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She Cuckolds Me
I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Hot Wife Diane: My First Cheat
My husband asked me to share my first experience cheating on him. Let me say right off, though, that I use the term "cheating" loosely. While it is true that my husband and I now have an arrangement whereas I can fuck who I want (and he can't!), It hasn't always been that way. So when I say "cheating" I mean without his knowledge. And the first time was incredible!
I have to say that I resisted for a looooong time. My resistance finally melted, though, and I cheated on Craig for about a year before I finally arranged for him to watch (tied and gagged in a closet! - but more on THAT another time!)
The thing that finally made me decide to take the plunge was a guy four years younger than me at the time. I was 24. He worked with my husband at a computer consulting firm so I'd met him several times in social gatherings and knew he had a "thing" for me -you know
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Her First Cuckold Incidents in College
I enjoy when my wife talks to me about her previous experiences while we're fucking. I suspected she had an active past before she met me, but until I got her to open up, I had no idea! She tells the stories to me while she's blows me or fucks me, and she tells them with many details. I lay back, listen, and feel her work me. It's almost like I was there with her when they happened. Since we've used her stories to boost our enjoyment during sex, we've stepped it up a bit by adding some light swinging. I've got some great first-hand experiences that I'll share later. But first, I want to share what she's told me about her first black cock.
Here's one of her many tales:
Her first black man was when she was eighteen, and just after her birthday. He was in his late 20s. She'd volunteer in a local
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Claiming Back My Wife as a Cuckold
My wife and I married about 8 years ago. I was her first and only man. Some time back we started exploring our fantasies a bit more and after a long discussion about how she wanted to try someone new just to see what it was like, I relented and said she could. I admit I was a bit nervous and unsure about it all but our relationship was very strong so I just agreed to a one off experiment.
The only conditions I put on her fucking someone else is that I would there when she did it and that she had to find someone who would keep quiet after it was done.
She decided on a guy she had known from her university days and set the whole thing up. On the alloted day just before he came over to our house I hid myself
Sunday, August 18, 2013
My Wife Likes them Big!
My wife Donna & I were married young - and both came to marriage having only having sex with each other. That meant she didn't know that a 4 1/2 inch cock was small and I didn't know something that small didn't satisfy very well.
After a couple of years, my wife came home one day and announced that she loved me very much, but she had discovered that sex with me was nothing to her. She announced she wanted to stay married, but she would no longer fuck me. I could eat her, I could masturbate when she said it was OK. Also, I could watch when she decided to have a "real man." She said if that wasn't OK, then I needed to pack up and get out. She would be sad, but she'd get over it. I was absolutely stunned. I had no advance warning (although the frequency of sex had diminished over the time we had
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Getting Her An Erotic Massage
I went back reading old posts and pics on this blog to get ideas. I was really turned on by a post called "Erotic massage for wife". A man peeks in on his wife getting a massage and watches the masseur peeking under the sheet at his nude wife. Jasmine loves massages and has never had one from a man before. In fact, I am the only man to see her completely naked, not even a male doctor! So we checked adds for certified masseurs. We finally found one that was not creepy looking and booked an appointment for him to come to the house. We discussed ideas on how to make this more than just a massage without being too obvious. I thought that maybe she could start undressing as he was still setting up. Or maybe she could "accidentally" push part of the sheet off exposing herself. The adds talk about how professional they are and we were afraid that he might not let anything kinky happen.
The day came and Jasmine got a Brazilian wax just inr
Sunday, August 11, 2013
My Wife's Sexting Leads to Cuckolding
I wanted to share something that happened last fall with Trixie. We had folks over for a Halloween costume party and had quite a crowd. Trixie had been flirting with one of our friends, who Ill call "G" , via text pretty much all day. Of course he knew i knew they were texting and he knew i was ok with it. As crazy as it sounds to some I get a kick out of her flirting or sexting a guy. He was supposed to come to the party but he said he would be late as he had a date. Im guessing it was around midnight or after when he finally showed up and just a few people were still there. We all sat around cutting up and drinking a bit more for a little while longer. "G" stuck around and was in the kitchen as the last of the people left. We had a few friends that were crashing at the house and had already gone to bed. I was watching him give her looks the whole time he was there and it was quite a turn on. We talked for
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Hottest Threesome Ever
Star started our first evening with James by sitting on the lounge doing a little kissing passionately, she then moved to gently touching James stimulating him with her womanly touch. However this time both James and I where high on the fumes of attractive wanting woman when suddenly something very strange happened, it seemed like James almost took Star’s breath away with his last kiss, because she had a panic attack which hit out of nowhere taking her breath away for a short moment and it frightened the shit out of me!
As hot as we had become we all thought it would be better to take a small break and relax a bit, James and I just sat and talked a little with her trying to calm her down a little. Maybe five minutes had passed before we decided to go any further, that’s all that was required
Sunday, August 04, 2013
My Girlfriend and My Buddy
Two Fridays ago my girlfriend and I had one of my buddies over. We all started drinking and after a while she said she had to use the bathroom. I told her she could only use the bathroom if she took her top off.
She agreed and went to the bathroom. After a lot more drinking she had to go to the bathroom again, this time I said she would have to get naked before I would allow her to go. She reluctantly agreed, and it was at that point that I knew the evening was going to take a rather fortunate turn.
When she came back I would not let her put her clothes back on until she let my friend feel her up, she crawled over to him on her hands and knees, and sat on his lap. He started
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