Shared Her Early On
I have been on the blog reading many times and enjoy the posts. I have been a cuckold (not a wannabe) for over 10 years, during this time I have experienced many situations I hope others can enjoy. This is a true story about my ex-wife Libby. I had just been through one divorce and began hanging out with the old crowd again. We had a group of 7 guys and 4 girls that all got along great and did everything together. We spent a lot of time on the lake or just hanging out around a camp fire somewhere. Anyway there was a girl Libby that was a very close girlfriend of mine, we talked alot and she was always there when I was having a bad day.
John was my best buddy and we did everything together. As time would have it John, Libby and I would find ourselves alone at the lake some afternoons and we would do some good natured ass grabbing. We could get Libby to skinny dip with us sometimes and take outdoor showers with us. We would soap her up an she would pull our cocks a bit. After some time we talked her into giving BJ's. She gave me her first BJ and swallowed like a champ, John also got one. We had a great time and this went on for several months. We would joke around with her about giving us a little but she would always say she was not ready.
One afternoon late we were planning our usual lake outing and then came upon a bad storm. We decided to get a hotel room and hang out for the evening. When we got there John and Libby jumped in the shower, the shower was small so I laid on the bed. When they got out I took my shower. When I walked out I saw them making out on the bed. We had never made out with her even though we had kissed her a lot. They were really into it. Both nude and holding each other close. John had her lay on her back and he moved between her legs. He then took his cock and starting rubbing it up and down her crack. She was getting into it big time.
I remember it like it was yesterday when she looked him in the eye and told him to stick it in. He was gentle and slow as he inched it in. She would jump a little and then relax for him to give her more. It was one of the most erotic things I have even seen. After he got it in they screwed for about 15 minutes before John came. After they laid there a little while she got up and went to the bathroom. She had spotted the bed so we turned down the other bed. I was thinking I would get some too but she came back and laid down to relax. Later we both got BJ's and that was it for the night. As time went on Libby and I started dating as boyfriend and girlfriend and eventually got married. I would ask her if she ever regretted not giving me her cherry and she said she always wanted him to have it. Even after we started dating we contiuned our little 3 some. He would always go first then I would get seconds. This continued until 1 week before we got married and he was in our wedding. Now as a cuck I cherish being there for her first time and glad she gave it to him first. We divorced after 8 years and have remained close friends since.
During our marriage things were pretty normal for the first 4 or 5 years. During a party at our house one night I noticed Libby getting flirty with a friend of a friend, the body language was strong between them. I knew something was up or going to be up. The next Saturday she left the house to run a few errands and I had an idea something was up. I rode past his apartment and saw our car parked at the building across the street. When she got home I asked were she went and she told me she went to her mother's house. A few days later Brian (a long time friend who had brought this guy over) told me that Mac had told him she came over to his apartment and he screwed her. This shocked me because she had never lied to me before. I waited a few days and asked her again about where she had gone. Finally I told her what Brian had said. She started crying and admitted she had done it, she said he turned her on a lot and she lost control.
I asked her if she was going to see him again and she said no because his cock was smaller that mine (might be the first cukold statement ever made to me.) She asked me why we stopped doing it with John and I told her I thought after we got married she would not be interested in continuing. We talked more and decided if the opportunity came up again I would be OK if she saw someone if they would let me watch.
A few months went by and she was going out of town for work. She told me about a guy that flirted with her a lot and would she be interested in getting something going with him. She thought he would be OK with me being involved. She went on the trip and came back acting odd. She would tell me nothing about what went on. I noticed that she would leave for work wearing a bra but would come home without one. Her outfits became sexier and she would talk less. This went on for 2 years before I had enough and left, we ended up getting a divorce. We remained friends even during our separation, after the divorce was final she told me the truth. She screwed him 3 times on the business trip and had a ball. She said he was very thick and she was able to orgasm multiple times. On the trip home she told him about our wishes to have me watching her screw him. He went off on her and told her I was a sick SOB. She thought I would not be OK with her seeing him alone so she lied about them for the next 2 years. He was so possesive that he would get mad if she had sex with me.
I feel that if we had continued with John as we had when we were dating things would have been OK. Also if we would have talked more about her seeing her co-worker we might have worked through that too. One major thing that came out of it might have been another part of our discussion. She told me that John aways got her off before I screwed her and that she would fake orgasm with me when he was watching us. She said I was not thick enough to hit the spot to trigger her orgasm. She said that is why she continued seeing her coworker, he was also thick and able to make her cum. At the time I had no idea of what a cuckold was. I just knew I was different than most guys because I loved my wife to screw others.
I am not mad at her anymore and realize that she could not help herself due to her upbringing and how she had been treated most of her life. After the divorce she called me to meet one day and told me, while crying, that she was sorry for the way she treated me and almost did everything she did (behind my back) on purpose to sabotage our relationship because she couldn't handle being with a guy who treated her well. I still love her and am happy she is with someone new who is good to her.
I am also seeing someone new now who is into the fantasy of cuckolding but not the reality yet. If she decides to go ahead one day I'll write in too. Thanks for blogs like this that help us guys know we are not alone.
MP Cuck

Every evening laptops get turned on and the consumption of cuckold videos begins. Ravenous wives taken, cuckold husbands watching and stroking ...