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    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Wednesday, April 27, 2022

    Separate Bedrooms


    Hi. We are a couple from Norway. Me and my wife has been reading the stories here for several years. This is our first story shared and it's about how we started involving an extra man in our bedroom. Would love comments.

    My wife and I have reached the age of 50 and 55. I am the oldest.

    All the kids have moved out and the first couple of grandchildren have appeared.

    My wife has probably started to notice hormonal changes that are natural and do not sleep very well anymore. And I probably snore a little, which is enough for her to have restless nights.

    We have a large house and I quickly moved into a room downstairs. Felt probably a little thrown out of the bedroom at first.

    Eventually it became a habit and we have been in each of our rooms for almost a year. And then something else happened. Old fantasies flared up again, not only with me, but with her it should also show.

    I dreamed more and more at night, woke up horny and restless in my body and it was always the same thing that came back - that my wife had sex with another man while I watched. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, April 24, 2022

    Wife with the Contractor


    I was at work at morning when the wife called and said that the contractor had showed up and that he kept flirting with her. I told her to start back.

    A while later she called me and said that he was about halfway through with the job. I asked her if he was still flirting, and she said yes, A lot. I said I hope you have flirted back and she said yes that she had bent over a few times and make sure he saw her do it.

    I told her to keep it up call me if anything more happens, about 20 minutes later she called me and said you had better not be mad at me, I was in the kitchen and he came in and asked for some water. Instead of getting the glasses from the top shelf I bent over and grabbed some plastic cups from the the bottom shelf, that's when he made a comment about me having a nice ass and pretty pink panties.

    I stood up and smiled and said thank you, that's when he walked up to me and pulled me to him and started kissing me, he reached around and squeeze my butt as he was doing it. I kissed him for a minute and then she had broke II kissed him for a minute and eventually I broke it off. ... READ THE REST HERE

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    Wednesday, April 20, 2022

    Watching and then Joining


    I'm a bit of a writer and my husband loves it whenh I tell the stories so hope you like my style and bear with me! I opened the bottle of wine while I watched my phone's screen intently. Somehow I managed not to spill too much outside of the glass as I poured. On the screen was my husband and soon someone would be joining him.

    We had began this current process in an attempt to find a suitable man for us to play with from time to time. Our first of such had moved on and replacing him had proven to be extremely difficult to say the least. I do not like to feel obligated to be with someone I've only just met. Several times the guy has seemed like the right one only to meet in person and there was just no spark, no compatibility.

    As I reflected on everything that had gone wrong in our quest I saw another figure enter the screen in my hand. First impressions were good. He was good looking, seemed fit and he had a confidence about him as well. I listened to them chat for a minute then my husband led him downstairs to our media/play room. I switched cameras and watched as they entered. They both sat down on the couch and because the camera was directly on top of the TV it appeared as if they were looking right at me. ... READ THE REST HERE

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    Sunday, April 17, 2022

    Watching my Wife through the Window


    My wife had never let me watch her with her lover. They had started behind my back but I had discovered her affair and we had come to an understanding about it that left me on the outside. She never told him that I knew. She would tell me in advance if they were going to be at our house, or call me at work, and I was supposed to stay away from the house until she called. I had never violated that rule except to drive by the house one time to see his car parked in the driveway and which resulted in a huge lump in my throat from the realization of what they were doing.

    This time, she was planning on going to our house with him after a late afternoon meeting they were at that was not far from our neighborhood. It was around 4:30 when she called me at work and said they were there and he was in the living room having a drink. She would call me when he had left and I could come home then. I was through with work so I had to either sit around, or go to a bar, and I ended up at a bar not very far from our house.

    After a couple of beers, I started imagining what they were doing and had to know so I left and headed for home, not sure what I would do. I drove by and both of their cars were there so I kept going up the street until I could turn around. I parked up the street from the house and sat in the car for awhile. It was late Fall and almost dark, and I could see lights on in the house but the blinds were closed. Our house is on a wooded lot and has some large evergreen trees in the front, so I snuck between them and now I was only about 20 feet from the living room windows. I couldn’t see in but could see shadows moving on the blinds so they hadn’t gone into the bedroom so I waited. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, April 13, 2022

    Wife had Sex with a Jerk


    I love this space and I cum often lol. Anyway, I am not by any means a victim of a small penis. My dick is close to 7 1/2 inches, But I began having fantasies of my beautiful wife having sex with other men. It was odd cause at the same time I'm extremely jealous. We have been together since high school and she is now 32 and I'm 34.

