***Again as in the blog posts below if you haven't read any of MiamiMark's previous true cuckold experiences then CLICK HERE to get caught up. - Webmaster
Hi Again,
I told you about Chris and Nat and the trip up there. The other couple of times were without me so I can't really give details and it wasn't anything really interesting either so I'm not going to bore you with those things. But I did have one last story about Nat with me.
About 3 weeks before she ended up moving out of town we had a big party with all her friends and some of mine; a sort of 'going away' celebration. It turned out to have a few more people than we had expected and at the last minute ended up changing it to one of her coworker's house which was large enough to accommodate everyone. It was a Saturday night and Nat and I got ready and headed over there to make sure we were early enough to greet everyone else.
It was a great party. Everyone was drinking and eating, talking and some more drinking. I think drinking was the running theme with Nat and parties.
By 2am in the morning there were still more than half the people there, about 40 or so. I was looking for Nat and her friend told me she was quite sick and went to the bathroom. I was a bit concerned so I asked where the bathroom was and she had gone upstairs. I went up and found her on her knees holding on the toilet for dear life. Bret, her coworker and owner of the house, was outside the bathroom asking her if she was ok and we both went in to help her. She was done puking but was a bit dizzy.
We ended up taking her to a bedroom and plopped her on the bed. He left and I took off her shoes, shirt, and unzipped the skirt to make it comfortable, finally tucking her in. Bret came back with some water and aspirin for her to take now to help with the hang over that was sure to come the next day.
Nat is, without sounding wrong, a little mean when she drinks and aggressively sexual. She will insult you and demand more which I always found funny and a turn on. When Bret left she began to put my hand down her skirt and told me to fuck her. I wasn't feeling too comfortable having sex in the bedroom knowing everyone would want to say goodbye to her and Bret would be back so I kind of brushed it off. Wrong thing to do.
I left to mingle a bit while she slept it off and then went back upstairs. There she was on the bed with the covers on the floor and Bret between her legs eating her out. I stood and watched a bit and then decided to come into the room and close the door. Bret stood up when he realized I was there and Nat asked him why he stopped. I didn't say anything and he didn't either. She told him to keep doing it because she wanted to show me how a real man fucks a woman. Then she pulled his ...
# posted by Webmaster @ 4:24 AM