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She Cuckolds Me
I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Hot Wife Vickie - What Happened Next
I've gotten so many nice emails to my posting that I'm overwhelmed. I started writing back individually, because I expected at best I'd get a couple of comments, but then I was amazed at the number of you guys that are commenting positively about my picture. The comments keep coming and I can't keep up with individual replies anymore so I'm going to send a blanket mailing of what's going on. I'll just get into it. If I had read this email about myself four days ago, I'd have laughed and thought what a story!! But this morning I'm pinching myself and saying WOW, I'm sore down there and you guys are largely why. So here's how yesterday went.
In the morning about 10 Mike called and told my husband he'd be right down. He had a question on some investments and needed Steve's advice. I tore into the bedroom
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Hot Wife Vickie
My name is Vicki. I was married for 25 years to an older man. Sex with us was missionary style, lights off, totally dark during sex, etc. My sex life was conservative for so long enough that I got used to it. He passed away a year ago.
I have been friends with a man named Steve for far longer than I even knew my husband. In that 26 years we have become VERY good friends and even made love a few times. About 6 months ago he surprised me by proposing to me and we married. Sex is wonderful, but Steve has an appetite for things that my former husband did not. Things that when they first came up seemed like things I just would not do to, but time passed and he kept at me while we made love . The talk of sexual scenarios like other men fucking me, seeing me nude, them feeling my breasts, was lighting fires in me that I didn't even know
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Cuckolded from Abroad
My gf Olivia and I met as freshman in college and started going out as sophomores. In the summer between our sophomore and junior years, we managed to both get into a study abroad program in Madrid. We were both very excited. Olivia's parents were from Columbia and she practically spoke Spanish fluently. I, however, was a white gringo who only had one semester of Spanish in his whole life.
We got an apartment together in Madrid but due to school housing restrictions, we each had our own bedroom. This wasn't a problem for us because she sleeps with me in my bedroom and use her bedroom as a giant closet.
Because Olivia was nearly fluent in Spanish, she was placed in advanced language class where they would often go out in the city to practice talking to real people. While
Need a Mistress?
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Watching Buddies Fuck My Wife
I love this site and would love to read true accounts like the one following and also would like more pictures. Unfortunately I had to hold back on some photos due to email attachment restrictions. Not only I got my wife V to cuck me but now she has five regular lovers, one interstate and does not get to fuck V as frequently as the other four local mates.
All five of them are close friends of mine. Out of the four local sex buddies, one in particular, M, who is 15 years younger than V, has a huge cock with the perfect bend to give V a tremendous fuck. In V’s own words, “he has been the first man to give me an orgasm while penetrating me”.
Not only can he fuck her for long periods, but can also blow in her pussy 3 – 4 times in one evening/night. M, who incidentally, has huge ball bags and V loves the
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
She Humiliated Me More Than Once
I'm not sure where to start. I'm sitting in a really nice hotel room in Denver right now writting this. I 'm dressed but have on blue fringed panties and a cb2000 chastity device. My wife Roxanne has just left with her bull Mike. She is just turning 40. He is black in his 40s, and has a very large cock with big balls. This is their first date alone. After they have drinks and dinner she plans on bringing him back to our room. I have to leave until told to return. So I thought in the meantime I'd write this out for you and then when finished send it in as one big blog story.
We started swinging 9 years ago and did other couples, groups, etc. She really never liked me being with another woman though. I'm obsessed by sex though and loved looking at the cuckold sites. She has fucked a lot of guys as a hot wife, even doing two gang bangs here
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Cucked on Spring Break
I have heard the expression "you don't bring sand to the beach"; however I think the original idea was don't bring a girl because you can get another girl while at the beach. Well that is not the only reason.
My girlfriend and I are both seniors in college. My name is Rick, I am 5 11", 175, reasonably good looking. My girlfriend Amy is very cute, the girl next door. You can see her pictures to get an idea of what she looks like. She is really pretty, and unfortunately approachable. We have been dating for the past two years, and I knew she was the one after our first date. I haven't popped the question though, I figured I would wait until after we graduated.
We decided to make plans with some friends from school to go to deep south Texas for spring break. Now Amy is more outgoing than I am so she has way more friends than I do. I don't even really have a "best friend". There were only two other guys I knew that wanted to go with us. Amy had six other girlfriends that wanted to go. So that was our group. We were very exited and all pitched in and got three hotel
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
How I Became a Bull
As a single guy I have done my share of looking online for any hot women in my area ready to play but I was surpised when this couple initiated contact. I met the wife from and online site specializing in swingers. We traded a couple of e-mails and pics (see email), chatted though IM. We arranged a meet one day. We met in a parking lot in essence to look each other over. We both liked what we saw and said we'd be in touch.
From conversations I found out that her husband had a job that kept him away from home during the week, but he was home on weekends. She said they would have phone conversations in which she would tease him about what she was doing while he was away. She said she hadn't done anything but he really enjoyed stories about her possibly doing so. She figured it was time to act out one of those stories. She told me she was in charge of what they did in bed. She would make him do
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Cuckold Holiday with GF
My 26yo girlfriend and I live in Europe. We have always had this fantasy for years, about her having sex with another guy, but there was never a real opportunity. So lately, she had to go on a job-related trip to the USA, and I was to join her after her official affairs were completed for some weeks of holiday. A few days after she had gone, she texted me that she had met this cute guy at work, but I didn't give it much thought since she also told me that she was on her period, and in any case things like that don't happen in real life, after all, don't they.
Anyhow, fast forward to my arrival at the airport, I picked up a rental car and went to the hotel where she picked me up at the reception. She immediately said she had to tell me something, and that she had had slept with that guy. (I was later to learn that she omitted "...three times"). I was initially
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HotWife Janice
I spend alot of time online chatting with and then meeting other men
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