**On the Cuckold Stories page MiamiMark has submitted at least 8 great stories about his ex-wife Cindy. I have conversed with him over the years and found him to be a true cuckold who LOVES watching his wife with other men. - WebmasterWhen Cindy and I had moved into our new home, it didn't take long to meet all the neighbors. It was a fairly new community and everyone was interested in getting to know everyone else so they would have BBQ at different homes and get-togethers. By this point in our relationship Cindy had already been with a few different men and our adventures were becoming slightly more casual. Rick would come over once in a while and it wasn't long before they would get into it. I would, of course, run and get the camcorder and record it for viewing later. Besides Rick, Cindy hadn't been with any other guy for several months and we were spending most of our time getting the house the way we wanted it.I always told Cindy I would love it if one day she were to confess to me that she had an affair with someone that we had not pre-planned her sleeping with. It was just something about that feeling of nervousness and excitement that really got me going. But after all this time nothing had ever happened like that and I was getting used to it. After all, I had nothing to complain about. But I do have a confession and... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:51 AM