How I Cheated on my Ex-Boyfriend
My ex-boyfriend Danny and I met during our freshman year of college. We started dating when we were sophomores and then shared an apartment together over the summer between our junior and senior years. We went to school in the LA San Fernando Valley though both of us were from out of state originally. Danny was a great boyfriend, very caring and supportive, and just a classic nice guy. I had a kind of wild relationship with another guy before I started dating him and Danny was a great change of pace.
When we moved in together between our junior and senior years, Danny had a summer job at a retail store but I was unemployed. One day while walking around at the mall, a lady came up to me, told me I was very attractive, and asked me if I was interested in modeling. This seems weird I know but apparently it's a thing that happens occasionally in our area. I had another friend who had the same experience as well. Anyways, I had been interested in modeling for a long time and I was also a bit bored with nothing to do over the summer. I thought this was probably a scam but I got the lady's business card and called her back later to schedule an audition.
The lady told me to dress normally in shorts and a tight fitting shirt for the audition and not to wear any makeup. I arrived at the business park where the modeling office was. It looked legitimate with a sign over the door and a receptionist at the front desk. I told the receptionist who I was and she told me to wait. There was another girl waiting in the office as well who was very pretty. The other girl was called into the office and I waited for twenty minutes before the door opened again and she left.
The receptionist then told me to go in. As I walked through the door, the lady who met me at the mall was there along with another man. They gave me some forms which I filled out and then handed back to them. The lady explained that they were a service that helped connect companies that needed models with available talent. She asked what type of modeling work I'd be interested in and I said anything. The lady explained that they primarily did fashion modeling for small businesses in the area. I told her that sounded great.
The man then brought out a camera and the lady told me that he was gonna take some photos of me for my profile. She said I could stop at any time if I was uncomfortable but she asked me to go along with his directions so they could get all the photos they needed. He asked me to stand up and they took several close-up pictures of the front and side of my face. Then he took photos of my entire body while I stood and posed in different positions that he requested. It went surprisingly quickly and the man was done with me after just a couple of minutes. The lady then explained that they'd be in touch and get back to me in the coming days if they thought there were any good opportunities for me. I thanked them and left.
Later that night, I told Danny about my audition and he was a bit perplexed. He thought it might be a scam too but I told him it didn't seem like it when I was there at least. He told me to be careful and I promised him I would.
The following morning, I got a call from the lady. She said she was sorry to spring something on me at the last second but there was a boutique clothing store that was looking for a model and they were having a few girls come through later that day as an audition. She said she thought I might be a good fit with my age and body type. She gave me the contact and address and I drove over to the store later that day. When I arrived, they let me in and there were five other girls already there. I felt a bit intimidated. They were all very beautiful.
The photographer then explained that they were looking for a model for some online advertisement as well as banners inside the store. They gave us some clothing to put on and left us to change in the back room. I felt awkward changing clothes in front of the other girls but I tried to follow their lead. The photographer then called out to us one by one and for the audition. I was called last. By the time I came out, it seemed like the photographer had already chosen another girl. He asked me to pose sitting on a chair and then leaning against a wall. He went very quickly though and he wasn't very encouraging or positive. He told me to leave. I changed back into my normal clothes and then left the store.
The next day, the lady called me and told me I didn't get the gig. She said it was normal and not to get down on myself. She said I'd do ten auditions for every gig I actually get. I thanked her and asked if they had any specific feedback on how I could do better next time. The lady just said that the photographer said I was too short.
Over the next few weeks, I did several more auditions but never got any jobs. Most of the opportunities were for small stores or websites. Danny was happy that everything seemed above the board and encouraged me to stay positive and keep trying. I was getting down on myself though. I really wanted to become a model but I felt like I wasn't very skilled with posing or working with photographers. And at all the auditions, there were a bunch of other girls who were just as pretty as me and typically younger too.
