She Fucked Many

Wife Y


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My beautiful wife has been fucking a very old friend of mine almost as long as we have been married. He was the first to get her married pussy and he is still hitting it. He ownes a large equipment company and does a couple million dollars in sales a year. We where invited to his annual Labor day party at his lake house. He does parties several times a year and we are always invited. Me because we have been friends a very long time and my wife because he and her have been fuck buddy’s almost as long.

Labor day weekend in Georgia is always hot as HELL. I asked my wife what she was wearing and what I should wear. She said you are wearing your CB3000 a pair of my bikini panties and kaki cargo shorts whith a yellow button up shirt. That’s cool with me, wearing her panties keep me reminding me of her cuckolding me. She said I am wearing a khaki mini skirt and a yellow tank top. We will match I told her.

Yes we will, she said, everyone will know we are together so they will wonder why I keep going into the house with other men. That and the fact I won’t be wearing a pair of my panties. What about the creamy pie I said sadly. She said that’s why you will be wearing them. Before we leave I’m putting them on to keep all my lovers juices so you can enjoy them when we get home.

Well Saturday was here and we where getting ready to go. My wife told me to shave real good so in the heat the CB3000 wouldn’t irritate my pubic area. She said in fact shave all the way down to your knees. But I’ll look strange. No you won’t she said those shorts come to your knees. I shaved like I was told to and while my wife was showering I locked my cock up in the device. I was walking around the house wearing nothing but the CB3000.

I was just coming out of the laundry room when I nearly jumped out of my skin. Ann from next door was standing in our den. She said come here and let me look at that little cock you have locked away. She has seen me naked lots of times and she has watched me watch my wife as she was being fucked by other guys.

I walked up to her and she reached out and took hold of my balls. She squeezed them just a little and then she got on her knees and started sucking them. My cock started growning in the cage. Soon it was rock hard , straining and pushing it away from my body. She said does that hurt when it does that? I said yeah it does ... she laughed and stood up, tell your wife I brought those sandles over she wanted to borrow they are on the couch.

Then she walked out the door closing it behind her. I started down the hall just as the bathroom door opened and my wife stepped out. Who was at the door she asked? I told her Ann brought over her shoes. My wife looked at my cock standing out as far as the device would allow. She said did Ann do that too? I said yes, she’s so mean. My wife slapped at my caged cock and laughed at me.

Get dressed she ordered.

We were in my truck headed to Keith’s lake house. My wife was letting her skirt ride up showing me lots of smooth tanned leg. She kept her legs together so I couldn’t see her pussy but she let me see a mile of left leg. As I pulled up to the lake house I could see there where more cars here than last year. My wife commented on that too. She said lookey at all the cars and trucks. I bet there’s new guys here I haven’t fucked.

I got out and walked around to help my wife out of my truck, it’s a four wheel drive and sets a bit high for a lady wearing a short skirt to get out of. Just as I came around the back of the truck I saw keith open my wife’s door, she spun around and just as I got behind him she spread her legs wide open showing him her freshly shaved pussy. He said you look beautiful as always sweetheart and your vaginia looks tasty as ever. She hopped out with his help and as he turned he gave me a big smile and slapped me on my shoulder and said, "I’m glad you two could come". I said thank you for the invite. He said buddy you know you are always welcome up here and your sexy wife can come up even if you can’t.

We made our way to the deck on the back of the house , it over looks his private cove. There must have been fourty people on that deck. I was looking at his dock where he has two boats tied off at the dock, one being a pontoon. My wife pointed at the pontoon and said loud enough that’s the one we fuck on. A few couples over heard her say that and looked us over with a disapproving look.

I asked my wife if she wanted a drink? She did and I went to get us some frozen cocktails. When I came back I saw her chatting with a guy I didn’t know. I handed her the drink and the stranger looked at how I was dressed and then at her and said I’m sorry friend, I was hitting on your date here. I said that’s lovely lady is my wife, and she is free to talk to who ever she wants to. She spoke up and said I’m free to do what ever I want to. He didn’t know what to do and I could tell he felt uneasy. I broke the tension by saying, we have an open marrage, she added no we don’t have an open marrage. I fuck who ever I want to and I cuckold him and she pointed at me. I said I need to go talk to someone, you two have fun. I cut out before I messed up anything she may have had going.

I saw another old buddy I haven’t seen in a while, he and I started talking about old times. He said is your wife with you? I said yes she is. He asked does she still, you know? I knew what he meant but if he wants my wife’s pussy tonight he’s going to have to ask for it.

