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I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Lisa's Night Out
I had written to this site before about my wife, Lisa, and the sexual adventures she had embarked on a few years back.
As Lisa became more and more used to living out her fantasies, her exploits began to take on an element of risk which at times had caught me completely by surprise.
One evening she came home from work with a shopping bag full of new clothes. I was out on the balcony finishing off a bottle of beer and she joined me for some small talk about things that had happened at work that day.
After a minute or two, she said she wanted to show off her new clothes to me. I said sure. “But you are not to come into the bedroom until I call for you,” she grinned. I smiled and nodded in agreement.
I drained two more bottles of beer, waiting alone on the balcony, before Lisa called out to me from the bedroom. I got an instant hard on as soon as I entered.
Lisa was wearing a kinky little schoolgirl outfit, with bare mid-rift, matching checkered skirt and tie, and black high heeled shoes. I had to pause and gaze at her for a while. The skirt was so deliciously short I could see her panties when she moved around.
“You’re leering!” she laughed. I told her I could not help myself. She said she had happened by a novelty shop earlier in the day and thought the outfit would make for a nice surprise.
The following afternoon Lisa called me at work and said I should go ahead and eat dinner without her that evening as she would be late. “It’s this damned mid-year report I’m working on. The numbers don’t add up,” she said. She asked whether I could drive out to pick her up when she finished. I said it wouldn’t be a problem.
Lisa called at around 11 o’clock that evening. I could hear very loud rap music in the background and I asked her where she was.
She said she and the some friends from the office had decided to blow off steam in a bar somewhere in the downtown area. “Come pick me up, quick. This looks like it may turn out to be an all-nighter and I’m just too tired,” she said. She gave me the name of the bar, along with precise directions as to its location.
I threw on a shirt and a pair of jeans and headed downstairs for the car. The drive took about forty-five minutes. Lisa had sent me two text messages along the way, asking me to hurry up.
I got to the downtown area and followed the directions she had provided. I soon saw the big pink neon sign announcing the bar’s name. I found a place to park a little down the street.
As I walked toward the bar, it became increasingly clear that the establishment was actually a high-end strip club. I remember I found it very odd that Lisa and her friends would choose such a venue to blow off steam. But then perhaps they had opted for something a little more adventurous than their usual girl’s night out.
I paid the price of admission at the door and walked through a narrow corridor to what I had been informed was “the play room”. The music, the hum of the crowd, and the combined smell of sweat, urine, tobacco smoke and liquor hit me all at once.
It was a Friday and the place was just about packed. The lights on the crowd surrounding the small, raised stage were dim, but up on the stage itself – where a good-looking girl was dancing topless -- they burned brightly. I could not see Lisa, or any of her friends from work, anywhere.
After a while, I decided to take a table in a corner and ordered a double shot of whiskey. I texted Lisa, telling her I had arrived to pick her up. “You’re just in time. I’ll be with you in a second,” she texted back. The music faded out and the lights dimmed as the girl on stage made her exit to a round of applause.
I drank my whiskey, wondering where Lisa was. I was just about to send her another text message when the rap music started again. There were a few hoots and applause from the crowd. I looked toward the stage, where the lights were again blazing, and I almost fell off my seat in shock.
There was Lisa, taking to the stage in her schoolgirl outfit. For a split second, I did not recognize her. It was if my brain, in an instinctive effort to protect me against imminent cardiac arrest, had refused to absorb the information that my eyes were taking in.
Lisa loves to dance and has admitted to a few stripper fantasies. She is a talented dancer and has, on occasion, given me lap dances, which I enjoyed immensely. But I was caught completely off guard and, consequently, was very worried that someone we knew would see her.
The situation was obviously not something we could easily explain to our friends and relations, some of whom were very conservative. At the same time, however, I could not deny the fact that I was utterly turned on. Lisa looked spectacular. She was all dolled up and incredibly sexy, and the crowd loved her.
She moved like a pro on stage, swaying her hips and winking at her audience as she dipped and gyrated close to the floor. It was clear that she was enjoying herself and I soon found myself nursing a terrific hard on.
