Not sure if your blog will take this but it is kinda close to your subject:
My first time showing any part of myself to another man other than my husband was in the topless area of our beach three years ago. I wasn't sure what my normally conservative (in public) husband would think, but he went along with it, and by late afternoon we were in our cabin screwing up a storm. I didn't tell my husband the part about when he went to the restroom, the waiter came by. I started flirting with him, he was gorgeous, and he got down on one knee to talk to me. His face was about six inches from my tits and hard nipples. I was so turned on!!! I don't know why I did this, but then I smild at him and opened my legs while we chatted. I did have on my bottoms but he clearly got the message, smiled, and got a good look. It was only for about two minutes, but it's been three years worth of fantasy material. We are going to Cancun in two weeks, I haven't told my husband about the tiny bikini I am taking with me, and my plans to lose the top early on. I chose the all inclusive resort we are staying out because "European" style is supposedly common on the beach.
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:09 AM