First Women, Then Men

My Wife Teresa


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Until this year, I've really been okay with everything. Now, the only way I know how to deal with it is to make it sound like a story, like a piece of fiction. I don't want to lose my wife and she says that I never will; that she just needs to sow her wild oats. My wife, Teresa, has always been truly affectionate, and so loving with me. Even now, when she knows that she has such control over my sexuality, my manhood, I can see her concern and love for me in her eyes deep within her eyes, that is, behind the power of her lust for beautiful men. Even though Teresa is, by nature, aloof, cool, I've always known that she loves me. Teresa's cool exterior has always seemed to attract men to her men seem to salivate over her, and Teresa's always enjoyed the attention while showing interest but no real intention, and certainly nothing approaching reciprocation, you have no idea how this drives men crazy. She is an amazing flirt and I've always just had to laugh at how men think they're going to get something from her. Even though I'm feeling jealous as hell inside.

When I'd first met Teresa, I thought that she was attractive; beautiful, really. Teresa's a clinical psychologist; she's damn smart and really successful. She earns a good part of our income. She's in her early 40's, and I wouldn't be exaggerating to say that she's gets hit on like a 21 year old. I never would have thought it would be possible, but I am more and more attracted to her as time passes. And she loves sex.

Until last year, although she'd had two ongoing separate women lovers, she kept her appetites for males down to just me. And I didn't think I could have had it any other way. We have both always shared our fantasies openly with each other, and Teresa's have had a full cast of characters, men and women. It's a reality, though, not a fantasy, that since early in our relationship, Teresa will sometimes bring one of a couple of women home, knowing that it was all right with me, that I could handle it. I knew that even though Teresa would have gladly shared these experiences with me, the few women who she has sexual relationships with are just not interested. They have always lusted after Teresa. I can see it in these women's eyes when they come into our house. It is so clear that they are struggling to hold back the lust they're feeling for my wife, until they can comfortably get her into our bedroom and devour her.

My wife's favorite thing to do with these women is to wear the most feminine lingerie, especially tight little satin panties that pull around her pretty little round ass, and allow the woman to lie her back on the bed and kiss her body, worship it with caresses and kisses and soft licks starting at her feet and culminating in intense, deep, tongue kissing. Just being with Teresa seemed to bring out everything aggressive in these other women, I sometimes thought that they wanted to kiss her deeply enough to actually become a part of her. And the fact the Teresa remains sweet, yet detached and aloof, adds to her allure, and drives them out of their minds. You have no idea.

As these women have been with Teresa long enough, they know that she then often wants to be held in their arms in our bed and wants to suck their nipples as they slip a hand into her panties and finger her little twat.

Teresa will lay there in the woman's arms, writhing and moaning, she has told me that she feels utterly nurtured when she's feeding at a woman's nipple and at the same time brought to a high level of arousal with a good finger fucking. But she doesn't usually want to be brought to orgasm this way. Teresa knows her body to such a degree that she can place one of her hands over her panties, on top of the woman's hand and gently stop the fingering when she gets too turned on. The women know that they can slowly resume a very light movement over Teresa's clit when she begins sucking their tits again. And in this manner, the two of them can go on for a half an hour or more, with Teresa being brought to such a high level of arousal that she's actually crying and moaning and moving her hips and body. Seeing this elegant woman while she's in heat is a sight that is beyond compare. If only she had not decided that she needed to have her hands down another man's underpants. That's the painful part of all of this.

And then Teresa usually wants these women to fuck her to orgasm. She wasn't sure why, but she got a special pleasure from having these beautiful women mount her with a strap on. One of the women almost begged Teresa to allow her to pull Teresa's panties off and have her get up on her hands and knees on the edge of the bed. This woman wanted to kiss and lick up and down the crack in Teresa's ass and lick all around her hole, occasionally slipping her tongue deep into Teresa's ass. Although it felt good to Teresa, it wasn't something that brought her arousal to greater heights. But she usually allowed it, because the woman wanted it so badly.

Once, as I witnessed the whole lovemaking session through the crack in the bedroom door that was left ajar, I saw the woman down on her knees on the floor, her large black strap-on cock rubbing on the Persian rug. Teresa was on all fours at the edge of the bed, and the woman in the strap-on was making love to Teresa's ass with her whole face. The woman was in ecstasy, moaning over and over again as she licked and sucked my wife's perfect ass; telling Teresa again and again how in love with her she was. For Teresa's part, she was enjoying the attention with a noncommittal smile and an occasional obligatory 'thank you.' These women never lost their desire to possess my wife, yet they enthusiastically agreed, for several years, to simply be with her at her whim. The three of us are in love with Teresa, these two women and I.

