My wife and I always had a very honest and frank relationship. We had agreed never to keep any secret from each other no matter how personal or embarrassing it could be. This was the one and only strict rule in our ten years of marriage. Several months ago, my wife confided that she was frequently in touch via email with “Tiger” (an old college boyfriend who was an avid golfer, hence the pet name she gave him). They were both involved in the preparations for their upcoming college reunion.
I told her that their frequent exchange of e-mail and daily mobile phone calls were no big deal to me. I asked her why she had to share this fact with me now. With a somewhat distress look in her face, she dropped a bombshell “Tiger is ardently courting me!” I burst out laughing thinking that it was one of her silly jokes again. After all, she has this habit of pulling my leg with corny jokes quite frequently. She quickly replied “I’m serious and you better listen. Our friendly calls to each other have quickly evolved to hot and erotic conversations. We have discovered that we ...
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:58 AM