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    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Sunday, February 27, 2022

    My Wife Tastes like Cum


    My wife and I have been married for jut over two years now. I'm 27 years old and she is just 23. She is originally from Norway, but moved to the United States at a young age. She still has the most adorable accent. I feel extremely lucky every morning I wake up to her.

    As far as I'm concerned, we have always had a good sex life. We have grown very comfortable with each others bodies, especially given how little sexual experience she had had prior to our relationship. For the first year and a half of our marriage the sex was excellent and frequent. Being timid in bed, she made sounds infrequently.

    I'm not sure if she's ever had an orgasm with me, but I know she has enjoyed our sex life very much. I'm of more or less an average size for a white man (about 5 and a half inches) and I know how to use it, though, I'll admit that in the past I have been prone to 'let off' a little early. It's hard to contain my excitement when making love to woman as beautiful as my wife. Even though we have been together for years, I am still amazed by her beauty on a daily basis. The only thing that has really bothered me through out the course of our sex life is her reluctance to pleasure me orally. In fact, it's not even a 'reluctance', she has never given me head, period.

    Her work as a dance teacher is hectic. For the sake of structure (as well as a consistent income) she has opted for teaching part time. Her work includes lessons at the local middle school as well as choreographing several local plays. She also teaches an evening class at a gym a bit further out of town. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Most frequently I would pick her up from the gym, but, on occasion, a friend from her dance group would give her a ride back. Her friend, Natalie, is also quite a stunner. While a couple of years older than my wife she is in incredible shape, probably due to her own interest in dancing. ... READ THE REST HERE

    They will Cuck You!

    Wednesday, February 23, 2022

    Am I a Hotwife or Cheater?


    Hi. My name is Lauren. Visit this site every so often and wanted to add my story. Not sure if I'm a hotwife or just a cheater in this scenario.

    I'm most often described as mousy. I'm barely 5ft tall and weigh about 100lbs. In normal circumstances I have a shy personality. I just get a bit overwhelmed in large groups. Throughout college, I was always more of a book nerd, spending weekend nights in the library rather than going out to parties. I am extremely kinky though. Almost no one knows this about me but it's true. I masturbate while watching porn and reading erotic stories almost everyday. It was one of the secret benefits of spending so much of my time in an empty library with lots of discrete corners.

    I came into college as a virgin but I had a few sexual experiences under my belt by the time I graduated. The first two were just one night stand type affairs but the third was extended with my first boyfriend for half a year. Nothing too crazy happened and to be honest, the experiences left me mostly unsatisfied. I would cum eventually but it was never quite like I imagined in my head while masturbating. I'm definitely more submissive and want the guy to take control and drive the action. What good is being 100lbs if a guy doesn't pick you up and fuck you hard against the wall once and awhile? ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, February 20, 2022

    Break up & Humiliation


    Hello to the blog webmaster and all the cuckold readers. This true story happened a few years ago and a few people know of it but never was it told in this detail, somewhere like this where it can get the attention it deserves. Here's my story and hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

    Me and my girlfriend Catalina, at the time she was 19 and I was 20, had been arguing about a lot of things lately. Mostly about my infidelity with a friend of hers. I promised my girlfriend I would never cheat again, and that I never did again, but at the time I didn't know it. It was just something to say to make her happy again.

    Catalina said she wanted to have a break, that she didn't know if she really loved me, she certainly didn't trust me. I was very mad and started to ask her if she had been seeing someone else, if she would start to date other guys during our break, and so on. She just smiled at me and said, " I might, but don't worry, I would still like us to be friends. That is if you can be friends with me and not get carried away and try to touch me or kiss me".

    "Can you do that, ha, could you keep your hands to your own little dick instead of trying to touch me?" It was true, I tried touching her, kissing her, anything, but she wouldn't have none of it. Her mind was set up, she wanted to have a break. I was terrified that she would leave me. She laughed and smiled at me when I went out the door, furious. All I could see was her soft face, with her brown hair, and her gorgeous lips. Then I imagined her with another guy, and I didn't get as mad or jealous as I would have thought. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, February 16, 2022

    Friend Zoned before we Started Dating


    My girlfriend's name is Nikki. We met in college and were close friends for several years before we actually started dating. I had a huge crush on her the entire time and my friends often joked that she had me whipped and friend-zoned. When we finally got together during our senior year after a long drunken night, I was completely elated. Nikki is beautiful and sexy and the life of the party everywhere she goes. I counted my blessings that she finally gave in to my advances and agreed to date me.

    During the years before we started dating, I definitely got a taste for the cuckold lifestyle. I guess I wasn't an official cuckold yet since we weren't actually dating at the time but I felt a tinge of jealousy, inadequacy, arousal, and humiliation each time I saw her flirt, dance, hug, or kiss another guy. I heard stories of her dates and hookups as well which drove my imagination wild thinking of everything she could be doing (or more accurately, everything those other guys could be doing to her).