Both of Teresa's female lovers were told that I will usually be with her when she's getting fucked, it was the way Teresa wants it. She wants me to sit on the side of the bed, holding her hand, and talking to her as she is mounted by one of her beautiful women. The fucking always had to start with the woman mounting Teresa in the missionary position, it's Teresa's favorite, because, she says, it makes her feel so safe and feminine. In the beginning of each session Teresa holds on to my hand tightly, and looks into my eyes with her sweet smile. She loves me for allowing this to be a regular part of her life, for being secure enough to let her give herself over to other lovers, even if they are women, even if they are insatiable for my beautiful wife.

After a short while, as the pace of her fuck increased, Teresa will release my hand and turn her attention to the woman who is already utterly lost in penetrating her pussy. On occasion Teresa will reach up and pull the woman toward her and, wrapping her arms and legs around the woman, she'll fuck back with each stroke. Sometimes, I can hear her whispering into the woman's ear things like how powerful and beautiful Teresa thought she is, and I know that she means it. These words propel the woman into a frenzy. I believe that Teresa knows that, in part, because of her parsimony with expressions of appreciation (including for me), she can, with the right words and the right timing, cause her lovers to orgasm with her words alone. Seeing a woman as pretty as my wife, and knowing that she fully understands and embraces the potency of her sexuality is unrivaled as the single most powerful experience in my life. It doesn't make me feel any better that Teresa's two 'girlfriends' seem like they're as jealous as I am when Teresa decided to take another man into our bed.

I mean, she's being careful about not belittling me or directly trying to humiliate me in any mean way, but she won't be with anyone else, sexually, if I'm not at home too. She thinks that it would be like cheating. One of these guys, Owen, was here last weekend, and she started out saying that a friend was coming over to watch saturday night live with us. It was so easy to see how attracted they are to each other. The two of them sat on the couch and I sat in a chair. When I went to the kitchen for another glass of wine, Teresa had covered them with the little quilt she keeps on the couch. when I came back into the living room, she was leaning her head against his shoulder and they were both laughing at something on the TV. I didn't notice it right away, but she had her right hand underneath the blanket and was clearly touching him.

He was just pretending that nothing was happening, like he was just watching TV. I couldn't believe the energy between them. At one point Teresa got up and left the room, leaving Owen under the blanket. In a few minutes she called me from our bedroom at the other end of the house. When I got to the bedroom, Teresa was seated on the edge of the bed. She looked up at me and just said, "Look, I'm not going to fuck him, and I promise I'll leave my panties on, but I'm going to play with him tonight. We'll stay in the living room, whatever is good for you, ok baby' But I am going to have him. I can hardly stop myself from putting my hands down the front of his pants in front of you. I am dying to get his cock in my hand, and all I can think about when I get near him is what it would feel like to play with his balls while we're really softly tongue kissing." She reassured me that she loved me and would always be my wife. She also reminded me that I could be with someone else whenever I wanted to. I haven't told her directly, but she knows I never even think about being with another woman. "How about, for tonight, if I promise that we'll both keep our underpants on' We'll just play with each other in our underpants' And . . . you and I can get in bed and love each other as soon as Owen goes home. You'll really get me, he'll just get a preview'" I knew right then that once Owen got this 'preview' he would become another one on the growing list of people who were in love with Teresa, and could only have her when she chose (and this, of course, included me). But I am so damn jealous that at least for right now, Teresa couldn't wait to get her hands on him.

