My boyfriend gets off on me going on the prowl for sex from other men. I must admit I have never been a huge fan of monogomy, although of course some seem to prefer it. He wanted me to submit this picture of me with my last fuck. It was awesome as he had a decent sized cock but could last forever!
The most extreme experience I've had to date though is a threesome with two guys I met in a hotel lobby. I went there after work to wait for my boyfriend and look for a lay. There happended to be two willing and able guys there that just started with some idle chatter. I'd been to this hotel lobby looking before and found nothing. But, as I said, this particular night there were two guys there about my age that were having drinks at the bar.
I told my boyfriend to come to the bar and sit across from us and act as if he didn't know me. He got there after I and the two guys had been talking and having drinks for a while. Shortly after my boyfriend arrived, the two guys and I headed up to their hotel room. As soon as we entered the room I dropped my shirt and asked them what they thought of my boobs. They immediately started sucking and carassing them. Soon all the clothes were off and we were fucking.
Guy1 was fucking me on the overstuffed chair, my legs in the air while Guy2 was sucking on my toes. Guy2 was probably the best lover of the two; he kept telling me how beautiful I was and carassing me all over. Guy1 pulled away seeming a little nervous with the situation.
Guy2 moved into the sweet spot and started going to town. After he had spent some time doing the deed, he pulled out and said, "hey buddy it's your turn again." At that point, Guy2 dissappeared to who knows where. Guy1 moved me over to the bed and I pulled my cell out of my purse and dialed my boyfriend. I let him listen while I was getting pounded. When he was done Guy2 came back for more but I knew my boyfriend was waiting for me, horny, down in the lobby.
Guy2 begged me to stay but I didn't. The boyfriend said he really enjoyed all the excitment and I have to say, so did I. A repeat performance seems to be the tricky part. I've had one on one sex with others since, but haven't pulled off the multiple game again. My boyfriend is a horndog and keeps begging for a repeat performance. - Cathy
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:45 PM