I will start, by stating emphatically, this is a true story, and any input from you blog webmaster, will be much appretiated. Especially if it is from an experienced perspective. Let me say, this is both our second marriage, and my wife, was a very close friend of my first wife. We are in our forties, and very sexually active.
We have been together 9 years, of which 2 of those, we have been married. Aproximatelly 2 years into our relationship, Janet, my present wife, asked me, during an intimate moment ! "Why have you never asked me, to screw someone else". [ Obviously my ex and her, had spoke about my fantasy] I suppose I had badgered my ex for a 3some, but it never came to anything. My reply to Janet was "would you" she imediately said "no way" but the question, opened up a new dimention to our relationship I would often mention it to Janet, whilst making love, and with the same reply "no"
Ocasionally, we would go for a walk in the woods, and sometimes we had sex, alfresco. I met a guy, in a chat room, who lived 30 miles from us, I told him of my fantasy, and eventually came up with a plan. I would tell him, when we were going out for a walk! I told where we had sex and he could watch, and if he liked, he could ask us if he could join us. Which is what hapened. Janet froze, she told him to fuck off, but he had seen her, partially clothed and me with my head between her legs. As we got back to the car, I told her he had left his email address, on a piece of paper, under the windscreen wipers, and maybe I would contact him. Over the next 2 months, leading up to our marriage, I would speak to him, sometimes with Janet in the room, he would tell her how much he wanted to join us, also her lovely tits, and trimmed pussy looked great.
We married September 2004. On our return from the honeymoon, I resumed the friendship with James, on the net. To cut a long story short, I had to make concessions, as she said she could not do it with me present, So by the end of November, both Janet and James were screwing in our bed, with me outside listening, on a monitor. This was the start of a fantastic 12 months. After the first time, she relented, and allowed me to be present,with the second guy. We both screwed her, for a couple of hours, but it was not as good as it was when she was with James. The reason for that, was not my presence, but the fact that the other guy, was a lousy lover.
We tried a third time, again, he was not very experienced, concequently, a bad time was had by all. Although, I did find the experiences electrifying.
Janet agreed to try once more, with a bit of persuasion, from me. All the guys we have saw, we initially met, on an internet site. This time, I approached it in a different way, Same as James, we chatted with him for quite a while, before we agreed to meet him. His name was Peter, in his twenties, and well endowed, the pic's he sent us, showed him very presentable. Finally, we agreed to a meet. He lived in the same vicinity as James, but without transport, so I had to drive, which meant stayimg sober "yuk" We met him, and had a few drinks, me on soda, Peter and Janet, hit it of from the start, there was something between them, from the start.
When Peter excused himself, and went to the loo, I asked Janet, "shall we take him home with us tonight" She replied "if you want" Shortly after he returned, Janet went to powder her nose! I asked Peter if he would like to spend the night at ours, and I would bring him back in the morning, "yes please" So we left the pub, and headed home. As I got into the car, I locked the front passenger door, so Janet had to ride home in the rear , with Peter. They were making out, all the way home.
When we arrived home, Janet opened a couple of cans, I had a whisky [a large one] She excused herself, and went upstairs. After a minute or so, she called down "are you two, staying down there all night" He didn't need a second invitation. I stayed in the background, as I watched Peter undress Janet, playing with her ample tits.
Then her skirt and briefs came off. She was naked, and he was undressing himself. The first time he entered her [after going down on her for maybe 30 minutes] The size of his cock, entering my wife, was electrifying. We fucked all night. Yes, I joined them, and it was daylight, when we eventually went to sleep. Three of us in the same bed, I awoke, with the 2 of them making out again. Eventually, around 10am, I took him hime. Janet was a bit tired to do the journey [haha] We did meet Peter again, and it was also a great evening, but I had to be awake early the following morning, so we only had a few hours screwing before I had to take him home. I am certain she enjoyed Peter the best, although James was her first, and she enjoyed him also.
Since Peter, who incidentally, has moved away from here. She will not entertain anymore. I have asked why, but she just says "no more" She even said, "she will not let me abuse her body anymore" I didn't feel I was abusing her, she did it, of her own free will. It hasn't affected our relationship. The fact is, we both love each other, and she tells me, at least twice or more times a day. I also love her as much as I ever did, and I also tell her. We do show our affection, towards each other. - AdviceNeeded
# posted by Webmaster @ 4:01 AM