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Please Bang My Wife
She Cuckolds Me
I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Cuckolded & Dominated by His Wife
 I'm new to the blog and this is my first post. Not sure what folks will think, but thought i'd share this story anyway. My wife and I have been struggling with some financial issues and because of the stress my wife has not been seeing her boyfriend for the last couple of weeks. The other night I got a little buzzed, and a little big for my britches, and said the first line of my story below. Bad idea resulting major tiff. So the next day I rewrote the event giving it a win win ending. I sent it to my wife and her response follows the story. Hope someone enjoys.
"I hope you know, when this is all done with you're not going to run off and be with Rob."
"Oh sweety..."
You stop doing your hair, and walk into the bedroom wearing nothing but your bra and underwear. I try not to look at your hot ass body for fear of the momentary flash of jealous anger fading away. You have a "poor little boy look on your face" like you feel sorry for me.
"Feeling a little manly tonight, are ya? Are you taking me back? You want me to be all yours again, don't you."
You wrap your arms around my neck. Your words embarrass me and I look away from you, my face red.
You coo seductively into my ear.
"I know you want all of those things, but I also know there's one thing you want more than all of that. You want me to be happy."
You reach up into my hair, pull my face towards yours kissing me gently as you whisper, "Isn't that right?" Our lips barely touching.
"No! I don't want to do this anymore!" I resist, and turn away. You smile and gently push me back so I'm sitting on the bed. You standing above me.
You lift my chin with one finger so that I'm looking up at you. You say nothing, but gaze knowingly down at me. After a long silence, my conflicted emotions overwhelm me. As tears well up in my eyes, you stare at me lovingly.
"It's okay, you can say it." You purr to me.
"I-I-I... want you to be happy more than anything else."
"That's my good boy" Gently stroking my face with your hand.
"and what makes me happy?"
"Having your cake and eating it too..." I whisper, defeated.
"That's right!!!" Giggling with laughter. "You must've forgotten! So why don't you tell me exactly what that entails, so I can be sure you have fully remembered."
I sigh deeply, and begin.
"You enjoy being you husbands Goddess. You love how he worships you, and know that to fully appreciate a Goddess he has to be denied all forms of mutual sexual pleasure. You believe sex is an act that should only occur between equals, which is why i no longer am allowed to make love to my wife. My only focus should be on Your pleasure and happiness. You also believe that my place is one of total subservience, and that you are superior to me in every way."
"Ooooo, it turns me on so much hearing you say it out loud!" You say, unclasping your bra and brushing your breasts against my face.
"So what are you?"
My cock throbs, and my speech is stuttered.
"I am a cum eating cuckold, who's Goddess can suck and fuck whomever she wants."
"That's right!!!" You say with glee. "and you wouldn't want it any other way now would you?"
"No Ma'am."
"So what was with all of that talk earlier?"
I sit silently, now completely mortified that I said what I had said.
"Did you masturbate last night?"
I nod my head.
"See you always get this way after that selfish little dick of yours cums. You try and get all alpha. I can see your Goddess needs to be much more strict with you. I've decided you need a more constant reminder of your place. From this second on, you must ask permission to cum EVERY time. If I'm not around or asleep you are to wait. I now own your little dick, balls, and most importantly, your cum. You are not to waste one drop of it with out my permission. Do you understand?"
I again nod quietly.
"Say it out loud so we can both hear it."
"My dick and balls are yours, and I will not waste your cum without permission."
"Good boy! Don't worry, I'll grant you release on a regular basis at first, but I'm going to begin to lengthen the time between your evacuations until we get to once every three weeks. That is of course if you're a good little cuck, if not then it'll be much longer. No more of those annoying little outbursts, do you understand?"
"Yes Ma'am."
Good! Let's start correcting that over active ego right now. I'm going to let you jerk off that tiny little pecker of yours right now."
My heart startles with excitement, but then you continue. A wicked smirk spreads across your face.
"...and while you jack that silly little thing off in front of me, I'm going to watch Oprah. When you're ready to cum you will ask for my permission, I will either grant permission or deny you. If permission is denied, you had better not cum. I don't care what you have to do to stop it, but you had better figure out a way. I will eventually grant you release, and when i do, you are to cum on my foot. Then, once you are drained, you will then lick and suck me clean. You are will be responsible for cleaning all of it up with your mouth. So, for your sake, I hope you have good aim, 'cause watching you licking my carpet clean would be pretty of disgusting. You'll continue to lick and clean my feet until the end of my show, at which time you will receive your punishment for that bullshit you pulled earlier. I'm going to make this one quite severe so that you won't soon forget the lesson. You should know I'm doing this for your own good, because what you said earlier was totally unappealing, and made me feel less attracted to you, and that's not what you want, now is it?
"No Ma'am." I murmur pulling on my hard dick with desperation.
"I didn't think so. Your punishment will be 30 lashes with the cane while wearing your most severe nipple clamps. After every lash you will repeat these words, "I am a cum eating husband and I am so pathetic that do not deserve to have sex with my wife." - and maybe when we've finished, the reality of your situation will finally sink into that silly little brain of yours."
"Ma'am requesting permission to cum."
"Hahahahahhhaaa, so pathetic... DENIED!"
"Now turn on my show for me."
From my wife:
WOW, that was awesome! Loved loved loved everything
"See you always get this way after that selfish little dick of yours cums. I can see your Goddess needs to be much stricter with you. I've decided you need a more constant reminder of your place. From this second on, you must ask permission to cum EVERY time. If I'm not around or asleep you are to wait. I now own your little dick, balls, and most importantly, your cum. You are not to waste one drop of it with out my permission. Do you understand?" -very nice. - LowlyLustTHE ORIGINAL CUCKOLD DC
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:54 PM 

HotWife Janice
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