Hi, my name is Pam. I would describe to you what I did with my husband several years ago. Like many of the posts here, this actually did happen.Our first menage-a-trois occurred about 5 years into my marriage to Tim. We always had a good sex life and I was aware that Tim had a fantasy about me having sex with another man. Just prior to our marriage I had a married co-worker that wanted to get me in bed. I never did screw him because he was married, but I did give him frequent hand jobs and an occasional blow job in a storage area at work. I really enjoyed playing with has penis and making him ejaculate. I always have had a fascination with the male penis and touching them.Anyway I had told Tim about these hand jobs and how I would have liked to have fucked him as well. Tim would become very very aroused talking about my prior sexual adventures with other men. This was surprising to me and I had told him about all my encounters that I could remember. He always wanted as much detail as possible so some times I would exaggerate. It made for very good and long intercourse sessions in our bedroom. Tim also revealed some of his encounters to me. There was one in particular that led to our first cuckold.First a little background. Tim grew up in Hawaii as a teenager and lived on the beach. He had a neighbour, Bill, who lived across the street. He was 3 years older than Tim and was a high school athlete who surfed, water-skied and was on the swim team, he was always very friendly to Tim. One afternoon he told Tim he had some sexual pictures and Tim went over ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:03 AM