This is my wife with her current boyfriend. She met him at a club and began her affair with him. She convinced him that it was okay to come to our house and that I wouldn't mind if he took my wife down the hallway to the bedroom to fuck her. He was nervous at first, but now he's a regular guest and even spends many nights, eats his meals with us, and has moved in almost all the way. He still has an apartment, but doesn't spend much time there. We've become pretty good friends in a guarded way. We're both a bit cautious about what we say around each other. I've watched him fuck her and he has a big cock and throws a mean fuck into her and she looks great when he makes her moan when she comes for him. He's gotten a few things out of her that I never could. He was the first one up her ass, and he was the first one she ever let come in her mouth. She swallows his jiz too. Now she does all that for me also. We've shared her in 3somes dozens of times too. One of us up her ass and one in her mouth or pussy. Between us we're turning her into a ripe young hotwife which is exactly what I've always wanted her to be. - RickCUCKOLD SPECIALTY SITE
Here are two pages filled with cuckold pictures. Some from websites and some are archives from this blog. They represent the first 50 posts of this cuckold blog and have the same stories but with a FULL sized picture to go with it. - Webmaster
It had always been my husband's fantasy for me to get pregnant by another man as long as I would get an abortion. I consented but turned the tables on my husband and kept the baby. I found it terribly exciting but he ultimately regretted it. To humiliate him further I have allowed him (my husband) to imgregnate me terminating the pregnancy through abortion against his will. Exciting stuff but not for the faint-hearted. He really can't do anything about it since I have video of him sucking my lover's cock. He begs me all the time! I allow him to fuck me about once a week, not with his pathetic cock however, I make him use a strap-on. His mounting days are over however! The abortion was a lesson about control and power and further instilling feelings of inferiority and helplessness. I think that worked out rather well. The strap-on is about learning to focus solely on my needs since he derives no pleasure from it. I have also used a strap-on on him analy and he has responded well. His cock gets real hard from dildotraining. One time he began to spasm uncontrollably while I fucked him. The SOB had adjusted so well mentaly that he climaxed from strap-on sex. Can you fucking believe that? When I fuck my lovers I do not use birth control nor condoms. You should see the fear this instills in him. I'm loving every minute of it! Here is a pic of me with my lover for your blog. - Mary."

This is Ann's cheating wife story about her and her husband Jeff who used to lead very sexual lives when single. Now that they have been married 20 years, Ann felt she needed something more and then introduced Bob, another man into the picture and how that spiced up thier sex lives: <<
CUCKOLD POST "Isn't it nice to know we're not alone with these...urges? I adore my husband, but I just can't seem to help thinking about other men's dicks. I've cheated on him several times, but never understood why he wanted me to tell him all of the details over and over, but thanks to all of you, I'm starting to understand. My husband's dick is too big for my mouth but I love to suck cock...what's a girl to do? I love the anticipation I feel when I pull it out for the first time. I love the way they groan when I take it into my mouth as I tug on their balls. I love the warm feeling when it flows down my throat...then I get dressed and head back to work, because after all, I have to make lots of money to spoil my little cuckold rotten. "
CUCKOLD COUPLES have sex right in front of you! - If you wanna take a look at what some couples enjoy on weekends then
CLICK HERE. These are cuckold couples who are on thier home webcams and like to have sex while men watch and tell them what to do. Because
YOU tell them what to do they feel like they are being cuckolded virtually. Last week one man told the couple to put up his own picture on the screen, have them fuck while she looks at the picture and have her scream HIS name instead of her husbands. They love that kind of stuff.
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# posted by Webmaster @ 6:08 AM