***Again as in the blog posts below if you haven't read any of MiamiMark's previous true cuckold experiences then CLICK HERE to get caught up. - Webmaster
Click here and read the text in the yellow box for background to this story.
That Thursday after work I joined up with Nat at the Mall and she asked me to pick out an outfit for her to wear Friday night at the 'see if anyone will pick me up' event she's been asking to do. Not only was I already getting worked up about the possibilities, but this was killing me. The outfit ended up being fairly simple and appealing. It was a dark grey flared skirt about ½ way down to the knees and a halter top which really brought out her breasts. No stockings were needed but she did buy a new set of silky black panties and bra at Victoria's Secret… the perfect touch.
Friday night we got ready and went out pretty late to the Oyster House (pub/bar). It wasn't as packed as I thought it would be and the crowd was fairly tamed. After about an hour we ended up going to South Beach. As soon as we entered the first club we realized why there had been so much traffic … Spring Break was almost over and everyone was out having fun.
We hit a total of 3 clubs that night and nothing out of the ordinary happened. I think the possibility of something happening is sometimes just as exciting. She would go in alone to the clubs and then I would go in and find a corner … which was pretty crowded. I would watch her as guys would flirt and buy her drinks. She even got to dance at least a dozen times with different guys but no one really hit on her.
Towards the end of the night, this one group of guys spent plenty of time talking with her and I couldn't really see what was going on. It ended up that they were from FSU which is where she graduated from and they were in the medical program. So they hit it off pretty well.
When she was ready to leave around 3 am, they tried to convince her to stay but she was so exhausted. They asked her for her number and she gave them her cell phone. That was it …nothing else. She left and I followed and we had great sex that night by talking about all the guys and which ones she found hot and wished she would've been with.
We both thought about it a lot the next day and we both wanted to go out but had previous plans to have dinner with friends. In the middle of dinner she got a call and was talking when she looked at me and practically blushed. It was the guys from last night and they wanted her to go up to Ft. Lauderdale , where there hotel was, to go out and party with them on their last night. It really sucked but we couldn't make it.
So that was the weekend plans, nothing out of the ordinary but still pretty exciting in its own way. She was being adventurous and I was getting excited .
About a week later the same guy, Chris, had called her from college and that went on for about 3 weeks almost every night. He would call and they would chat about b.s. things and after a while the conversations would get more and more sexual. I would lie next to her in bed and listen to her and him. After a few days of flirting they began to basically have phone sex and I would go down on her and play with her as they talked. She even had him on speaker phone at one point so I could here the whole thing. I'm not sure who was turned on more … her by him, or me by her being so turned on.
I finally came out and asked her if she wanted to be with him if she could and she never really answered me, so I told her she would have to tell me and plead to do it if she ever did want to. We left it at that.
A couple of weeks later ...
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:19 AM