***Again as in the blog posts below if you haven't read any of MiamiMark's previous true cuckold experiences then CLICK HERE to get caught up. - Webmaster
Hi Again,
Nat did go up and visit Chris a total of 5 times before our relationship ended. Believe it or not, she is now dating an old friend of mine which is totally fine because our relationship was mostly sexual, but the funny thing she still sees Chris when he comes down but her boyfriend doesn't know it. Ironic I think!!!
The first time after we all got together wasn't that exciting. She went up to visit some of her college friends and ended up meeting Chris at a local bar (part 1). They hooked up a bit and screwed in the car afterwards but nothing big.
It was the second time that really got me excited. I wanted to go so she told him that her cousin (once again me) was going up. He told her he would find some friends to set me up with which I found so funny.
We went up for the weekend and stayed at a Motel 6 off of the Florida Turnpike. Close enough to him and the local fun places. On Friday we ended up going to a local strip club which is nearby. Kind of dirty to say the least but Chris had his hands all over her and bought lap dances for her. He kept making jokes about me being grossed out by seeing my cousin like that and I said I was a little but nothing too bad … lol. If he only knew.
That night we all got pretty trashed and we all went home. The next day we met up with Chris and his friends for a football game. Two of his friends were players and it was a big game for them. They won and the party got even better that night. We went to the hotel and changed to meet them at his apartment (which he shared with 2 other guys) and then all went together to the party.
It was CRAZY packed and no one was sober. We pretty much ended up doing the same although I felt more like the older chaperones of the party with my age difference. Afterwards we all went ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:12 AM