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    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    I Prefer not to Watch


    So, the wife and I are going to go monogamous for a bit and will probably won't consider looking for a bull until probably June or maybe even later just for more us time. I'm finishing up a big work project soon so I'll have more of a home life than before.

    January was pretty uneventful out of the bedroom. Inside of the bedroom, she fucked me more than we had in the previous 6 months combined. She loves getting fucked so that each thrust makes a loud slapping sound now and it was pretty amazing seeing her preferences change with her bull and hearing her beg for it the way he fucks her.

    Mid December, she was playing on her phone after sex and said "Oh, Derek followed me on Instagram". I thought she meant that her previous bull followed her and I got rock hard thinking about him keeping up with her on social media, but it was just another friend we haven't seen since they had a baby. She was amazed I was hard already and I didn't have the heart to tell her the reason why. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, February 23, 2020

    My Marriage Changed Forever


    I am a cuckold. There, I just needed to get that off my chest. Had you told me just a few years ago that I would push my wife into the arms of another man, I would have told you that you were crazy. If you had told me that I would get aroused watching her suck another cock, I probably would have wanted to punch you out. If you had told me that I would be able to cum while another man came on her breasts, well I probably would have screamed. Yet, all of those things have happened, and I am here to tell you my tale.

    I am not sure when my interest in being a cuckold started. My wife and I had been married for a decade. We both have good paying jobs, beautiful children, a nice house in the suburbs, and a generally comfortable existence. We are very blessed. However, after a decade of marriage, and three years of dating, our sex life had gone stale. As such, I found myself often watching porn late at night, as my wife slept upstairs. It was on one of those nights that I watched a cuckold scene, which I did not enjoy at first, but the more I watched it the more intrigued I became.

    Soon I was reading cuckold stories here on the blog, and elsewhere, to the point where it was all I thought about when I jerked off. Naturally I began to fantasize about my wife with other men, to the point that it was what I always thought about it when cumming. I suppose you could say it became somewhat of an obsession of mine, albeit one that I never shared with anybody, especially my wife. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    I Resisted so much at First


    A year ago, I never would have imagined I'd do what I did yesterday. A year ago, I was a sweet and innocent young woman. Sure, I had my deep dark kinks, but I never looked at other guys and I figured the only person I'd ever have sex with in my life would be my longtime boyfriend and high school sweetheart, Sam. He was my first and, I thought, would be my only.

    It started with the pictures. Actually, I brought it up. I admitted to J that I liked being looked at and I liked when random guys on campus would flirt with me. I'd NEVER indulge them, I swore, but I still liked getting drooled over. So he bought me lingerie, took some pictures, and started posting them online. I felt guilty at how wet the attention made me. I'd hide how much I loved the nasty messages and comments. Surely he'd be mad that others were going crazy over my body, right...?

    Next came the dildos. He bought me a 7" first. It was bigger than him, and at first a bit uncomfortable. But with time I came to love it. Like with the pictures, I tried to downplay how much I liked it, but when he soon bought me a thick, 10" dildo, there was no hiding it anymore. I'd never felt pleasure like that, and soon our "sex" was more often me going crazy with my dildo while he watched than it was actual sex. He must hate me, I thought. What kind of girlfriend prefers a dildo to their boyfriend? Surely he doesn't like this? ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, February 16, 2020

    They Tricked me into Agreeing


    We had been married two years when this happened. My friends all had a huge party out in the country. There were a lot of people there and everyone was getting drunk. They had a dice game going and I loved to gamble. I was playing and winning a lot of money. After a couple of hours I realized I hadn't seen my wife. I saw her walking in the door with a friend of mine. I could tell she was feeling good.

    I asked her where she had been. She told me that her and my friend went to get some wine at the stor. I asked her what took them so long. She said on the way back when they pulled over to let someone get by on the small road they lived on and that they got stuck. It took a while to get out. I wasn't unusual for her to go driving with one of my friends so I didn't think much of it. I noticed later there wasn't any mud on my truck and that should have made me suspicious. I also know how horny she gets when she drives and should have put two and two together. But I trusted her and didn't think anything of it.

    When the party broke up my friend that went with her jumped into our truck and said he was going home with us. We were all tired so I didn't think anything of it. It was a 30 minute drive to our house. On the way over he was trying to talk us into having a threesome. My wife said she wasn't fucking both of us. He kept going on and on. My wife asked me why I didn't make him stop. I told her I thought it would be hot. She said she couldn't believe I would share her. She knew it was the alcohol taking and I would be mad about it in the morning. I told her I wouldn't. She said it wasn't happening. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    I Love Watching my Wife Suck a Big One


    Nothing is more satisfying than watching my wife suck and lick a big cock. There just isn't. I love it so fucking much it is unreal. Just all of it but I'm going to be pretty specific haha.

