This experience happend in July 2006 and is the about the first person Sarah, my wife, had sex with since we were married in December.
Prior to our visit to a well known swingers club in the midlands I had arranged for a black guy from a swingers site to try and get off with my wife. The idea being that Steve the black guy would ask her for a dance. On the day in question I e-mailed Steve a photo of the dress my wife would be wearing. Along with a few other photos of Sarah - this one included- my wife.
When we got to the club we sat at the bar and I spotted Steve stood near the gents toilets. After a while Sarah had to nip to the loo and as she past by Steve he smiled at her and said that he liked her dress.
Later on the slow songs were being played and when this happens a curtain comes down around the dance floor so the couples dancing have a pit of fun in private. Steve came over and asked if he could take Sarah for a dance. I told Sarah that I did not mind and off they went with several people watching as they entered the curtained off dance floor.
After a few minutes I noticed that I could see Sarah's stiletto shoes underneath the bottom of the curtain as they danced. They were slowly moving around and then stopped after about five minutes. I hoped something was happening but of course did not know if it was. They then started to dance again but only for a short while before stopping for the second time. This time I noticed that Sarah's feet where at an angle as if she was almost kneeling. I had to find out if she was doing what I hoped she was. I looked though the curtain and could see Sarah's head bobbing up and down.
After the dance Steve brought Sarah back and she later told me what happened. The first time they stopped Steve was fingering my wife. And loved the fact that she was shaved. I already knew that she had giving him a blow job but found out that he had lifted her up and fucked her on the dance floor.
Later that night we invited Steve up to one of the pigeon hole rooms at the top of the club. After we had all stripped off Steve went down on Sarah while she started sucking me off. He then moved up Sarah's body and she started to suck him. I moved closer for a better look and as I did Steve grabbed Sarah's hair and held her head as if to fuck her mouth. Which looked quite stretched as she was sucking on Steve's black cock.
I then lay down and Sarah climbed on top of me and we started to make love. I then felt that Steve had put a finger up Sarah's arse as I could feel it rubbing near to my cock. Sarah has never tried anal and I later found out in an e-mail from Steve that he had three fingers up her arse. Sarah for her part was too drunk to notice or so she said.
I felt myself getting near to coming and decided that I had better stop as I did not want to come too soon.
Sarah then laid down and Steve positioned himself ready to fuck her. He did try to fuck her arse first but she said no he then put it into her waiting pussy. They started having sex while Sarah held my hand. Steve then lifted Sarah's legs up and pushed them back as far as he could so that he could get all his cock into her as far as possible. He then started to say a few things including where did she want his black man's cum. She did not answer but did start to shout out 'Fuck me' several times. Steve did not last long after this and emptied his cum into my wife.
I asked my wife if she wanted me to clean her up to which she replied yes. So I went down and had my first though hopefully not my last taste of cream pie. Both me and Steve are now hoping that he is going to come over to our house and fuck my wife again. This time while she is wearing her wedding dress and I take a few photos.
Since this happened my wife has not been with any other men. If it was up to me she would have a new cock every night. Steve has recently been in touch though and asked her out for a drink. If anything comes of it I'll let you know. Just wish my wife would give herself to other men more often. - LCuckedCUCK COUPLES ADS
# posted by Webmaster @ 4:59 PM