I went back to the modeling office one day but the lady was not there that day but I talked to the guy who took my profile pictures. I confided in him that I didn't think I had a good chance to get any of the fashion type gigs and I was feeling a bit depressed continually losing out to other girls. The man said it was a competitive field and not everyone makes it. I asked him if there were any other types of jobs that I could try. I think he felt bad for me and he gave me the contact of another photographer. He told me that I couldn't tell the lady that he had given me the contact but that the other photographer could help hook me up with some non-fashion jobs. I thanked him but he warned me that they'll be a lot different than the fashion jobs and often involve showing more skin. He asked if I was ok with that and I told him yes if it helps me break into modeling.
I called the other photographer and he invited me to his office. I had to sign some forms again and I asked him what types of jobs his girls typically got. He explained that he did more swimwear, lingerie, and adult adjacent websites. He asked if I was comfortable with that and I said yes. He gave me a two piece swimsuit which I put on behind a partition. He then took photos of me posing while standing, sitting, and lying on the floor. It was definitely a bit more provocative than I was used to but still seemed normal enough. The photographer was very nice and gave me a lot of direction to help me pose correctly.
I got a couple auditions the following week. For one I had to wear a bikini and pose outside. And for the other I was wearing various slutty halloween costumes and posing in front of a backdrop. I didn't get either jobs. One said my boobs weren't big enough and the other said they were looking for someone who could pass as a teenager. I was a bit deflated again. The photographer told me that I should keep trying but I worried that it would just be continual disappointment after disappointment. I was feeling less confident about my modeling dream and truth be told I didn't know if I even wanted to be a model anymore. I enjoyed the process of dressing up and posing and having photos taken. Everything before and after that sucked though.
I looked online and found another few couple places that might help me get a job. I emailed all of them but only one emailed me back. The guy said he was an agent for amateur models and that there were companies that explicitly wanted non-professional models for some of their work. It seemed like a potential option so I agreed to meet him. The first red flag was that he invited me to his house though and not an office. It was a really nice house though. When I got there, he greeted me and led me inside. Again, I had to fill out paperwork and he took some photos of me holding up my school ID and driver's license to my face.
He told me that he helped girls like me get jobs but that they may be a bit racier than I'm used to. I asked what he meant and he said a lot of the jobs included nudity. I was a bit uncomfortable with that but he said they paid very well and you could typically book a gig and do it on the same day. He asked if I was ok to move forward and I said yes.
He had one camera taking video on a tripod behind him and he used a camera as well to take photographs of me. I posed in my clothes for several minutes before he asked me to remove my shirt and pants and pose in my underwear. I did so and continued to pose for him as he took photos from all different angles. He then asked me to remove my bra and I hesitated a bit. He got mad and explained that my ability to get a job will depend directly on how much he likes me and how well I follow a photographer's directions. I removed my bra and let it fall to the floor. I felt slutty but also turned on. He took some more photos and then told me to remove my panties. I obeyed quickly and he told me I was a good girl. I was now standing completely naked in front of a complete stranger. He took more photos before directing me to pose in more suggestive positions with my legs spread or on my knees or bent over with my butt out. I felt like a complete slut. He even took close up photos of my nipples, pussy, and asshole.
He eventually stopped taking photos and told me to sit on a stool. I asked if I could get dressed and he told me no. I felt awkward sitting there completely naked. He hooked up his camera to his laptop and said he was gonna review the photos and see if he needed anything else. He then called me over to the table and told me to look at my photos. I walked over still naked and he turned his laptop to me. He scrolled through the photos and I slowly watched myself strip off my clothing and then show off my body in increasingly suggestive positions. I was kind of turned on watching myself though. It was weird and hard to explain but it just was hot to see myself like that.
The photographer told me the photos were alright but said he was disappointed that I didn't follow his directions the entire time. He said if I paused like that in a real shoot that I'd be fired on the spot. I told him I was sorry and just inexperienced. He then reminded me that his recommendation was key to getting jobs so I should make sure to keep him happy. I nodded my head. He then asked, "Are you gonna keep me happy?". I said yes definitely. I was probably too naive and missed his insinuation. He told me to go back in front of the table and I did. He walked over to me and asked if I'd be comfortable posing alongside other male talent. The photographer said good and told me he'd stand in as the male talent and we'd do a test. If I passed the test, I'd have a real job by the end of the week.
