***Again as in the blog posts below if you haven't read any of MiamiMark's previous true cuckold experiences then CLICK HERE to get caught up. - Webmaster
Two days ago we all came to Cindy's parent's trailer in the Florida Keys. It was her parents, two sisters, and brother, a friend of her brothers, Cindy, Rick and me. This was a usual weekend trip during the summer months except that it was usually one of Cindy's friends that would come but this weekend it was Rick.
I always love these weekends and at the same time get really nervous with everyone around. Rick always tries to do something to Cindy out on the boat, wave runner, water, or late at night when everyone is asleep. This weekend was a little harder because everyone was there but he did manage to get a hand job while we (except the parents) watched TV late at night. The lights were off, the television on, and the three of us were in the back couch under a blanket.
Rick had also made a pass at one of her sisters but neither of them realized I caught them kissing. For one thing I wasn't about to tell Cindy but I was going to quiz Rick about it … especially since she is the youngest of the sisters, Kim, at 18 years old and he is 27, a nine year difference and I definitely don't want any trouble being that he is MY friend.
It turns out that he and Kim had been fooling around for the past few months, but it was safe. Kim had not and was not going to tell anyone because he told her it would cause problems.
Anyways, during our conversation today, Rick told me that he had a big favor to ask but he wasn't sure how I was going to take it. He said that he is only asking because he thought it might be exciting and kept thinking about it for the past week after reading something similar on one of the forums. Now, I'm getting excited and nervous and just wanted him to ask.
He wanted to have a little get together at his home to watch the football game next Sunday with a few of the guys from the prison where he worked at. He wanted to have Cindy come over and dress provocative so he could do things to her while they were there but without going over the edge. Just have a little fun. I have to admit that it was exciting but I wasn't sure how it would work or how to get Cindy to do it. I knew she was getting more into her sexuality but this would be a little more to be in front of several strangers. I asked Rick how the forum story happened and he said it was a 'loss to a bet' but that would not work in this case.
I recommended he suggest it during the next time he was fucking Cindy and I'm sure she would not say no to him.
That night we went back home from the Keys and Rick was with Cindy and I since his car was at our home. We went inside and I winked at Rick and took off to take a shower. I made sure to take a really, really long shower and when I came out I could hear Cindy moaning in the living room so I decided to continue my shower. After a few minutes she surprised me by coming in the shower and being very touchy. I asked her, smiling, if she had fun and she just kissed me. Rick had left.
--- Next day
The next day Rick called me and asked me if Cindy had asked me anything yet and I said no. He told me what he had told her during sex and that she would be asking me soon. At night while we were getting ready to sleep she started to tell me about Rick asking her to come over on Sunday and wearing an outfit he bought for me to wear. This is where I acted shocked and then asked her why he wanted her to go. I realized he hadn't told her that he was having friends over and only said he wanted to spend an afternoon focusing on her and wearing the outfit. I asked her if she wanted to and she was quite excited to do it but wanted to make sure it was ok with me. I told her whatever she wanted to do was fine with me.
--- Sunday
Sunday came and it is usually a day we sleep in late. Cindy woke me up to tell me she had to leave cause Rick wanted her at his house early. I kissed her goodbye and went back to sleep. Well, not really, but I pretended until she was gone.
I called Rick and told him she was on his way. The only thing I requested was that he ...
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:45 AM