Black to White Sex - I'm not sure this is your typical blog update material but I thought you may be interested. We placed an ad online with this text:
We are an engaged couple new to the black sexing experience. We are meeting some fine men locally so please do not bombard us with inquiries if you are not local. We joined to learn more about the lifestyle and gain insight from more experienced couples.
She is 24 I'm 25 and we are engaged to marry in the fall.
We have tried swinging but quickly found out that he prefers watching, which was good to learn, as we also found out he was a rather fast cummer and was not pleasing the ladies. An older couple we met introduced us to BBC and said it saved thier marriage and encouraged us to give it a try. She had her first experience over the Christmas holiday. Needless to say it was eye opening for both of us.
Presently we are experimenting with all the possible facets of Black into White sexing and it's become obvious that he is quickly becoming a cuckold. She has even teased about going black only BEFORE the wedding! He is excited by the idea but concerned he's not going to handle it well.
We would appreciate any insight, advice etc. as to what to expect and how to proceed, from any more experienced couples on this site. We think there may be other couples trying to decide whether to go black only for the wife.
Thanks in Advance
We did get many replies and met up with some people but the one worth noting was from a woman in the same situation who had already gone black. Here was her reply,
"Hello (Her),
Let me address you alone as cucky doesn't count here...I would definitely go black only BEFORE the wedding...I would go one better and arrange for 3 or 4 BBC to be on hand for your wedding night...there you will be in your beautiful wedding dress looking like a virginal princess, every husband's dream...
make cucky watch as you devour all the black cocks one after the other whilst still in your wedding attire...BEFORE the ceremony...then get him to beg, plead and cry for you to marry him, threaten to walk out of the ceremony unless he is absolutely sincere and accepts that he will never be allowed to enter you as a man would his wife...but tell him that you will reverse the role on your wedding night and fuck his brains out with a strapon whilst you were taking black cock after black cock all night...and the only break he would get from his arse fucking would be to have his face full of your ass or pussy whilst he licked up his superiors cum from your body...
tell him that if he didn't do a good job then you would probably concieve on your wedding night and have a beautiful black he better devour it all and push his pathetic tongue as deep up your pussy as he could... he must kneel naked at the door when you have all finished and pay each man $100 as he leaves and say thank you... when u are left alone...tease him mercilessly about how his married life is going to be from that second onwards... if you have thought ahead... lock him into a cock cage or something a fat bulbous butt plug and stuff it up his ass make him sleep on the floor at the bottom of your marital bed and if you can...go on honeymoon with your black men and leave the sorry ass cucky at home...
I did...and im a very happily married white girl, I have a perfectly happy home, all the cleaning is done daily, cucky works 2 jobs and pays for all my luxuries...if he is lucky...once a month I will let him wank in my presence...I even bought him a blow up doll for christmas...and make him beg to fuck it... I only allow it whilst i am being fucked senseless by my huge cocked black lover...oh we laugh so much at cucky makin out with his plastic over...the pathetic wimp cant even satisfy her... when he comes in it he is immediately to go down on her and lick his own cum clean from her case she too gets pregnant...I have just concieved 2 months ago, what an experience that was, this bull was fucking huge...I loved it so much!!!
..he came buckets into me and was so far up me it was incredible...i almost felt his sperm rip my cervix open and take my ovaries...i swear i was in tears of joy as i knew his seed had fertiliszed me right there right was a magical moment...I wish every woman could experience the sheer joy of his cock....My cucky was knelt right in front of me and watched the whole thing...he knew this was a different experience for me...and when that big black cock exploded into me I was crying with joy...i looked into cucky's eyes ...and he knew...I just said he can fuck off coz this black spunk was staying inside me and he was never gonna taste it....cucky has been very upset since and cry like a wimp often...but I dont give a fuck....he is however getting used to the idea...and I have now started to make him prepare for my child, decorating the nursery, buying little clothes ect...
I have told him that he will be allowed at the birth only if my lover is there...and that he is to get use to the idea that I will be pregnant again and again with more black babies...his lie is now almost copmpletely sexless...he is allowed to kneel in front of his doll twice a week and beg to wank for her while I watch and berate him...amazingly the pratt adores me more now than ever before...what a go girl...dont be control things not him...its NEVER his choice, NEVER about what he wants....AND YOU CAN NEVER GET ENOUGH BIG BLACK COCK.
Wife N"
That message from her shocked us both! After we read it together we were so turned on we took each other right there and had sex for hours thinking about what was just said to us. It was unreal. We aren't prepared to go that far into it but it does make for great sex between us. She even sent us pictures of her afterwards of her hubby and herself with her lovers. We thought you'd all get a kick out of it as we did.
Him and Her

Every evening laptops get turned on and the consumption of cuckold videos begins. Ravenous wives taken, cuckold husbands watching and stroking ...