Toward the middle of the song, Lisa began to unbutton her schoolgirl blouse and I swear the entire room shook as the hoots and thumping applause became louder and more rowdy.
My wife had total command of her audience, the members of which were either leering with gaped mouths or stomping their feet in time with Lisa’s sexually-charged performance. The collective lust in the room was so powerful it was like a physical presence.-735119.jpg)
At one point, Lisa had made her way off the stage to do a lap dance for two guys seated around a nearby table. She had by then shed her top. She mounted one guy’s lap and began shoving her breasts into his mouth, all the while grinding her pussy against his thigh. She did all this in perfect time with the music.
When she returned to the stage I saw she was wet through her panties. I am sure everybody in the crowd had seen it, as well, as again the uproar in the room rose to an almost thunderous level. It was a surreal turn-on. Lisa was bringing the house down with every little gesture she made.
My wife danced through four tunes. By the end of her set, she was almost completely naked. The only thing she had left on was the tie and her tiny pair of panties –and guys kept slipping bills into it all throughout her set.
I sent Lisa a quick text message as soon as she exited the stage. I then set my cellphone to vibrate before putting it back into my pocket. It took her a while to get back to me. “Did you like my set?” her message said. I answered yes.
Lisa replied that she had done three sets in all that night and was now done. She apologized for tricking me to the club. She knew I would not like the risks involved. I said it was all right and told her where I was parked. I said I would wait for her in the car.
I was already in the car when I received Lisa’s next message. She said it would be better if I waited for her in a room she had already paid for in a nearby hotel. She gave me the room number and said I need only to tell the front desk my name and they would give me the key. I got excited thinking about spending the night fucking Lisa’s brains out.
I drove to the hotel and waited for Lisa up in the room. I noticed the door to an adjoining room but found that it was locked. I took a quick shower and plopped down in front of the TV.
It was almost 3 o’clock in the morning and I was tired. In spite of my excitement, I soon dozed off, having consumed a good deal of alcohol back at the strip joint.
I woke half-an-hour later to the sound of voices in the adjoining room. I immediately recognized Lisa’s voice. She was with a man. I turned the lights off and slid down to the carpet to check whether I could see through the wooden slats of the small ventilator window just above the bottom rail of the adjoining door.
The lights were on in the next room and I saw Lisa moving around in there before settling on the bed with her legs crossed. I could tell she was a little drunk. Her companion continued to ply her with alcohol nonetheless, offering her a glass of wine which she readily accepted.
Through the slats, I could see they had situated themselves close together at the edge of the bed, kissing and giggling quietly. I could not hear what they were saying. Lisa was now in street clothes, of course: a very short denim skirt, a blouse of black lace, and her high heel shoes. Even then, she looked absolutely amazing.
A little while passed and there was a knock on the door. Lisa’s friend got up to answer it. When he returned, he was followed by a second guy, who took a seat at the small table opposite the bed. I soon realized that these were the same two fellows whom Lisa had treated to a lap dance back at the strip club.
I was excited. My heart was racing and I felt my prick stir inside my pants. But I was also very much afraid for Lisa as both men were clearly drunk. I was worried they would hurt her. So I prepared myself for a fight in case I needed to bust in and rescue my wife.
She did not, however, look like she needed rescuing. After a few more glasses of wine, she was making out with apparent pleasure with the first guy, flicking her tongue into his mouth and kissing him deeply as he pawed her thighs and breasts. Lisa moaned when he slid his hand up between her legs.
This again came as a surprise to me as there was a second guy in the room, watching. I had half-expected her to offer some kind of protest at the prospect of a threesome with two complete strangers. But she went along willingly with what was happening.
It only took a few minutes before Lisa’s blouse, bra and skirt were off. She sighed and moaned loudly when the guy took her breasts into his mouth. He then ordered her to suck his cock.
I had to bite back hard on my anger as I did not appreciate the tone he had used. Watching Lisa during her adventures, or listening to her recount the details of her sexual liaisons with other men, produced in me a confusing mixture of arousal and bitter resentment. I struggled with that confusion all through the four years that Lisa indulged in extra-marital sex. I never mastered it.