Umm still what I asked. Umm you know umm do stuff he said…what kinna stuff I asked? He said oh damnit you know what I mean. I said no your going to have to tell me what you are talking about. He took a big drag off his cig and blew the smoke straight up FUCK, does she still fuck ariound, he said. What? my wife fucks around? I acted shocked at that news. He punched me in the arm and said your are a cock sucker you know that?

I said no my wife is the cock sucker I just enjoy makeing you squim. Yes she does I added and in fact she right over there working on that new guy and I pointed her out. He’s smiled, new guy? You don’t know who that is? I said no and don’t you dare tell me his cock is a foot long and eight inches thick. I started a small laugh. He said I have no idea how big his cock is, but he does own the tractor repair place Keith and I both use. He’s loaded with cash. Good I said, maybe he’ll pay my wife for some of her pussy. He shook his head, how can you be so at ease about your wife making love to all those guys? I said I can because she’s not making love to them, she fucking them.

As the evening went on every one was feeling more relaxed around each other. Just before the sun started to set my wife came up behind me and whispered that she and Keith where going on a boat ride and for me to behave. I told her I had no choice I’m a captive man I smiled. She kissed my cheek got a fresh drink and started toward the boat. I looked down at the dock and saw Keith talking to three guys at the pontoon boat, my wife skipped up and jumped on board, then all three of the other guys got on as Keith started backing out of the slip. So, he’s sharing her I said in a very low voice. But not low enough, I felt a hand on my shoulder , it was my buddy that I was talking to eariler.

I heard that he said. Yep he’s sharing her he spoke up he said I was asked to go along too but I don’t do sloppy seconds he said. He asked you too I said? He asked a bunch of guys, the boat will only safely haul five grownup’s at a time. I said what are you telling me? He said keep your eye on the boat, when it comes back I bet ya one important person won’t be aboard. She was gone. Just over an hour later I heard the pontoon easing up to the dock. Then I saw four guys walking down to meet it. My wife wasn’t on the boat. They backed out and left. My buddy walked up and said see, she got off the boat at some one else’s place and they are taking turns fucking her there.

It was close to nine when the pontoon came back to the dock, again no wife, those four got off and four more got on. I stared thinking I’m going to be down there next time so I can go see what’s happening. Just past ten, the boat came back, this time I was standing at the dock when it pulled up. Keith said hey buddy to me, what are you doing down here he asked? I said where’s my wife ? He said she’s safe and having a big time.

Take me to her I asked him. Can’t do it he said, but this is the last load of the night he said, only three guys got on that time He said I’ll bring her back in an hour, and then he said she said for you to give me her panties. What? he said she said you had her panties and thet she needed them to keep all this cum inside her for you to eat later. The three guys aboard I didn’t know where listing to every word. I undid my belt and dropped my shorts right in front of all those guys, I pulled down the panties and tossed them on board, there may be a wet spot in the front I told him, my cock has been leaking precome all night. He said nice cock lock with a laugh. I pulled up my shorts and watched as they pulled off. I could hear him tell his passangers that I was the woman they are going to fuck’s husband.

Just before mid night the boat came back, all five passengers looked happy and like they had just had been for a boat ride. My wife looked the happiest. She looked just like she did when we got there. I held out my hand to help her off the boat. She smiled and gave me a full open mouth kiss. Her mouth had a load of cum in it and she pushed into my mouth as we kissed. I acted as if nothing was happening, but I could tell by the way the other guys where looking at me they knew what was going on. We walked up to the house holding hands I had a million questions I wanted to ask but would have to wait till the ride home . My wife had sex with fourteen guys and maybe fifteen if Keith fucked her too.

We said our good byes and headed home. I asked her if she had a good time tonight, she said she did , did you? Not really I answered. She asked why? I said you got fucked by fourteen guys and all I got was standing around talking to guys all night. fourteen ? where did you get that number she asked. Keith hauled fourteen guys out on the boat, didn’t they all fuck you I asked?

Well yes all those guys did but there where several at the other lake house that got to have me too. What other lake house I asked. She said the on that was having the gang bang party. Some college guys where having a gang bang party and they asked Keith if he knew a woman that could fuck all night long, so he said yeah I do and that would be me she said. This is crazy I said I could have made a movie of it. I had one Hell of a mess to clean up when I got home, it amazes me how her pussy can take all that fucking and never look like it has had more than one cock in it.

Life is good.

Kevin - bjoel81@mail.com



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