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    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Wednesday, August 31, 2022

    My Wife and my Brother-in-Law


    We recently spent a family weekend at my in-laws. My wife's sisters were there with their husbands and kids. I don't know why - maybe because we are all so close in age, or sibling rivalries, they all flirt heavily with each other's spouses. Many times, right in front of their own spouses.

    We had all finished diner, the kids were in bed upstairs, my mother and father in law were off yelling at each other somewhere, and my sister in law Beth was downstairs doing laundry.

    Beth's husband Tom was in the TV room reading a book on the sofa, which is in the back of the room.

    My wife was doing dishes and I thought I would take advantage of no one paying attention. I came up behind her and started to kiss her neck and ears, and rubbing her breasts. She leaned back into me and I slid my hand down the front of her jeans and started to play with her pussy. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, August 28, 2022

    How I Cheated on my Ex-Boyfriend


    My ex-boyfriend Danny and I met during our freshman year of college. We started dating when we were sophomores and then shared an apartment together over the summer between our junior and senior years. We went to school in the LA San Fernando Valley though both of us were from out of state originally. Danny was a great boyfriend, very caring and supportive, and just a classic nice guy. I had a kind of wild relationship with another guy before I started dating him and Danny was a great change of pace.

    When we moved in together between our junior and senior years, Danny had a summer job at a retail store but I was unemployed. One day while walking around at the mall, a lady came up to me, told me I was very attractive, and asked me if I was interested in modeling. This seems weird I know but apparently it's a thing that happens occasionally in our area. I had another friend who had the same experience as well. Anyways, I had been interested in modeling for a long time and I was also a bit bored with nothing to do over the summer. I thought this was probably a scam but I got the lady's business card and called her back later to schedule an audition. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, August 24, 2022

    How I became a Cuckold in College


    I first met my girlfriend Nicole while we were sophomores in high school. We lived just a couple blocks away from each other but I went to public school and she went to an all girls private religious school. I asked her out when I saw her at the movies one day and we've been dating continuously since then. Among my friends at my school, it was a common joke to question my girlfriend's existence since she went to a different school.

    Over time though, most of my friends met Nicole at various outings and she was able to prove her existence to them. Those who met her though questioned how I came to date such a beautiful girl. I wasn't a slouch but Nicole definitely turned heads wherever she went. I tried to take it as a compliment but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have doubts too. We had a great relationship though and spoke on the phone every day that we didn't see each other in person.

    By the end of our senior years, both Nicole and I were still virgins. We had discussed having sex several times but Nicole was more religious and generally cautious about losing her virginity. It wasn't that she was waiting for marriage. It's just that she wanted to make sure it happened in the right way and at the right time for her. As an adolescent boy, I of course wanted to ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, August 21, 2022

    My Accidental Cuckold Story


    This is a story about how I somewhat accidentally became a cuckold. After graduating college, I was single and really into the fantasy of becoming a cuckold. Over time, I collected several items that I used by myself to get a taste of the lifestyle. Those items included a realistic 8'' dildo, a butt plug, a metal chastity cage, and a variety of panties. The dildo I used just as a reference of a cock that was much larger than my own. I wore the butt plug occasionally just because it made me feel submissive. I used the chastity cage a lot and would typically wear it for a full week to prevent myself from masturbating so often. And I wore the panties as well, sometimes in conjunction with both the butt plug and the chastity cage to really humiliate myself. There were a few times where I even wore them secretly under my normal clothes as I walked around in public.

    I used the toys a lot when I first got them and slowly less and less over time. Eventually when moving to a new apartment, I packed up the toys and panties in a shoe box and didn't open the shoe box again for over. a year. It was during this time that I met Amanda. She was a beautiful girl with a curvy body, big boobs, and a quirky personality. We dated regularly for a few months and she ... READ THE REST HERE

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    Wednesday, August 17, 2022

    How my Girlfriend became my Hotwife


    Hey. First time, long time. Hesitant to share my story at first but thought it might be an inspiration to some others. Five years ago, I was legitimately a guy who just fantasized about being a cuckold but had no hopes of actually becoming one. And today, I'm a very happy cuckold with an incredible hotwife girlfriend. I wanted to tell the story about how my girlfriend transformed over time and made my cuckold dream come true.

