***Again as in the blog posts below if you haven't read any of MiamiMark's previous true cuckold experiences then CLICK HERE to get caught up. - Webmaster Now it was time for our bachelor party and Cindy kept insisting that she wanted to do it co-ed with all of our friends which was fine for me. I wasn’t a big strip club guy so I didn’t really care if we went or not. It ended up being about 20 of our closest friends and a night out on the beach walking, stopping at bars, and having fun. At this point we had just finished having our last night with Rick about a week ago and with Cindy’s request to not do anything else after the wedding, I felt it would be our last. Our wedding was only a week away and we had NO time left for anything.
I did see Rick reach under her dress during one of our group photos. They were in the back, Cindy between both of us, and when I looked over I saw him squeeze her ass under the dress but it wasn’t anything outrageous. I kept trying to spot other events but the only thing they did was talk here and there.
When it was all over, Rick dropped off Cindy’s sisters at home, then Cindy (I was staying with my family since it was always her tradition that the bride and groom stay apart a week before the wedding), and finally me. Rick and his brother hung out with me for one last shot of whiskey and we talked about all the old highschool days and memories. It was pretty cool but I was really tired and they had a long drive.
That night, turns out Rick drove back to my house and rang the doorbell for about 10 minutes until Cindy answered. She had already fallen dead asleep and answered the door in my favorite ...
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:24 PM