***Again as in the blog posts below if you haven't read any of MiamiMark's previous true cuckold experiences then CLICK HERE to get caught up. - Webmaster
My birthday was that weekend and things had calmed down from the festivities and get-togethers with friends. It wasn’t any different than previous years and I didn’t expect it to be.
After a long week of cleaning up and getting back to reality, Cindy and I decided to stay home for the weekend. We ended up catching up on house chores and the little things that never seem to get done.
Friday night, Cindy handed me my honey-do-list of things to buy and errands to do that evening. On the way out, she handed me a belated birthday card and told me not to open it until I received a page from her on my beeper (yes … this was a while ago). And with that, off I went shopping.
A couple of hours later, almost being done with my list, I was in the drive through line of Taco Bell. I figured I’d take some food back to the house so we could just watch TV and eat. As I was pulling up to the window, my pager went off and a jolt of excitement ran through me. Throughout the shopping and errands, I had actually forgotten about the card.
I took the card out of the envelope and, as I opened it, a Polaroid photograph slipped out and landed on my lap upside down. I turned the picture over and my jaw nearly hit the ground. There, in full color, was a torso shot of my wife. From breasts to knees … but that wasn’t the half of it. She was completely shaved.
For the longest time I had tried to convince her into shaving herself just for once … and I guess she decided to make it my birthday present. I quickly pulled out of the drive through and pulled aside to read the card. This is what is read:
“Happy Birthday.
By the time you read this card, Rick will be enjoying this. Take your time!!!”
No sooner had I finished the card, I was racing home and disregarded my last two errands. I knew that Rick was probably already there and I couldn’t help but wonder how long they were ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:58 AM