    So my girlfriend's name is Anna. We first met in college but only started dating a couple years after we both graduated. Anna was definitely a bit shy and insecure. She did theatre in school and could break out of her shell when performing in a play. Otherwise in normal life though, she was quite reserved. I always had a bit of a crush on her and was surprised when she accepted my offer for a date.

    Fast forward a few months, we were a couple and Anna had moved into my apartment. We had a great, loving relationship. The sex life though, if I have to be honest, was a bit of a mixed bag. And the problems were entirely on my side. Whenever we had sex, I'd either cum almost immediately in less than a minute or I'd never be able to cum even after 30+ minutes. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, August 14, 2022

    Cheating on me was part of the Turn on for Her


    This is about myself and my younger girlfriend Laura. I was divorced after 18 years of marriage and two great kids and was just looking to have fun and regroup. I meet her on a personals site on the internet. Sending pictures or vids was slow and difficult for some reason, so writing and sending text was the quickest and easiest way to communicate. I visited that personals site often for entertainment more than anything, it turns out Laura was the only person I ever met from an internet site.

    The ads were the typical crazy shit; I would wonder for hours what the fuck were these people thinking? They ranged from can I come over and trim your private hairs to how do you feel about a good spanking? One night an ad caught my attention and I responded. The message read something to the effect of, "Wanted, mature, educated, fun guy to talk to, tired of stupid boys with nothing to say and even less of an understanding of my thoughts, feelings and desires." ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, August 10, 2022

    Wife's Job with Benefits


    I am a business owner who spends half his time at my home office and the other half at my regular downtown office. I put a post online for a sexy personal assistant/housekeeper with benefits to work at my home office. I needed help with cleaning and chores around the house, I needed help with admin duties w/ my business, and I am always horny and want to fuck. In short, the post read that I need an assistant/housekeeper who will wear only lingerie....or less while working, and take care of my "personal needs" whenever I need her to as well.

    The lady I ended up hiring (after interviewing....and fucking 5 applicants) is a 24 year woman who is married and has a kid. Other than being an expert cocksucker, she is suprisingly well qualified.

    Her husband is fully aware of the job and all that it includes. She told me this and I asked her what he thought of it. She told me that he was fired from his job b/c he was caught jacking off at his desk while looking at porn on the computer. That was 6 months ago and he hasn't found a new job yet. ... READ THE REST HERE

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    Sunday, August 07, 2022

    I Found her Secret Email


    Recently I just figured out the pass to my girlfriend's old email ... wow. I know I shouldn't be doing it, snooping, but I still try finding out little things about her just for fun that I feel she won't tell me.

    This story you are about to read was sent by her to herself. Presumably to re-read when time had passed. I found it in her email box. She never sent this story to me although I did know this happened. This is 100% true and copied and pasted from her email. She told me pretty much the exact same story but missing a few key details which drove me wild even today:

    1. She told me she squirted a little bit, not all over the place uncontrollably. I knew she could squirt but this sounds like she squirted even more with him than she did with me.

    2. That it was the best sex she's ever had. She did say it was great though but not best ever.

    3. That they barebacked! I really suspected this but she wouldn't admit to it. She said he brought a condom but I didn't find any evidence of this in the garbage so I kind of knew. She lied though.

    It's really hot for me to read this, I hope you like it: ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, August 03, 2022

    How I started along the Path to Cuckolding


    For a long time now I've been obsessed with having my partner have sex with someone else. She wasn't interested when I tried to discuss it so I tried to arrange for her to be seduced. Three attempts later and nothing happened so I gave up. Then this year in Spain a mixture of alcohol and the adventure of being away had her perform beyond my wildest dreams. We took our holidays in a little village in Spain but we really missed the beach. So one particular day we drove to a resort. It was beautiful and we had a really nice day, excellent lunch and nice time on the beach.

    My wife Jay asked if we could stay there for dinner. That meant I'd have to drive so couldn't drink, but I didn't mind as it was my turn to drive. Jay had no change of clothes other than a clean pair of knickers so she changed in the loos of a restaurant, putting her swimsuit in a bag which I took back to the car, which was parked miles away. So Jay only had her red dress which ... READ THE REST HERE

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