My wife and I have been together for about 10 years and have pretty much experienced everything imaginable. She's very free with her body, especially when she's drunk and we have never really had any issues. My biggest turn on is picturing her with another guy with me or without me. we have had MFM & MFF before, but I really want another MFM or so I think.
I want to step back and watch the expressions on her face and see the way her body moves. almost like I would imagine and out of body experience would be. Up until a year or so ago, she didn't want to relive it as it wasn't as enjoyable for her as it was me. So, of course with some prodding lightly and sometimes not so lightly she started loosening up to the idea again. We now talk about it while we have sex and sometimes add certain names of potential candidates to our love making. And she will now go as far as telling me who she will fuck or who interests her when we are out for the night.
This is all great, but now when we are done with our lovemaking, my emotions go from total arousal to a little disgust or embarrassment. Not to mention that i sometimes feel a little jealous. I'm also aware most guys, not all, have a sudden change of emotions after the orgasm. The picture I have attatched is of her 2 years ago during our first MFM - they took a shower together then joined me on the bed.
I know all the do's and don'ts, but what I'm looking for is some that has or is experincing the same as I. I know she loves me more than anything and I her, but all 3 emotions can't be good. Please share with me your experiences here on this blog. - Curtis
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:12 PM