Sex with My Brother in Law


Getting Paid? - My husband is the one who introduced me to having sex with other men. It took only a few days for me to be fully into it. It wasn't a typical start though. I actually started out dancing in wet T-shirt and amateur strip contests while on vacation for some fun and to make hubby happy and won a little money there, had a good time and kept doing it, just occasionally. Then got to talking to a friend at work (female, about 5 years younger) who had been a professional stripper for awhile. Eventually we started a sideline business, hiring out to waitresses, dance, do strip-o-grams, etc. for one-time events. Still it was just look, don't touch.

We did that for about 2 years, until she got married and became "proper" (I was already married, and hubby was my biggest fan!). A short time later, during vacation in Hawaii, I spontaneously fucked my BIL on the beach early one morning, which led to a 2-year sexual relationship with him. Hubby was ecstatic! He watched every encounter and I loved blowing him kisses while riding his brother's cock. BIL was an entrepreneur and well aware of my "show business" history, so he talked me into doing a series of 6 live sex shows, by invitation, in which the 2 of us basically fucked in front of a paying audience. So I was having sex for money, but the audience was just paying to watch the 2 of us have sex. Until the 5th show!

We changed the routine and charged a higher admission fee. This time, BIL and I put on a little "doctor" skit, and the end of which he gave me the "treatment" by seating me, nude and blindfolded, on a special chair with a Jetaime sex machine attached, and the machine fucked me for a few minutes. Then for the next phase of the "treatment," my BIL and husband had chosen some audience volunteers and equipped them with condoms. I stayed in the chair, blindfolded (I could see through the blindfold and had final approval on whatever happened) and six guys, in succession, fucked me while I responded appropriately! The first was my hubby, the last my BIL, and to my surprise, I found that I knew the other 4, to one degree or another from the resorts we stayed at.

Afterward my BIL handed me an extra $100 and told me he had charged the "volunteers" double! So I was a prostitute for a night as well as a live porn star! And for the most part, I enjoyed it! It was a tremendous rush for me, having all those hard guys lined up, each to take over where the previous one left off! So I suggested we do it again, and a couple weeks later we did! This time it was 8 guys, in a "rodeo" contest to see who could "stay up" longest! Yes, I was sore, but I was happy! And the winner got a free ride, either that night or at a later date.

The winner was one of the guys who had participated in the earlier event, who was quite determined to win another ride - the brother of the woman I'd done the "dancer-for-hire" events with. He'd been along several times as our bouncer and bodyguard, just to make sure things didn't get out of hand, but he'd never shown any real interest in me. Anyway, he got his free ride, and about half a dozen more over the next few months! So I returned to amateur status, and now just fuck my BIL every Saturday night while hubby watches and sometimes helps out. Here are pictures of me now. When I did my wet t-shirt contests I was a good five years younger and firmer too.

Anna C


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