My wife had sex over a long weekend with this guy I had arranged it with. We were out of town and she had forgotten her birth control pills. In the heat of it all she took him bareback and he was fucking her good for about an hour when he came. After he left, she and I had some very hot sex with me cumming on her face. As she got ready for bed that night she relized that she had forgotten to pack her birth control pills. We both made a few coments about her and her friend and what he had left inside her. It was too far to drive back and we both agreed to take the chance and wait t'ill she got back home to take her pill. That long weekend I did not cum in her at all just to see what would happen. The anticipation was killing me. Just the thought of this other man making her pregnant was both anguish and EXTREME arousal at the same time. A month later she had her period and everything checked out ok, but it got us thinking. We were relieved and so very hot that we fucked for 3 hours like animals, releasing our built-up tension and excitment over the idea. We both think it would be hot seeing her pregnant by another man during one of these love making sessions, but not sure if we would ever get as close as we did this one time. The picture is of her with him from that same session at the hotel. - Ken
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:55 AM