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    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Sunday, July 30, 2023

    My Friend Finished in her Ass


    Two Fridays ago my girlfriend and I had one of my buddies over. We all started drinking and after a while she said she had to use the bathroom. I told her she could only use the bathroom if she took her top off.

    She agreed and went to the bathroom. After a lot more drinking she had to go to the bathroom again, this time I said she would have to get naked before I would allow her to go. She reluctantly agreed, and it was at that point that I knew the evening was going to take a rather fortunate turn.

    When she came back I would not let her put her clothes back on until she let my friend feel her up, she crawled over to him on her hands and knees, and sat on his lap. He started playing with her breasts and tickling her stomach, until finally he began to rub her clitoris. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, July 26, 2023

    I Allowed my Wife one Anonymous Fuck


    As with some of the stories posted here these events recently took place in our lives. We wanted to share it with somebody so here's what happen: Enjoy.

    My Wife, "Mary" and I "Jim" have been together for over 12 years. We have no kids and lead a very hectic work schedule 5 days a week. Because of her work and my travels for work, we only have time for each other on the weekends for the most part and with that in mind, we try to get in a quick fuck each week to keep us both satisfied until we can plan a few days alone.

    This happens about once every month and a half or when "Mary" is really horny and we have a lengthy lovemaking session. With her being so petite, I call her my "little spinner" as once she's impaled on my cock it's very easy for us to end up in a multiple positions, without her hot tight box letting go. Her favorite position is between my legs, with ass in the air, her vibrator on her clit while she's sucking and teasing with her mouth and breast... ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, July 23, 2023

    My Wife ended up in my Friend's Backseat


    The pictures we are including are from a fun night in a hotel out of the state.

    I wanted to share something that happened last fall with Trixie. We had folks over for a Halloween costume party and had quite a crowd. Trixie had been flirting with one of our friends, who Ill call "G" , via text pretty much all day.

    Of course he knew I knew they were texting and he knew I was ok with it. As crazy as it sounds to some I get a kick out of her flirting or sexting a guy. He was supposed to come to the party but he said he would be late as he had a date. I'm guessing it was around midnight or after when he finally showed up and just a few people were still there.

    We all sat around cutting up and drinking a bit more for a little while longer. "G" stuck around and was in the kitchen as the last of the people left. We had a few friends that were crashing at the house and had already gone to bed. I was watching him give her looks the whole time he was there and it was quite a turn on. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, July 19, 2023

    Feeling Helpless Listening to my Wife Orgasm


    Spring last year my wife Sally & I spent 10 days holidaying in Denmark; a farmhouse holiday, this being a smallholding owned by a middle aged couple who had, amongst numerous animals, a Golden Retriever 'bitch' (this is not about dogs).

    Neither of the 2 could speak any English, & she was trying to tell us something, but which we could not understand.

    On our very first day, in walked this young blond guy with his Golden Retriever male dog; tall, handsome & charming was he, & I sensed that Sally on seeing him sort of took a 'double take'!

    We reckon it was obvious what was about to happen. The lady told this blond guy Niels something, & which he translated for us; but we already sussed it out---the dogs began copulating there & then on the patio! ... READ THE REST HERE

    They will Cuck You!

    Sunday, July 16, 2023

    My Wife Insisted on a New Relationship


    My wife Donna & I were married young - and both came to marriage having only having sex with each other. That meant she didn't know that a 4 1/2 inch cock was small and I didn't know something that small didn't satisfy very well.

    After a couple of years, my wife came home one day and announced that she loved me very much, but she had discovered that sex with me was nothing to her. She announced she wanted to stay married, but she would no longer fuck me. I could eat her, I could masturbate when she said it was OK. Also, I could watch when she decided to have a "real man." She said if that wasn't OK, then I needed to pack up and get out. She would be sad, but she'd get over it. I was absolutely stunned. I had no advance warning (although the frequency of sex had diminished over the time we had been married).

    With tears in my eyes, I said, "Your happiness is the most important thing to me because I love you, too. I accept your conditions to stay." ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, July 12, 2023

    I was Inadequate for Her


    I met Nicole through a kickball league. She was quiet, though friendly with me and with an amazing ass that I couldn’t stay away from. Eventually I asked her out and she agreed.

    A few drinks in and the conversation quickly turned sexual. A couple of stories in and she outright told me that she is a size queen.

    "How big are you?" she asked.

    Rather than admit that I'm inadequate below the belt, I said, "You'll have to wait and see."

    The date goes well enough that I actually get a second. Nicole wanted to get drinks and go dancing. ... READ THE REST HERE

    They will Cuck You!

    Sunday, July 09, 2023

    Reclaiming her Afterwards


    My wife and I married about 8 years ago. I was her first and only man. Some time back we started exploring our fantasies a bit more and after a long discussion about how she wanted to try someone new just to see what it was like, I relented and said she could.

    I admit I was a bit nervous and unsure about it all but our relationship was very strong so I just agreed to a one off experiment.

    The only conditions I put on her fucking someone else is that I would there when she did it and that she had to find someone who would keep quiet after it was done.

    She decided on a guy she had known from her university days and set the whole thing up. On the alloted day just before he came over to our house I hid myself in the cupboard so I could watch. I know that sounds a bit silly but I needed a visual on what was happening at all times otherwise I would have gone insane not knowing what they were up to. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, July 05, 2023

    Sex at Wife's 20 Year Reunion


    Last week was my wife's 20 year reunion. She is in great shape still, but was so worried about looking good for her reunion that she worked very hard at the gym the last few months. She also got her hair done, her eyebrows, and even shaved her pussy really nice and tight.

    She was so nervous that she down a drink pretty quick.

    We met lots of people and I stood by a little awkwardly for a while until she introduced me to an old boyfriend who was there without his wife.

    He was cool and we got along and just had a few beers. As the thing wrapped up, I invited him to our room upstairs. He was also staying in the hotel and came up.

    I started joking that my wife had been doing all this stuff to make herself look good for the reunion and mentioned that she had shaved her pussy. She acted embarrassed but played along. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, July 02, 2023

    She made me ask other Men to Fuck Her


    When I was 23, my girlfriend, now wife of 15 years, went on vacation to an island where there was a nude beach. Since we were only recently out of college and didn't have much money, we stayed with a friend of mine who was renting a house with four roommates.

    I was very trilled that she was my girlfriend because she was very attractive and all the guys liked her and looked when she passed by. So while we were there, I wanted to show her off at the nude beach and wanted her to go there with me and my friend.

    Since I was concerned that she would be uncomfortable being nude with my friend we went one day while he was at work. She didn't have any problems being nude around strangers and I asked her if she would be okay nude with my friend.

    She said that it would probably be okay and if not she would cover up in her towel. ... READ THE REST HERE


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