    My interest in Nikki was never very subtle and Nikki would tease me occasionally about my interest in her escapades with other men even before we got together. Once we did start dating though, the guard rails were off and Nikki provided a flood of kinky stories encompassing her entire sexual history. I hung on every detail and Nikki loved it. I was a trusted confidant and an avid sycophant for all her previously untold tales of lurid behavior. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, February 13, 2022

    Past Girlfriends made me a Cuck


    My first hot girlfriend made me a perverted cuck for life. This was my initiation into the power of female sexuality and the control that a dominant woman can have.

    Her name was "M". She was a beautiful, sexy 18 year old Italian girl with auburn hair and luscious, full breasts. She had a milky white complexion and her whole body would change to red with sexual tension flush whenever she had an orgasm. I loved to get her off. I ate her pussy every chance I could.

    She would drive me home and I would kneel on the floor of the car and drop her pants and just lick, slurp, kiss and worship her pussy like there was no tomorrow. I ate her like she was Holy Mary Mother of God herself. She was a horny girl and she came every single time. I could fully feel the pulsing vibrations of her labia, her clitoris and her whole pussy because I always pushed my face and head all the way up in between her legs, as far as I could get. I was also a tuba player so I could hold my breath and lick with pressure for a long time. She loved it. Licking her so much was hot and it was awesome.

    We fucked missionary sometime, she also tried to give me head, but she wasn't very good at it. So we just sort of slacked off with blow jobs and went to about 80% oral sex for her and 20% missionary sex.

    This was no problem in my book, but I got the feeling that she was probably jealous of how much I got off on making her come, and so she wanted to try more "giving" herself. She couldn't seem to get me off and it started causing her to develop "issues". I think she started slyly looking around for other opportunities to practice. She made several goofy jokes and comments with her favorite new word: "Hoovering." One time she was overjoyed when she got her birth control pills refilled. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, February 09, 2022

    Is my Wife Slutty?


    A couple of years ago my wife and I talked about our past sex lives and we both found out a lot of things we didn't know about each other. We have dated on and off since high school and I thought I knew everything there was to know. What she confessed was that she had sex with three other guys I didn't know about (5 men total) and one guy while we were still dating. At first I was shocked and mad, but surprisingly it turned me on to think about her fucking someone else. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I decided that I would not be angry because we have been faithful to each other for 10 years of marriage, this all happened a long time ago and I was no saint then either. So no big deal.

    After this confessional conversation, our sex life really changed. We were going at it a lot. I finally told her I was turned on thinking about other guys fucking her and started to tell her how I wanted to watch her fuck someone else. She couldn't believe I would say that at first. "Why would you want to share me?" She would ask.

    She wasn't into the idea at all except when we were having sex. She would almost cum immediately when I started talking about her doing another guy. So that's where we left it, a fantasy in the bedroom. As time went on I started to notice changes in her. She became more and more sexually adventurous and comfortable with her body. She would ask me to go down on her all the time. Before, she wouldn’t let me eat her pussy because she was so self-conscious about her body (or maybe I was bad at it). ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, February 06, 2022

    My Wife had Sex with an Asshole


    EMAIL 1 - About 7 months ago my wife had gotten really tipsy and hooked up with one of her young college professors. She had mentioned before that she had a crush on him and I had foolishly thought it would pass. I was furious to say the least, threatening to end our marriage and his career by telling the school board.

    Moreover, I was hurt that my wife would betray me in such a way. I stayed with her, though and she lost her feelings for him very quickly (mainly because she realized what an asshole he was for taking advantage of her). After a month or two when we had worked out our problems we talked about that night in a little more detail.

    I found myself getting strangely aroused as she told me how they had spent hours fooling around with oral, anal and all sorts of crazy positions. I almost creamed my pants when she said that while she regretted hurting me, she really enjoyed having the sexual experience (I was her first). We had some of the best sex ever, but neither of us put two and two together.

    Jump to earlier this week. Our sex life had gotten bland. I wasn't really getting excited by the same old fetishes and neither was she. I had realized since that encounter months ago that I had a cuckold fantasy, but I never thought anything about it for real. We weren't going anywhere, though, so I figured why not give it a try. After testing the waters by bringing up a fetish first (denial, chastity, etc.) I suddenly through out there that I thought it would be hot if she just went off and fucked someone else. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, February 02, 2022

    Wife Sucks a Dildo while I Fuck Her


    So my wife and I have been married 9 years, 1 child. Wife comes from strict religious upbringing, I come from very liberal upbringing.

    This is my second marriage (no kids from first - my choice), I am her first marriage and first partner (she was a virgin when we were married so yes, I got her cherry).

    We're both open in our relationship and maintain a lot of communication. We have a very active sex life which has only been hampered by having a little toddler around (I have no fucking idea how people have more than one since you really lose a lot of privacy!) But anyway ....

    For the last 3 years I've been fantasizing about her getting fucked by other men. Not just one man at once but several at once. I've always wanted to take her to the local strip bar with the knowledge that she would get some 'dates' and get pumped full of seed. I don't want to lick it out of her, but after a whole bunch of men have cum inside her I want to fuck her after all that.

    I also love the idea of getting her into a swinging party and have her suddenly realize how much she loves strange men pumping her holes full of seed and just sit and watch and finally be told by her to leave the room while she has a cock up her ass, cunt, and mouth. ... READ THE REST HERE


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    I spend alot of time online chatting with and then meeting other men

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