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    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Sunday, July 31, 2016

    My Wife and Her Hot Past


    My wife had some experiences in her past that she tells me about nightly and it is great fun for us both. Her first BF, only wanted her pussy and didn't giver her oral and was just 'okay'. Then after they broke up she had a lover from the hospital where she did volunteer work. He was good with her and had a big cock so she kept on seeing him regularly.

    Later that spring, after she quit the volunteer work (but still saw the guy), she went on dates with a few guys, which she introduced to her new found talent from the hospital, but she never fucked them. She decided they weren't good enough for that. She told me that those last few months of her senior year in college, the guys seemed to find out ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, July 27, 2016

    He Kept Fucking Her So Hard


    I discovered that my slutty girlfriend, of then a few months, really was in to other men, when we were relaxing over at a friend's of mine. This happened after a night of partying a few years ago. My gf and I had already talked about our mutual feelings about not being physically exclusive for each other. So she wasn't like really cheating on me and that was also because my friend didn't want to make a pass at her without me knowing it.

    My friend, who has a girlfriend himself, only had one double bed and I went to sleep somewhat earlier then they did. I already felt a certain tension between us, between them and I was curious what would happen. I must admit that I was a bit dissapointed when they came to bed, after an hour or so, and I hadn't heard anything going on ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, July 24, 2016

    I Set Her Up with a Friend


    A few weeks ago I approached my wife and asked her what it would take to agree to a dp. She wasn't interested and I really wanted to have her take two cocks. My wife is a little self concious so she doesn't think guys look at her like I do. She's goreous as you can see but by now I've stopped trying to fiure women out.

    She's loosened up some over the years and is now open to more things but still not into the dp. I have a friend, Rick, who I've known since grade school who woman seem to fall all over. He can say the most outrageous things to them and they find him charming, when ... READ THE REST HERE

    They will Cuck You!

    Wednesday, July 20, 2016

    A Good Little Slut


    Great blog I have to say! So this is about my husband and I amd we would like to share about us riding around today and what happened when we stopped at a truckstop. I went to the restroom and when I got in the stall I noticed a gloryhole in the wall of the stall.

    I thought hubby might like to play with it so I called his cell & told him about it. He said he was pumping gas & would be a few minutes and to wait for ... READ THE REST HERE

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    Sunday, July 17, 2016

    The Genesis of Our Cuckolding


    Last month my wife and I went on a weekend getaway in a nearby city. I booked two nights at a prestige hotel that includes a spa and fitness center. We arrived early afternoon so we could enjoy a few hours at the pool. The hotel has a no alcohol policy at the pool. The creative people we are we filled our Starbucks venti mugs with wine.

    My wife specially purchased a new two piece suit for the occasion. The top is tube style with a neck string; the bottom is like a mocked skirt with panties. The green neon color was a beautiful contrast to her tanned skin. We found a couple of reclining ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, July 13, 2016

    An Unexpected Bull in the Sauna


    My wife Emma and I recently took a relaxing 'leisure break' at a hotel that was equipped with an extensive spa. Emma enthusiastically took to using the leisure facilities, including the lovely indoor swimming pool.

    It became her habit to get up in the morning and go for an early swim, then come back and join me in the sauna for an hour or so before showering in the attached cubicle and then getting dressed and going in to breakfast. For the first couple of mornings she was a little shy about using the sauna and wore her bikini from her swim, but nobody was ever in there that early and the wet bikini was uncomfortable so she soon enjoyed lying out naked ... READ THE REST HERE

    They will Cuck You!

    Sunday, July 10, 2016

    Behind Her Husband's Back


    Good day everyone. Yesterday morning, my friend's wife called me to see if I wanted to have lunch with her as her husband was at the track for the day. I knew that as he had asked me the previous night if I wanted to go with. I thought about what I had to do that day and weighed that against the idea of spending it with my friend's hot Spanish wife. She told me the husband knows of course but doesn't always know when so I felt better about that, of not just stabbing him in the back.

    She's about 5'4" tall, with shoulder length black hair, the softest looking skin I've ever seen, and a sweet full round ass. I can't show much of her at her request but that great ass was okay ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, July 06, 2016

    My Husband Really Wanted It


    I'm 41 years young with what my husband calls, the sexiest butt in town, but he's biased. I work out regularly and have a few extra pounds as you can see, but certainly not too much.

    My husband Don is my age, and is in good physical shape himself. We have been married 15 years. We occasionally had discussed fantasies with each others while making love. I did notice that Don would become very excited whenever we did this, especially when it was about him watching me fuck someone else. He got extra excited if I got into it with him. I have to confess; I enjoyed it too and got very hot and wet. But I figured it would always be just fantasy. ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, July 03, 2016

    While He Looked Through the Fence


    Our next door neighbors, who are in their 70's, were about to leave on a weeklong vacation. We had kept an eye on their house in the past. This time they were going to have one of their grandsons stay there. We had met him before. Early 20's, cleancut, seemed like a good kid.

    One day when I got home from work my wife said that while she was sunbathing in the backyard the "house sitter" next door was watching her. I told her that she looked great in a bikini and I could hardly blame him for watching her. "I think he was also stroking his cock" she ... READ THE REST HERE

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