I am a cuck wannabe (now) and trying to get my new girlfriend into the whole scene. We are just at the stage of trying some 3somes with me taking more and more of a back seat as she gets more comfortable.
I am hoping this will develop as well as my last relationship which ended after over 10 years when my ex left me for the latest in a long line of conquests (all encouraged by me of course!). For nearly a year I only licked her once in a while and she spent more and more time with him, I was only seeing her every other weekend until finally she left to travel South America with him. She called me over to South America, so I quit a good job and spent about 6 months staying in a hostel a few blocks away from her and her new man's apartment. She wanted me there to give her money. For 6 months she kept me just hanging around - paying for her and her new man to get things.
I redecorated their apartment, paid for them to have holidays whilst I did up the house and things like that. At no point did she let me touch her or anything - just get me to do things and give her money. She was very open about how she was treating me, everyone knew - all our old friends and everyone we met. She would enjoy getting drunk (me buying of course) and telling everyone at the hostel about how I was useless in bed and she had a real man now, but I owed her for all the years of crap sex.
So, for 6 months that's how it was. Until she said she wanted me to go (not before demanding what was left of my money). I had spent about $14,000 in the six months and she said I was to give her my savings too. I argued that I now had no job and couldn't. She said if I gave her the money (another $25,000) then for 1 month the 3 of us would have a little 'holiday'.
I bought tickets to the Galapagos Islands for the 3 of us and we had a fantastic (and terrible) time. Wherever we stayed they had a double room together and I either had a single or, if we could sneak it, I slept on the floor. And for my $25,000 did I get to sleep with my gilfriend? - No. I got to spend every night sleeping at the foot of their bed on the floor and listen to them fuck. I wasn't allowed to watch - the couple of times I tried to peek, they just stopped and went to sleep or sent me to my single room. During the day I would pay for them to do activities or carry their stuff to remote little coves where they would skinny-dip and fuck on the beach. When they did I had to sit with my back to them.
When the 'holiday' was over I transferred the money to her account (and had to ask for $10 back for a taxi to the airport). I got a kiss on the cheek and I asked her 'what now?...'
She said 'Isn't this what you always wanted to happen?'
I said something like 'yes, but..., um...'.
'Didn't we always row because you wanted me to humliate you and sleep with other man and have affairs and tell everyone and all that stuff?'
I remember just looking guilty and sheepish.
'Well now you must be happy?!'
I was confused, angry, hurt, jealous, lonely, scared and felt the last year of my life had just happened to me and I had lost everything. Happy? Funny thing was my cock was still incredibly hard, even at that moment of desperation and had been like a rock almost the whole time.
I just smiled weakly and her eyes flashed with some bright emotion that was something like anger/lust/victory. She'd won and, although I'd lost everything - the tight knot in my stomach and aching hard-on thrilled me.
I haven't seen her since. A lot of my stuff is still in storage at our old place (still in her name) and I don't think I'll see it or her again.
That was a year ago and now I am talking to my new girlfriend who is the one in the photo about 'trying some things out' and, if I'm honest, I would like to see how much further we can take it - just how far I can be cucked.
Like all true stories - this one will seem made-up, but it is 100% true and there are lots more 'juicy' details I could have added but I just wanted to share my story on this blog (that's why we do this afterall!).
Hopefully soon my new girlfriend will be posting here looking for bulls or sharing our stories. - DerrickLOST CUCKOLDING FILES
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:24 AM