For the first time I was cuckolded it was by bringing a 3rd man into our sex life after my wife's insistence. I didn't like it. Then we tried it with different guys in the hotel rooms. I'd never enjoyed it and felt humiliated. I gave up doing it. I let my wife do whatever she wants to do. So she does MFM with the other guys but never at home. Three months ago she didn't return home during her regular time and she stayed there where two black guys fucked her all night long. Since then she started spending nights at the middle of no where. At least I don't hate sharing her with another guy. I now feel addicted to that jealous/humiliated/high and am getting comfortable with it. I even look forward to her going out at night. When she spends more than one night away from home it really gives me an adrenaline high. This was photo our second encounter. - James
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:57 AM