in front of him and took his cock into her mouth. She sucked him for several minutes before he came into her mouth and then she continued to suck him for another twenty seconds to milk out every last drop.

Just as I finished reading Jon's story, I got an email from Mark out of the blue. He said that he belatedly realized that Emma had written her personal email for him on the back of the business card she had given him. He explained that he emailed Emma, thanked her for the massage, and asked if she wanted to get a drink. Emma responded affirmatively.

They then exchanged numbers and made plans to meet at a bar later that evening when she got off her shift. He said that he joked to Emma that he felt a bit awkward going on a date with a girl that's already seen him completely naked. Emma then sent him a selfie of herself in bra and panties with a smirking emoji. I couldn't believe it. He sent me a screenshot of all their communications as proof. Mark told me when and where they were gonna meet and told me to come see but warned me not to get caught.

I wore a black hoodie and sat across the street. I could see Mark at the bar and Emma arrived a few minutes later. She hugged him and then sat next to him at the bar. They ordered drinks and talked for about an hour as I watched Emma's every move. She seemed completely enraptured by Mark. Eventually he had his arm around her and she was snuggling up on him. He closed his tab and they then exited the bar together. They walked around the building to the parking structure and I followed from afar.

They got to a truck which I assume was Mark's. He pinned her against the side of the truck and they made out like teenagers for several minutes while I watched from just behind a corner. Mark tried to get her to come home with him but she said she couldn't tonight. Mark looked displeased but she kissed him more and stuck her hand into his pants. The parking garage was mostly empty so there wasn't too much risk that they'd be seen. Emma then bent down while Mark unzipped his pants.

She took his cock in her mouth and sucked him while he placed his hand on the back of her head. I couldn't believe that this was the second guy she was giving a blowjob within a few hours. Mark's cock was obviously more impressive than Jon's but Mark came much more quickly. After just a couple minutes, he was moaning and Emma ate a second load of cum in the same day. She cleaned up a bit and they talked more before eventually separating. Mark jumped in his truck and left while Emma walked back to her car. I ran to my car and headed home so I would be there when Emma got back.

When Emma entered our home, she acted naturally and mentioned that she just got a drink with one of her girlfriends after work. I couldn't believe she was lying to me but I also loved it at the same time. I continue to send guys to get massages from her once every few weeks. Over half of them get a handjob from her and a small percentage get more. Jon has gone back to her and is now a regular client. He tells me what happens every time. Emma now lets him lick her nipples and finger her a bit before she sucks his cock. Mark too continues to see Emma. They have had sex several times and I love getting Mark's reports on every detail.

My Me - mymemy55@gmail.com




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