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Please Bang My Wife
She Cuckolds Me
I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby
Friday, April 10, 2009
How I got Her Started
What I am about to relate, is a true story. I have told this before, but not in such detail, some of the names have been changed, to protect the innocent [as they say]
Just a little information about us. We have been married two years, though we have been living together 10 years. Janet is 42 years old, very attractive, if I do say so myself. I [Mick] am 49 year old, five foot ten, slightly overweight. We live in Lancashire, England.
Approximately two years into the relationship, lying in bed, after a great sex session, Janet asked me 'why have you never asked me, to screw someone else? I quickly thought to myself, where the fuck, has that come from. You see, I knew my ex wife and Janet were good friends, but not so close, that my ex would discuss our sex lives with her. Yes, I had told my ex, on many occasions, through our 20 year marriage, how much I would love to see her screw another guy.
With the same reply, every time 'you are a pervert, and don't talk to me like that' can I take that as a definite no' I would ask. So my reply to Janet was 'would you' her reply 'no way' I felt, the reply was not totally convincing, but left it at that. Over the next few years, I would occasionally broach the subject, without success.
Then into the house, [persuaded by my cousin] came an innocuous piece of plastic, called a computer. After a few weeks, I was constantly on the internet, in chat rooms, and reading sexy stories. On one of these occasions, I came across a swinger's site, that's when things started to change, for the better.
It was early 2003; I had placed an advertisement, without Janet's knowledge, wanting a guy with patience, one that would assist me in my goal, to see Janet screwed, by another guy. I received lots of replies, and chose a guy who I shall call Jamie, he lived near Manchester, and he sent a couple of photos, looked ok, were well endowed, so we exchanged instant messages through Yahoo Messenger.
I took Janet shopping in Bury market, I told Jamie that he could see us there, which he duly did. He did not approach us, but watched from a distance. He took an instant liking to Janet! In January of 2003, I asked Janet to marry me, which she accepted; we set a date for August. By May of that year, Jamie and I had devised a plan, whereby Janet and I would go for a walk; I would get amorous with her, which often ended, with us screwing alfresco. If Jamie happened along whilst in the process, he could ask to join us, if he liked what he saw.
I decided to take her up Hambledon hill. It is a steep lane, with a quarry half way up, and one at the top. It is situated near Huncoat, I learned of the place from Melanie's. I parked the car at the top of the hill, and we entered the top quarry. Proximately 300yds into the quarry, we came across a very large boulder, on the right hand side, with a place to spy, from overhead [anyone taking the trouble to check, will know where I mean] I had noticed Jamie's car half way up the hill, and realized he was in the bottom quarry, luckily he spotted us, as we drove passed and he followed us at a safe distance.
Janet was wearing a button down the front dress, I had the front of her dress undone, and her tit's out of her bra, and with her legs open, was licking her pussy, for all I was worth. I knew Jamie was overhead watching us, I had seen him as I was undoing her dress. All of a sudden I caught sight of him, in the corner of my eye, here we go I thought. As Janet saw him, he politely asked, 'You two look great, may I join you' I can honestly say, I didn't think a person could move that fast. She had her tits covered and her dress fastened, in seconds.
At the same time she was telling him to 'fuck off' it was funny if not serious! Also that was my alfresco fuck out the window. Ultimately it was well worth it. When Jamie left the quarry, and we headed back to the car, Janet asked me if I knew him, obviously, for my own safety! I had to say not at all. As we approached the car, I reached out with a piece of paper, already in my hand, lifted the windscreen wiper, and it looked like someone had left a note. I told Janet, he has left his email address, 'call him if we ever change our mind, as you looked so beautiful' 'you aren't calling him are you' she asked 'maybe, we will see'
Over the next couple of months, whilst chatting with Jamie, Janet would enter my den with a coffee, she gradually started to talk to him. He would tell her how erotic she looked, how great her tits looked, and that trimmed pussy that Mick was eating, looked fantastic. He really laid it on! We married in August, and honeymooned 3 weeks in Asia. I spoiled her, buying her many gifts, I also mentioned Jamie, especially whilst we were screwing, she did not object, even when I would say things like, 'I bet Jamie wished he were screwing this pussy now' Which made me feel like I was getting somewhere, with my fantasy.
