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    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Wednesday, November 27th, 2024

    Pretending my Wife & I are Strangers!


    Last night my I and I had a date night and decided to hit up a casino bar after dinner. We thought it would be funny if she went in first and I came in later and we pretended to be strangers. Then I would try to pick her up.

    She loved the idea because a similar thing happened on the show Modern Family with hilarious results. I came in after ten minutes and saw she was sitting alone but near two good looking guys at the corner of the bar.

    We played along and got to know our alter egos and it was hilarious and fun. At one point she whispered to me that I almost left her too long. She could hear the two guys nearby discussing going over to talk to her and that she was smoking hot. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, November 24th, 2024

    My Girlfriend called me a Good Boy!


    This happened this Friday night between my best friend and girlfriend. I enjoyed seeing those actions unfold, even though I felt some shame.

    I was in the kitchen, fetching three beers from the fridge, one for me, one for my girlfriend of three months, Jessica, and one for my long-time pal, Ryan. When I made my way into the living room of my cozy apartment, I looked at Jessica, lying across the sofa, relaxed.

    Ryan, my friend since high school, sitting on the couch across from Jessica, hadn't met my girlfriend before tonight. He talked to her in a hushed tone about something. He had a muscular body and stood at a little over six feet tall. I preferred talking to him sitting down because at my five-foot nine height, my neck would strain looking up at him. You could easily tell he was a big guy, even with the baggy football shirt, and work pants he had on. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

    GF Messaged a Guy on a Work Trip!


    A bit of context: my girlfriend whom I will refer to as C, and I had been very busy and hadn't had the time or energy to have sex for about 10 days leading up to C's work trip. She would be in a different city for 3 days, where she would know no one but the coworkers she was going with. We hadn't planned anything to happen during the trip, so I wasn't expecting anything spicy to happen.

    The first night she was there, not much happened. She went to bed early after a day of work and travel. The following day, however, things were a little more interesting. She had some work duties earlier in the day, but most of the evening was free, aside from drinks arranged for C and her visiting coworkers. The drinks started early, and the bar was open. ... READ THE REST HERE

    Need a Mistress?

    Sunday, November 17th, 2024

    My Friend needed a Place to Crash!


    This is an experience I feel is so worthy to share, as every time I think about it, I feel my heart racing and my dick starts getting hard no matter where I am.

    This happened a couple weeks ago when a friend of mine called me saying he needed a place to crash for the night. It was a friend from back home and I rarely see him. The last time was probably five years ago. Other than the occasional COD game, or a discord call, we barely talked. Yet it was the type of friendship that if I needed his help he would be there and it was my turn to show the same love. So when Jack called me, I immediately said sure and sent him my address. Thing is I live in a one bedroom apartment with my fiancee, Valerie. Not that space was an issue but it requires some warning but I didn't mind. I was coming back from work when he called me and during the commute I basically forgot about it which as stupid as it sounds, it's the perfect way to describe me - very forgetful. I got back and spent the next couple hours with Valerie as we got comfy. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

    My Intoxicating Relationship with a Cheating GF!


    My first girlfriend, after my 17 year marriage ended, was in her late 30s, divorced, with two kids. I met her in a bar - she was kind of tipsy but attractive and we kissed and exchanged numbers. We talked a lot while I was on a work trip, and she admitted that she was kind of a slut. I told her about my cuckold desires and how her being a slut excited me, so she was super interested.

    We started dating, and there were a lot of red flags. She had a DUI with an interlock on her car, and drank a lot (she would have her teen son blow in it for her to go to work). She was pretty much a mess, but I was so drawn into her sluttiness and felt no control. She also told me about her ex-husband who was this macho guy and abusive to her. He divorced her because she was a drunk and a whore and he couldn't control her. ... READ THE REST HERE

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    Sunday, November 10th, 2024

    My Prim & Proper Wife got Comfortable with other Men!


    100% true story. My wife and I, Rachel, are in our mid 50's. We are a professional couple who nobody would ever dream has a wild sex life. I have shared her with 9 or 10 guys over the years, most of it started when we were in our 40's. We've been married 30 years and the sex has always been great. She's 5'4", 125lbs, 34c, blue eyes and very pretty. She's very faithful and was quite reluctant to be shared but after years of convincing, dirty talk, stories and toys she finally gave in. I'm not a cuck per se, I get off on seducing my shy wife into being shared and watching her. It's surreal seeing your prim and proper wife having sex with a stranger.

    We tried it a couple times with my best friend but there wasn't much attraction to him by her so it wasn't that great. She's multi orgasmic and loves sex, especially sucking cock, so after a few drinks and once things got started she thoroughly enjoys it. She only fucked one other guy before me, her high school boyfriend, and she said that only happened a handful of times. She's also pretty insecure despite my best efforts to convince her otherwise. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, November 6th, 2024

    Long Distance Relationship increased her Body Count!


    For context, me and my girlfriend have been together since college. We are now long distance but in the same country as we both go to university, but we've been together for about five years.

    I told my girlfriend about wanting to be cucked around a year ago, she was reluctant at first and wanted to wait a while to figure out if she wanted to do it, and if so, the rules that we should have in place.

    After a week or two, she told me she was fine with it, but it would be a rare occasion and she'd always use condoms and didn't want to give blowjobs or kiss any of the guys she slept with. Around a week later she had invited a guy from a dating site to come fuck her, we were long distance at this point and still are, and I was at work while this was all meant to happen. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, November 3rd, 2024

    My Girlfriend Modelled for my best Friend!


    Last year Aaron, a friend of mine opened an online store where he would mostly sell women's clothing. His family was in that industry but they didn't have an online presence so Aaron tried it out. As he would sell mostly clothes for women he was in search of some girl who would do the modelling part. They would have to wear the clothes so that he could do the photo shooting. He didn't have a lot of money at that point so he couldn't really afford to pay real models so one day he asked me and my girlfriend Jessica if she would be interested in helping him out.

    He told us he didn't had much to offer but he would pay her that little he had if she was ok with it. Now Jessica has a great body. Nice boobs and a round butt. She was never the photo shooting kind of girl but the idea seemed very interesting and I also thought it would be cool. She decided to help Aaron out and in the next days she would spend a couple of hours after work at his small studio where he would take pictures of her. ... READ THE REST HERE


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    I spend alot of time online chatting with and then meeting other men

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