    I almost can feel what she's doing to him. At least 95% of the time I am caged when she sucks and fucks, but it's still almost like I can feel her tongue on my cock. Especially knowing how soft and thick her tongue is, fuck, she has the best and sexiest tongue. I know I can't feel it obviously, and I will never know what it's like to have her suck me with so much lust and desire for approval. She has obviously sucked me, but it is totally different. When she sucked me it was obviously a part of foreplay or because I did something to make her happy. It was great of course haha I'm not saying it wasn't but damn, the way she sucks her bull. it drives me fucking crazy.

    She never used half as much tongue on me as she does to him. I love how comfortable she looks as she does it. How she grabs his thick shaft with her right hand under his head and strokes him (not very far up and down with her hand, leaving room for the tongue) while she sucks and gently licks and sucks on spots up and down his shaft. How she licks around his head while she plays with his balls and strokes his shaft with her full hand. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, February 09, 2020

    The Sound that made me a Cuckold


    Long time lurker, first time poster on this blog. I thought some people might enjoy hearing about a couple of my experiences. So this is 100% true but I'll try to dial up descriptive language for dramatic purposes. I won't however exaggerate or lie.

    So last summer I was dating a girl we'll call Renee. She was pretty and always up for a good time, although innocent and naive too. A sweet looking italian angel. We were on the adventurous side and were finding out just how much together. We frequently went to strip clubs together as well as erotic couple's massages. Something about seeing her behaving like a slut turned me on in a big way.

    We had talked about having a threesome and when I was just finishing a semester at university and we made it happen for the first time. Our first one was with another man; my friend from school who we'll call Brent. He was our age, very muscular, something of a jock type. He was all for the idea. To be honest my girlfriend was a fucking smokeshow. Who wouldnt be down?

    We were so inexperienced. We didn't know how such things are supposed to play out but we all knew why we were there at my dorm room. We were watching a porno. Pirates lol. Renee was sitting in the middle between us. Then suddenly she put her hands on our crotches and started to rub. Brent leaned over and kissed her. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, February 05, 2020

    She Ruins my Orgasms


    Let me preface this with a little background on us. I am in my mid-20s and my wife is in her early 30s. We are both attractive, although I am pretty skinny and she is really good looking. Nice perky boobs and a smoking body as you can see from these pictures. I am hung (about 8") but I don't have the best stamina, which is where a lot of this fantasy comes from (I think). I was never really very submissive until quite recently but I'll get more into that in a sec.

    Around a year ago I mentioned how hot the thought of her getting fucked in front of me was. She thought I was crazy and had to make sure quite a few times that this wasn't just some scheme so I could hook up with other girls. Eventually she realized I was being genuine, and since then the fantasy has played more and more into our sex life.

    It started with me pushing back on her hips like she was getting fucked from behind while she sucked me off. Then she started moaning in my ear while I did so and she would be soaked during this. Lately though she really pins me down and teases me to the point I'm nearly gonna cum in my pants. As a side note I'll add she actually made me do that once... ... READ THE REST HERE

    Need a Mistress?

    Sunday, February 02, 2020

    I have to Admit, She's already Gone


    Hello everyone, I am not sure how to approach the topic, I don't even know that if I should share this online but this is my only outlet. I think I will start by introducing myself and my wife. I am Mark, 27 years old, my wife Nicolette she's 27 too and we have been married for almost 7 years now.

    She was my highschool sweetheart and we wanted to marry right after highschool but due to some family matters we were unable to do so. Though when things looked on the brighter side we got married readily. Nicolette is quite a woman. She's just as amazing from inside as she is from outside. I am not afraid to admit that she's entirely out of my league.

    She's the kind of woman every man would lust after. Continuing with what I mean to tell you, this all started about half an year ago when my wife met Jay. She was out with her friends on her occasional 'girl's night out' and one of her friends introduced her to Jay. They both hit it off from the start based on their mutual interest of art.

    My wife is a keen drawing enthusiast and Jay is a great sketch artist so the conversation was inevitable. My wife told me about him when she came back and I completely ignored it. She met him a few times and Nicolette soon joined the classes after her work hours had been reduced. I was happy for her as she really enjoyed drawing and he seemed to enjoy it too. ... READ THE REST HERE

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