On our return to England, at the end of August, I resumed my/our friendship with Jamie, and he was still trying his best, to get into Janet's briefs, without success. 'I couldn't do it with you there' she would say. Eventually I had to compromise, what if I wasn't there' 'If I stayed in the pub whilst you come home with Jamie'' She didn't say no, what she did say, gave me hope.
'I don't even know him' at that point, I felt we couldn't do it with a person we knew, so I persevered,'what if we set up a meet for next Saturday, just for a drink' which is what I did. We met Jamie in a local pub in Baxenden. I don't think I was ever, as nervous as I was that night, but it went of great they got on perfectly. I left them alone for a while, when I returned, he had her laughing, a little joke between themselves.
I never found out what it was. I realised nothing was about to happen that night, but she agreed that if I booked an hotel for the next weekend, my fantasy would at last be realised, partially I could not be present but she would give me a creampie. During the following week, she would ask me, how I felt about it, would I get jealous, am I ok with not being there, many questions, which I answered honestly, and I guess to her satisfaction. She also mentioned that it was not worth wasting money, on a hotel room, when we have a perfectly good bed here!
So when speaking to Jamie, on MSN I asked him, how he felt, about screwing Janet here, no problem with that, he said, and so the scene was set.
By Thursday of that week, I realised I could not miss out on all the action, so I set up two baby monitors one downstairs and one in our bedroom, without Janet's knowledge so I could listen to the action. [Purchased from Argos, which incidentally, I returned the following week, and got my money back].
Saturday eventually arrived, my nerves were on edge, they had been all week Janet appeared calm, which astonished me, considering she had only made love with her ex-husband, and I, Jamie was to be number three. As she was dressing that evening, I noted she kept it simple, just a plain skirt, blouse, bra and thong. When she came downstairs, I commented 'looks like someone is in for a good night' All Janet said was 'are you sure you want to go through with this'
' I slowly put my hand under her skirt, and placed a finger over her pussy (see photo), she knew my answer. We had arranged to meet Jamie in the Golden Cup, a public house, close to ours, we arrived thirty minutes early, so we could have a drink before he arrived. At seven thirty, he arrived, we had another drink with him, and we left. The plan was, for me to leave them outside the Golden Cup, Janet would get in Jamie's car, and I would follow them to a bar, nearer to our house, the Ewood Arms. There I would stay for two hours, then return home.
Outside the Golden Cup, I kissed Janet; she got in Jamie's car with him, and I in mine. As we approached the Ewood Arms I pulled into the lay-by outside, and waited till they were out of view, then followed. Outside the house, I saw his car so I parked my car. Turned on the baby monitors, and opened a bottle of whiskey [spelt with an e, cause it was Jamison's, Irish malt] I could hear them in the downstairs monitor, they were talking. Then it went quiet, I assumed he was kissing her. After, what seemed like ages, I heard Janet say something, but I couldn't make out what she had said.
Again it went silent, then I heard Jamie say, lets go upstairs. He appeared a little shy, when we first met him, but I could tell he wasn't when his cock was getting hard. Our bedroom is in the rear of the house, so when they went upstairs, with me at the front, I could not hear well, so I decided to take the whiskey in the rear garden. There I sat, on a bench we have, listening to my new wife, getting screwed by a virtual stranger. Then, as if the god's knew what was happening, it started to rain. Still that did not dampen my ardour, I drank' of a litre bottle of Jamison's, in ninety minutes.
In my drunken stupor, I texted Janet, on her cell phone, asking if I could join them. Explaining, I was still in the pub, no, was her reply. So again I waited till I could bear it no more, then, after maybe two hours I texted, saying I am coming home. I could still hear they were screwing, but as she received that text, they got up immediately. He got dressed, Janet put on her house coat. In the downstairs monitor, I heard him talk then silence, I presumed he was kissing her goodbye, he then left the house. I can honestly say, up till then, it was the most erotic thing that had happened to me. As I walked into the house, and saw Janet sat there in her house coat, with a satisfied look on her face, my feelings were indescribable. Even though, since that night, I have watched her being screwed, by another guy. It has not matched the feelings I had that first time. - M CUCKOLDS MEET HERE
# posted by Webmaster @ 4:43 AM 

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