My girlfriend is Sly and Manipulative



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I met my GF in college where we started talking and very quickly turned into us going out. She is a very submissive and innocent looking girl. So then I notice she's quite manipulative and sly about getting me to buy her things or to leave my class early to take her out or home etc.

I buy her nice things and she says she loves and me and we make out a lot. Then her best friend invited us out to go meet some of her friends, which we do. We go to a shopping centre where me meet her 2 guy friends. So it's the 5 of us. We hang out and it was warm so we sat in the park. Things were going normal until my GF said she was cold. Instead of asking me to warm her up, she asked one of the guys who's called Brennan for his jacket and he gives her it and cuddles her stroking her arm to warm her up right in front of me.

I was so confused by this but not angry. So I take her home like normal but noticed they we talking together a lot and smiling a lot. I know now something I didn't then, was that her best friend, Amy, messaged my GF later that day and asked if she thought Brennan was cute. And she said yeah, while still going out with me.

Her BFF gave her his number and they start texting each other, a lot. When I asked her about it at college she got really angry and defensive about it. But when I was quiet and her good little BF she was happy. Texting him right in front of me. Part of me even then liked it.

I went through her phone and saw he was calling her things like Princess and sending her lots of ??? I didn't get angry. Then one day I was taking her home from college and we got to the town next to where she lived, got off the bus and there he was. They were both surprised and happy to see each other and my GF turned to me and said she'd rather walk around with Brennan for a bit. So she left without me talking and laughing with him, without me. Leaving me to go home alone.

That's how it all started.

She'd text him more. 'Run into him more,' started asking me for more and getting it from me (Dresses, food). Then one day she went out with Amy, Brennan and the other guy from that day to the beach, but I wasnt invited. And I'd like to mention I'm still publicly her boyfriend. So doing this in front of her BFF drove me crazy, because she obviously knew. That's where they first made-out. Amy messaged me later saying they had their tongues down each others throats. And when I went through my GF's texts, she told Amy to send me that message.

The next time she told me herself on the phone. They spent the day out together, her and Brennan, and she was walking home so I called to see how she was doing and she told me she got kicked out of a store of making out in the back. When she said that I got the strangest feeling and then got hard to the thought of it. Hearing her say it herself made me so happy.

This continued for months, me letting her cheat on me with him. She even planned on not inviting me to her 18th and losing her virginity to him. But I fucked her before her birthday ha. Another time I was on my break at work in town and she was meeting him. We met up and had lunch together, he was just round the corner when she pushed me against the wall and stuck her tongue down my throat for about 20 second before seeing him and running off.

This all really happened and the there's more to tell, but I spoilt and continue to spoil her now. She was a bad girl then and still is. I love her so much, we both start Uni together in Sept. I'm 21 now and she's 20. Brennan and her broke up when he found out. It was only because someone saw us together after seeing them together and snitched.

Thank you.





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