    Anyway I am in decent shape at 6'1 220 IBS I work out often as I am a independent professional wrestler. So I really am the opposite of what most people think of a cuckold husband but it turns me on to no end to think of her with another guy. Well I can't remember exactly when I became instilled by the idea of her with another guy but it lurked up on me a lot.

    We have had MANY an encounter with other women as she is bi and it has been fantastic. Also once we had a orgy of sorts with her best friend and her boyfriend, but he never touched her and I never touched her best friend.

    Well let me quit boring with the back story. I had a buddy of mine over who my wife has a bit of a detest for, she thinks he is an arrogant and cocky asshole but he is a bit of a pretty boy and I could tell that she was attracted to him even though she thought he was an ass. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, April 10, 2022

    My Sex Addict Wife Dominated Me


    This last post on the blog reminded me very much of my own wife. Our story is a bit diferent though. Really, I didn't see it coming. There was no sign of it leading up to our wedding day. And ended up marrying a demanding controlling, sex addict, bitch of a woman.

    Early on it started. Whenever I didn't feel like sex she'd cut me off for a month. Finally she'd give in but she always managed to get my face between her legs lapping away like a dog for an hour. Sometimes she'd fuck me but just as often not.

    That's when she began saying and doing things, humiliating things like 'you're dick is so cute' when she was playing with it. Or suddenly ramming her middle finger up my ass.

    Once when she knew I was super horny she teased and prodded me into licking her ass. After that she was always coming up with ways to get her ass in my face. Now and then I like it but it soon became part of our pattern. So much so that her idea of a quickie became bending over with her pants down and having me tongue fuck her asshole while she masterbated her way to an orgasm. This happened in the car on the side of the road a couple of times and another time in a gas station restroom. She became very demanding about it. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, April 06, 2022

    She just wants Hung Men


    To start this blog submision off I should tell you all that my wife and I have been together since senior year of high school. We lived in a small town with a small school. 400 kids in all of the high school. There was literally only one black kid in the whole place. At the time, my wife and a few other girls were known for dating black guys from a nearby town.

    We simply paid no attention to these girls, they listened to rap, they talked ghetto and we were sure they weren't interested in us. So we left them be. That was until one magical night at a party, right before the school year began. I met up with her, talked to her and quickly found out that her black boyfriend was going to jail. Yep, tried as an adult and going to big boy prison. Ouch. We had fun, partied and hooked up. So now I guess she was all mine. We've been together ever since. 12 years now.

    So foremost, the saying once you go black, you don't go back is a farce. In the beginning the thought of her being with a black guy made me mad. Hey, it was when I was younger. As I got older and saw a lot of internet porn, I eventually saw an IR movie. I imagined her doing that, and it started to excite me. Later I found a woman in a video that resembles my wife. That def. excited me. Imagining my wife was that woman in her videos. The idea was now seeded in me. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, April 03, 2022

    My First Time with another Cock


    1st Email - My name is Lara. My husband's name is Danny, and in a few days I am going to cuckold him for the first time. I see that mostly men write here which is hot but I decided I wanted to take a stab at this. Besides, women make better writers (sometimes).

    Some facts about us: We are in our mid-thirties, married for ten years, with two kids. For most of these years our sex life has been pretty conventional. Neither of us has had sex with anyone else since we've been together.

    I should also mention a few facts about Danny. His penis is not small; it is quite adequate and has given me great pleasure. He is not a wimp. He is not a submissive person, except sexually, and then only sometimes. He does have something of a foot fetish and loves to worship my feet, which seemed odd at first but has come to really turn me on as well.

    Over the last couple of years we have shared more of our fantasies and resolved to act on some of them. Danny has been telling me how he wants to watch me fuck another man. It has taken me a while to warm to the idea, but it has been a dozen years since I touched another man's cock, and the idea does excite me. ... READ THE REST HERE

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