My girlfriend went on a Club Med trip by herself, in response to a boys trip I had taken several months earlier to Jamaica. On that trip I fucked some little slut up against the wall in the hallway of our hotel. Upon arriving home my girlfriend found out, so she decided she would one up me.
She announced a week before her trip that should was going to Club Med for a week, by herself. I showed up at her house the night before she left to scope out what she was packing. She was taking her tiniest bikini and shortest mini-skirts, and highest heels. I couldn't say a word.
That whole week she was gone I was never so jealous, and never so horny at the same time. I just kept imagining that 5 "4 , curvy type body, with her light tan and light eyes, sucking cock, and fucking with abandon, just to get back at me. I could not understand why I was so turned on by the idea. You would think I would be crazy jealous, but I wasn't.
When she arrived home I took her out two nights later. We met at a Spanish Restaurant in NYC where we had a great meal, and drank several pitchers of Sangria. My plan was to get her drunk to the point of confession. My Plan worked.
After we left the restaurant ... READ THE REST HERE.GREAT CUCKOLD ARCHIVES
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:11 AM