This story is very true about a few firsts in our lives. My wife Marie is a very beautiful woman. We have been together nearly 14 years and have since the beginning had incredible sex. We had 3 somes here and there, a couple once that turned out bad and fantasized about swinging in general. Several years ago I realized that I really enjoyed seeing her taken by a large cock than actually participating in the sex when we played. during our normal sex life I also discovered that the only way Marie ever had an orgasm was either when she was on top and could manipulate her clit, or if I had a very large dildo stuffed up her and deep. I realized through this process that my 6 inches was never going to get up where her sweet spot was. I started looking for a large cocked black man to fill that gap. Through a series of events I came upon a man who goes by Lethal. He was very nice, well equipped and had references to boot! While I was out of town on business one week he called and asked for me, but they got to talking and she found him to be very engaging and I knew then that we were on. A couple months later we finally had arrived at the date. Lethal had to fly in from Colorado so we spent the day getting our room, having lunch, discussing how he was going to fuck her...etc. We left in the late afternoon to pick him up at the airport, both with a bit of a glow as Marie has anxiety about meeting new guys.Marie looked so hot in her black skirt which showed her lovely legs , low cut top that showed her ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:43 AM