OK. the biggest reamister I'm feeling so upset by this is because of what happened last year with another man she knew from work. It was the first time I'd had to deal with Teresa actually following through sexually with another man - and it's when Teresa made it clear to me that she would not be with anyone else, male or female, unless I were nearby, in another room or maybe outside working on the property. Apparently this had all been building between them for months at work, and Teresa knew that she was going to follow through with Jack, she knew that she was going to go to bed with him as soon as she could 'introduce' me to the concept. Had I known in the beginning that he was going to end up basically moving into our spare room upstairs, and that Teresa was going to share her time between the two bedrooms, there's no way that I would have allowed myself to be talked into "trying it" as my wife had too easily convinced me to do. For a few months, this is essentially how it would go (although there were a couple of powerful exceptions to this which I can talk about later): Teresa would get ready for the night in our bedroom. She would bathe and actually put on her Michael Kors perfume and dress herself, usually in silky string bikini panties and a matching short bathrobe (she had several of these that her women partners had brought her as gifts). I think that some residual guilt took hold because Teresa would take my hand and sit with me on our bed, and reassure me that she'd come to bed soon and that she 'couldn't wait' to 'be' with me. What she'd meant by this was that she would, after being completely sexually fulfilled with Jack (supposedly he's well endowed and an incredibly experienced lover who "knows exactly" how to fulfill Teresa), she'd return to our room and slip into bed next to me.

The smell of the two of them permeated our bedroom and Teresa had an exausted, yet utterly contented energy. She didn't want to talk about any of it. What she wanted was for me to lube myself up and begin to have myself. Watching, she would take her robe off and lie next to me in her panties. And then she would gently rub the insides of my thighs and my balls, and very softly, she would whisper things like, "Oh baaaby, you really need this" or "Sweetie, does that feel good' You deserve to feel so good." All the while I would not be able to take my eyes from my wife's perfect body - this phenomenal body, this incredible woman, had just been upstairs making love, being loved - eaten and fucked, by what may as well have been her live-in lover. She would sometimes place one of her nipples in my mouth and let me suck her as I masturbated and she brushed her fingertips back and forth between my legs. Her long legs, the way the straps of her bikinni bottoms pulled around her thin waist, her flat, soft stomach with the most sensual belly button. Knowiing that she had just been filled by another man's cock and that she loved it. Knowing that she cared about me and wanted me to feel good, to feel loved - to know that I was her husband and that she did and always would come back to our bed for the night's relax. Teresa had me convinced that she was giving the best of herself to me. Once or twice during this time period I actually cried after I orgasmed and she held me in her arms and kissed me over and over again. On one of these occasions I had an overwhelming need to kiss her ass. I actually needed to kiss her ass again and again, thanking her over and over again as I did so. Teresa just stood next to the bed saying "Of course, baby, you don't need to thank me; you know you're my only love." It felt so good to be the only one she had those kinds of feelings for. God, I love her so much. I want her for myself, but know that there's no way that that'll happen, not until she's a lot older and more settled, anyway.

I hadn't known that Teresa's girlfriends (the ones that still came over every few weeks or so to satisfy that aspect of Teresa's needs) kept their strap-ons in Teresa's underwear drawer in her dresser. I found this out one evening about half-way through the period of time that Jack sort of moved into one of our bedrooms. Teresa came downstairs and opened our bedroom door much less tentatively than she'd usually do after spending the early part of the night upstairs with Jack. Usually, during this period of time, Teresa would quietly open the door a little and slowly put her head into our room. I could hear her trying to descend the stairs; I was perpetually on edge waiting for my wife to return to our bed. When she would see me in bed, she'd always try to be particularly cheerful and loving. "Heeyyy! Hiii!" I'd always felt so relieved and so damn happy to see her . . . and so hurt. Teresa had always known how I felt even before I knew myself. On these nights, she'd always come right over to our bed where I waited for her. A week or so earlier, to help her guilt, I think, Teresa had started leaving some of her bras and panties in bed with me. When she was with Jack, although I could not hear them from the master bedroom downstairs, if my thoughts ran away with me and I started to get upset, I'd taken to tightly holding my wife's undergarments and kissing them and inhaling their scent as if they were a part of Teresa's body, as if she could feel what I was doing. On this particularly night I was having a damn difficult time with the whole thing, and I'd started murmuring into the silken lingerie I was grasping. "I am so in love with you, my sweet, sweet baby. . . please let me be enough for you . . . please just teach me how to be enough for you . . . I'll live to satisfy you in every way I can . . . please, Teresa - my sweet, sweet baby . . . . . ." I'd begun to cry into this ball of aromatic bras and panties, and I hadn't heard Teresa come down the stairs.

