My wife (in the picture attatched) worked with a guy who found out she was fucking the boss and tried to blackmail her into fucking him, she told him to go ahead and do what ever he had to do (he threatened to tell me and her boss's wife, but mostly me because he did not want to lose his job.) I knew that this affair was going on and I loved every minute of it! She would have sex with him, come home and tell me all about it in detail. Then we'd have wild, wild sex of our own and look forward to the next encounter. Her boss obviously doesn't know about this but thinks I don't know when he sees me at Christmas parties etc... My wife gets handsome raises and bonuses too. Her only fear was the wife of the boss but that would be something he had to deal with. The guy finally gave up and never said anymore about it. It was kinda fun hearing about that and if he wasn't so mean about it, but just blackmailed her in a playful way then she would probably have fucked him too! - Paul
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:14 AM