He held his camera and told me that he was gonna touch me with his hands. I told him ok. He reached out and put his hand on my face, rubbing my cheek. He took photos and his hand slipped down and he was eventually groping my boob. He told me to look like I was turned on and embarrassingly I blurted out that I was turned on. He said good and continued to touch me. He fondled both my boobs, grabbed my ass, and then had me spread my legs slightly so he could touch my pussy. I was soaking wet and felt so used and slutty.
He told me to sit on the stool and touch myself. I followed his directions and started to rub my pussy with legs spread wide. He then put his camera down and picked up the video camera from the tripod. He carried it over and went close up on my pussy and inserted two fingers inside. He called me a good girl and I was close to cumming already. He asked if I knew what to do next and I nodded my head. I then got down on my knees and he unzipped his pants. I reached up, grabbed his cock, and took it into my mouth. He held the camera looking down on me and capturing every moment. I rubbed my pussy as I sucked on his dick. I felt like such a whore. He grabbed my head and made me take him deep into my mouth. Eventually he told me was going to cum and asked me if I wanted his cum. I just moaned as his cock was still in my mouth. And seconds later, he came and filled my mouth with cum while telling me not to swallow. After he was finished, he pulled his dick out and then told me to show him the cum. I opened my mouth and showed him and the camera. He then called me a good girl again and told me to swallow it. I did with a big gulp and he said I could get dressed.
I didn't tell Danny about what I did. I felt bad but also excited and turned on. It wasn't that our sex life was bad or anything, just maybe plain and routine. This experience with the photographer was humiliating but I couldn't stop thinking about and recounting the experiences in my head while masturbating more.
A few days later, the photographer called me and asked me to come back to his house. He said there were no jobs yet but he had a guy who was potentially interested in me. I arrived there later that day and the photographer and an older man were watching the video of my previous audition on their big screen TV. They were at the point where the photographer was just starting to fondle my body. They asked me to sit on the couch with them and I did. We watched for several minutes until we got to the point where I was masturbating on the stool. The older man asked if I enjoyed making the video and I said yes somewhat submissively. He then said I didn't have to be so shy and motioned me over to sit on his lap. I got up, sat on his lap, and could immediately feel his cock through his pants. He pulled me back and I said against his chest and we continued to watch together. He began to touch my side and then my leg. I arched my back a bit and ground my ass against this cock. He reached up and put his hand on my chin, turning my face to his. He then leaned in, kissed, and stuck his tongue into my mouth. I reciprocated and was now making out with a complete stranger who was as old as my dad.
The photographer left the couch and got the video camera. He began to film as I kissed the old man and he fondled my boobs. My previous video was still playing on the TV and it was at the point where I just began to suck the photographer's cock. I got off the man and he pulled his pants down in front of me while remaining seated. I got on my knees and started sucking him as he watched the video of me sucking the photographer. The video eventually ended and the old man stood up. He grabbed my hair, pulled my head back, and jerked his cock onto my face. Without prompting, I begged him for his cum and he erupted onto my face and hair and shirt. After he stopped cumming, I took his cock back into my mouth and cleaned him off. I did that for Danny once and he loved it but I felt like such a whore doing it this time.
The photographer got video of me with cum all over my face and then told me to clean up in the bathroom. I did so and the old man was gone by the time I returned. I asked the photographer if the old man was the guy who was interested in hiring me. He said no and explained it was just his neighbor. I felt so degraded having just given a blowjob to a random guy for no reason. He said I should leave but he'd call me back later when he had more news.
At that point, I knew there were no gigs and it was all a ruse to just get me naked and use me. I liked it though and continued to roleplay that I was an aspiring model looking for her first gig. Throughout the rest of the summer, I met the photographer several more times. I sucked him, his old neighbor, and a couple of his other buddies when they were around. The photographer kept my pussy to himself though and was the only one of them to eventually fuck me. I never told Danny and our sex life went on life support during this time period. I just didn't get aroused by Danny anymore but I told him I was just depressed from my failing modeling career. He was understanding though and still supported me the entire time.
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Every evening laptops get turned on and the consumption of cuckold videos begins. Ravenous wives taken, cuckold husbands watching and stroking ...