My wife and I have gotten an early start to the weekend. We're at a luxury B&B in San Francisco. We've been married for 16 years. She's out for her morning run right now.
She's a major player with a well known American company. She travels alot. With her being the one who earns the big bucks it's her job that dominates our conversations. I've either met or have heard about many of her colleagues, some of whom she travels with.
My wife and I are very happy together and we have great sex. She's a really good looking, physically fit, mentally sharp person. I have attatched a picture of her from our previous vacation. I can't show her face for the reasons I've mentioned above.
But last night something happened that is bothering me this morning. After we made love and had our orgasms, hers via some extremely vigorous dog style pounding, she got up to go to the bathroom. As she walked into the doorway, she turned back and looked at me and cutely said, "That was great, Frank!".
The only problem is that my name is Keith. Frank is one of the colleagues she's often with on the road. In fact, she just got back last week from a business trip with him yesterday.
My wife immediately caught her error and seemed sincerely emabarrased and sensitive to the situation. Not that I pressed the point, but she offered an apology anyway and said it was nothing more than a slip of the tongue because they've been working together on a big project.
I believe her. I think. What do you think? - Keith
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:00 AM