My Wife Lisa is now 40 and we were married 20 years before she tried another guy. It took place in Vegas when she met a younger guy, around 36, at the slots. They got friendly while I was at the crap table which was close to where they were playing. They subsequently ended up in the bar and she asked me to join them later, or whenever I was through playing. When I finally walked in about an hour later I saw they were dancing close and he was moving his hand on her ass so I knew she was getting aroused and was unsuspectingly permissive...
They didn't see me and I watched him kiss her neck gently just a few times. When I joined them as they seated at their table they appeared tanked and very giddy. I joined them, had a beer or two while we all made small talk. He was recently divorced and was attending a sales conference. Subsequently she asked if he would like to join us in our suite for a nitecap...
When we got up to our room she seemed clearly aroused. You could see her lovely breast heaving. She is a 36b and looks very sexy in a sweater or revealing blouse which she wore that night. She gave him a few pecks on the cheek as we entered the hotel room. After a few minutes of drinking, she began kissing me on the couch while he watched, smiled, and drank his beer. Suddenly, Lisa pulled me to the bedroom and pushed me back on the kingsized bed. She started kissing me passionately and then moved down to unbuckle my pants as he sat on a lounge chair near the bed and just watched.
She was so hot. I had never seen her so aroused in years and I sure got hard as she unzipped me and began sucking me deep. I was moaning like crazy and could not be more aroused. We could hardly not notice him as he unziped and out came a very large big boy. He literally walked behind lisa, dropped his pants, took off his shirt, and lifted her skirt while pulling her panties down. I heard her gasp as she kept sucking me but also placed her hand behind her back and appeared to guide him in the right orifice. I was going to explode with that hot view and it was clear that he connected as I could literally hear his thrusts and grunts while she moaned and let out slutty muffled sounds...
When I finally exploded it was convulsive and the orgasmic spasms seemed endless. It was like watching a porn movie. In a few minutes he did the same and let out some loud gasps. Lisa had swallowed my semen which she has not done in years so it was pleasurable. When he backed away I could see his cock semi erect which clearly was very slick. He looked very wide and was cut with a large head. He plopped on the bed and we all konked out, all of us half undressed and we slept until morning. It was an incredible evening and one of the most erotic we ever spent. (This picture is from the next morning's session).
Of course that broke the ice for Lisa and it would only get better with an occassional discreet encounter over the past two years. She goes on biz trips sometimes without me and keeps me posted if she has an enjoyable trip. - Gaven
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:49 AM