The bedroom door suddenly opened widely and Teresa waltzed into the room confidently. Unlike every other night, when she'd slink back into the room wearing the same panties and robe that she'd left the room in earlier that evening, tonight she was completely naked. Her hair, under even normal circumstances, was admittedly difficult to tame, but tonight it was wild in a way that I can't even explain, and it was the first sign that my Teresa had experienced a degree of sexuality that had taken her beyond any marital guilt, past any concern that she was not being fair or good to me. As I lay in bed holding Teresa's bunched up bras and panties, wet from my tears and from my licking and kissing them over and over, Teresa strutted over to her dresser. She rummaged through her underwear drawer and quickly retrieved the strap-on harness with the large, black rubber penis attached. Leaving the drawer open, Teresa sauntered over to where I lay under the sheets holding her under-clothes. She smiled in a way that I'd never seen - not a smile of understanding, and no sense of being contrite or worried. She slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, not taking her eyes from mine. I was mezmerized, and wasn't aware that she had taken the bras and panties from my hands. She slowly brought the tip of the strap-on penis to my lips, and I knew she wanted me to kiss it. Somehow I knew that she wanted me to offer the gentlest, sweetest kiss. I knew that I was to kiss the strap-on penis not as a piece of black rubber, no, I could tell by the way Teresa brought it to my lips, by the look in her eyes, by the way she moved, that this was Teresa's way of having me give thanks to Jack, and that if I truly loved her, I would truly be grateful to her lover. Slowly drawing it away from my lips, Teresa stood up and slowly brought the straps of the harness around her waist. I knew. Slowly, I turned over onto my stomach and Teresa pulled the sheet off of me. Then entered me. I didn't know what to do but it was over fast, and she fell asleep.

Jack made a couple of mistakes with Teresa and he's been gone for a while now; he left as quickly as he arrived. First, like the rest of us, he fell in love with Teresa; you'd have to know her to understand this phenomenon, but the combination of her beauty, her powerfully open sexuality, her love of just about everything about life, and just how damn good she almost always feels about herself is just a powerful combination to be around. Before I'd met her, I'd been in control of every intimate relationship I'd ever had. It almost doesn't do any good to try to describe the absolute admiration and infatuation I feel for my wife. The thing that was different between Teresa and me is that I guess she knew that I've always been an 'in control' kind of guy, and so, from the very start, she loved the fact that I became so bowled over by her, and for the first time I admitted to feeling vulnerable to a woman. I knew that she was also incredibly attracted to me, and my being so utterly taken by her just seemed to add to the whole thing. My best friend had told me that he'd never seen me controlled by a woman, at all. He'd also said that he'd never seen me so happy and excited all the time.

The second mistake that Jack made was two-fold: he became possessive of Teresa-which alone would've been intolerable for her, but his possessiveness led him to say some unkind things about me to the effect of my not being able to satisfy her. My wife is in love with me. She had explained those ground rules to Jack long before she started anything physical with him. Jack knew that he'd made a mistake, Teresa had told me later, and tried back peddling to smooth things over. That night I'd heard the upstairs shower; something I'd never heard before. Apparently, in some misguided attempt to win Teresa over, Jack had suggested that they shower together and he would eat her ass. Teresa just emitted this beautiful, fresh scent from inside of her; her breath, her vagina, her armpits, her ass. I'm not kidding; the woman's insides smell like a damn spring day. Really. Anyway, when they got out of the shower and dried off, Teresa leaned her torso across the toilet and told Jack to eat her asshole again. She told me that she'd said that she wanted to orgasm from just having her asshole sucked and licked, so he needed to put his soul into it. Just like the woman wearing the strap-on who I'd watched making love to Teresa's ass with her face, Teresa told me that Jack ate her out for all that he was worth. And Just like that same woman, Jack had apparently repeated, again and again while he sucked and licked up and down and around her crack, that he was hopelessly in love with her. Finally, Teresa had stood up and told Jack that she was close to orgasm, but she knew she wasn't going to go over the top. She told Jack that it was all right, because she was craving her husband's cock. Jack was in shock when she told him to leave the house so that she could go downstairs fuck the man she was and always would be in love with. That was an incredible night for me. Actually, the next few months were beyond incredible in many ways.

After that was when Teresa met Owen, the guy I'd started talking about before. Eventually, Teresa was to convince me that in order to not repeat the mistakes she made with Jack that she would never fuck him, but that she would 'play' with him and have him get to the point of licking her and making her feel good every week and that is how it has been since then. Me watching as they pleased each other orally and manually for hours. It was torture and ... heaven ... at the same time.




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