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    She Cuckolds Me
    She Cuckolds Me
    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Wednesday, August 31, 2011

    Being a Cuckold Slave to My Wife


    Hello this is my first post and I nervously admit to being a cuck husband. I am "d" and married to "m". We are from Ireland and I am 36 and "m" is 26. I met her when she was 18 and was a pure nympho which I enjoyed.

    I knew I wasn't the only guy she was having sex with and often she reminded me of this and told me that's the way it is and I have to accept it or finish with her.

    At the start I had mixed feelings but gradually got on with ... READ THE REST HERE

    They will Cuck You!

    Sunday, August 28, 2011

    Wanting My Wife to Cheat


    This is my first post on this blog. This actually happened in April 2009 and I have mixed feelings about everything and I thought maybe I'd go somewhere where other people have probably been through this before. My wife's a very cute 32 year old. Her ancestry is Anglo-Irish. I've always fantasized about my wife being with another guy which she always refused flat out. She does love showing off her tits. All her bras are a size too big for her, and she insists on wearing sun dresses or shirts open at the neck, so every time she bends even a bit forward, anyone sitting near her gets a full look at her dangling tits. It used to piss me off and I'd always tell her to button up her ... READ THE REST HERE


    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    How I Became a Wife Watcher


    We have been married 20 years, two kids normal sort of stuff, both in good well paid jobs and Live in the country in Northern England. I suppose you could say we are reasonably well off, with land horses and a home abroad. We are- to the best of my knowledge very happy together. I am a wife watcher. I have been for years in fact I think I was getting there when I first met my wife to be, although I didn’t know it then and neither did she - thankfully! My wife always stood out in a crowd well she would being tall and slim the years have been very Kind to her and she has retained her figure and looks exceptionally well, that’s my view.

    Anyway im sure you will make your own mind up on that one. However ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, August 18, 2011

    My Wife with a Younger Guy


    This is about cuckolding. We are a cuckold couple and not interested in humiliation (not that there's anything wrong with that).

    I had a long standing fantasy to see my wife Rachelle with another guy. When we had met, she had another boyfriend and was sleeping with both of us for awhile before she left him. It tore me up, but I guess it kind of excited me, too.

    Our first baby steps came when she put on a live webcam show for a young college kid. They talked on the phone while she masturbated for him on camera over the internet. It was exhilirating watching another guy looking at her pussy for the first time, even if it was on a crappy little ... READ THE REST HERE

    They will Cuck You!

    Wednesday, August 18, 2011

    My Cuckold Birthday Wishes


    I have been dating my g/f for a while over 5 yrs now. We have become very open and have tried a lot of things, and as we move forward I also look for new things to try and do to her and/or with her.

    For my birthday she usually asks me what I want, and recently I have decided that I no longer want materials things, but sexual "favors" or to go away and for her to be my little slut (like to tell her that) for the weekend, she is such a good girl that just seeing her act/dress like a slut just turns me on soooo much. ... READ THE REST HERE

    Need a Mistress?

    Sunday, August 14, 2011

    Wife Made Me Sleep in Guest Room


    Last Friday my wife Missey came home from work obviously very excited. So I asked her about it and gushing like a school girl Missey explained to me that Donald would be picking her up later for a date. She then took the oppurtunity to fill me in on how the week end would go. Missey told me Donald's wife and children would be out of town for the week end. And I was to immediately get what ever I needed out of our bedroom as I would be spending the weekend in the guest room.

    I was ordered not to go into our bedroom after that with out permission. I was also ordered to be nude when Donald arrived and to offer myself to him for use. Missey went to our bedroom and started to get dressed for her date. I went and moved what ever I felt I needed to the guest bedroom. I then stripped and went down stairs. When Donald arrived I greeted him and told him I was to serve him ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, August 10, 2011

    Asian Wife Cuckolds Her Husband


    My wife has had many lovers over the years. I'd like to share a recent trip to Vegas I had invited a very good looking black guy over the night before. We went out for drinks sat in the lobby below our room. I'm quite sure the bartender new it was my wife and I was having this bull over to fuck my beautiful wife. I loved the humiliation of it all. He came to the room and I watched as they fucked.

    The next night was much wilder. I had invited another Black Bulll over. I licked her pussy as we waited for him to arive so she would be good and wet for his black cock. I answered the door and the two of them sat ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, August 07, 2011

    Getting Started in Cuckolding


    Well, she told me she’s going out with her girl friend Saturday night. And her intent is to get fucked. I'm still not sure how to feel about this. Let me start by telling you we have been married for about a year and a half. We have talked about many fantasies and she knows I have some bi tendencies. About 3 months after we got married we were at a local pub and my wife was feeling no pain. She told me that a mutual friend looked "hot". I said "Well go talk to him, see if he’s interested." She didn't expect that.

    I didn't expect to say that. But she said "Ok". I got both a sinking feeling and very horny at the same time. I watched them talk out of the corner of my eye for about 30 min. Then she came back ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, August 03, 2011

    Finding a Black Guy for My Wife


    A while back I got a call from Derek, a black guy we know, who told us his brother Jay was coming home after serving overseas in the army. He said his brother hadn't had any sex for a long time and would Lin do a big favor and meet up with him in his hotel. He said his brother enjoyed nasty sex and wanted a women he could three hole for an evening or a night and wanted to make up for all he has missed while being away. In other words, he needed a slut.

    When I told Linda about it, she loved the idea and so a few days later, we found ourselves knocking on Jay's door at his hotel. Jay opened the door and immediately Linda's eyes lit up as Jay was a well ... READ THE REST HERE


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