Lisa nevertheless obediently unbuckled the guy’s belt, unzipped his pants, and coaxed him to lie on his back on the bed. She made slurping sounds as she took him into her mouth. She then withdrew and gave his cock a quick spit before sliding her lips back around him again. The guy told her she was really good at sucking cock.
Lisa was on all fours on the bed with her buttocks up in the air, taking in as much of the first guy’s cock as she could in her mouth. Every now and then she would move up so she could lightly run his cock gently between her breasts.
The second guy, who had watched everything from a chair in a corner of the room, now stood up and dropped his pants. He put on a condom, moved into position behind Lisa, and pulled her panties down to her thighs. He then spat on his fingers, and began rubbing her pussy from behind.
Lisa purred as the second guy slid his cock into her from behind and began to slowly pump away. She swayed and pushed against him, signaling that she wanted to be fucked harder and faster while she sucked on the first guy’s cock.
I watched all this through the slats of the small window at the bottom of the adjoining door, lying on my side on the carpet. My neck and back began to feel a little stiff and cramped and I could not see too much, but I was excited enough not to mind. I love to hear Lisa moan and she is always a pleasure to watch.
After about ten minutes, the first guy, who had been enjoying Lisa’s blow job, said he wanted a taste of her pussy. Rolling a condom on, he commanded her to shift her position so he could enter her. She complied, mounting him reverse cowgirl so she could suck the second guy’s cock while the first one had his turn at her pussy.
This went on into the early hours of the morning, with the two guys switching positions, taking her doggy style, or asking her to suck on their cocks. Lisa was obviously having a good time, rolling around in bed with her legs up in the air while her two friends groped, sucked and fucked her hard.
During breaks, they would sit around drinking and smoking and the two guys would remark how hot Lisa was. “One fine piece of ass,” one guy said. Lisa thanked him by getting down on her knees and sucking him off until he blasted his juices all over her breasts.
Lisa climaxed a number of times that night, as well. She was often bathed in cum, and had to get up frequently to go to the bathroom and clean herself up. Once, as she stepped out of the bathroom, one of the guys took her standing up, lifting her so she could wrap her legs around him while he rested his back against the wall to fuck her.
As this happened, the second guy again came up from behind and began to kiss Lisa’s neck and shoulders. She soon became, in a way, the meat and mayo inside an upright sandwich of sex, moaning and pleasure.
All three of them began pumping and grinding in rhythm and, after a while, Lisa began to shake and quiver all over. She screamed so loud when she climaxed I was worried the other guests in the hotel would think she was being butchered.
At dawn, the two guys got dressed and left. Lisa was exhausted, and had fallen asleep on the bed about twenty minutes earlier. I was still very much aroused, but I was by then so tired I did not have the strength to do anything about it.
I fell asleep on the carpet by the adjoining door, not having the energy to get up from the spot I had occupied for most of the previous night. Lisa woke me up about two hours later. I noticed bruises on her thighs and knees. “Don’t worry. It was rough, yes, but you know very well that’s how I like it,” she said with a grin.
On the drive home, Lisa revealed to me that the guy who was with her first in the room was Eric, a friend of hers about whom I had previously written to this site. She said she had told Eric all her stripper fantasies and he had encouraged her to live at least one of them out. The schoolgirl outfit was his idea.
She said Eric knew the club’s owner and had made arrangements for her to perform there. She had actually gone in for an audition three days prior, and had even rehearsed with some of the girls in the establishment. “It was all a cinch,” she said.
Lisa said she had arranged for two rooms with an adjoining door at the hotel so I could watch the going-on from an unseen vantage point. She said it always turned her on to know that I was watching.
The second guy in the room was Rob, a friend of Eric’s from out of town. She said Rob had no idea who she was. “We made him believe I was a real stripper and that Eric had paid me for a threesome,” Lisa said, laughing. “Now that was an added turn on,” she chuckled.
Lisa and I fucked, gorged ourselves on leftovers, and slept through most of that day. In the late afternoon, we sat together out on the balcony of our flat, sharing a six pack of cold beer and a few laughs.
She never did go back to that strip club again. But I still enjoy the benefits of a private show from time to time.
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