My and Sandy's (my wife) first experience was with a female friend of ours! The friend hinted about it and we just took her up on it! I wanted to be fair to Sandy and let her fuck another man so one of my close buddies at work who always hinted about Sandy was invited to see her "flash" him but when he came over Sandy felt brave (helped by about a bottle of and next thing we knew we were all in the bedroom screwing! He's 18 years younger than Sandy and he's only ever been with his wife! (who was his high school sweetheart!) We've "played" together about 5 times and this morning he called me on my way to work (he's on vacation helping his Dad) and he asked if I thought Sandy would consider him stopping by for a "quickie" and I said I didn't think she would say no! I called her and asked if it was ok and she said sure as long as it was ok with me! Sandy called me about an hour later and said that it was a real "quickie" as he came and went ( She said it was fun but she thinks our nosey male neighbor is probably imagining all sorts of things now!...LOLOL. This was a first for us (playing alone)! We've also played with my older brother several times and another of Sandy's female co-workers! To us it's "just sex" and no emotion and we know these people well enough that it's all they want too! It's kept out lives "spiced"! ~ SandmanGET HER TO CUCKOLD YOU NOW! WATCH OTHERS
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:01 AM