My wife works in a small store with another lady and they get pretty bored when business is slow. The highlight of their day has become the UPS delivery. They have made a game out of tantilizing and embarrassing the UPS man. They do it by unbutting their shirts really low and wearing sexy bras and bending over to show him their cleavage. He has caught on to the game and now plays back. My wife gives him gifts (candy) with sexy messages inside and he has given her several bottles of wine. I know my wife has the hot pretty bad for the UPS man by the stories she tells me. She is very sexual and has told me many times that her fantasy is to have 2 or 3 guys at once. I am thinking this may be an opportunity to fulfill that fantasy by having a MMF with the Mr UPS. I have never met him but my wife says he is a few years older than me. I'm planning to pop the suggestion to my wife this weekend that Mr UPS join us for some fun. The only thing that may bother my wife is that Mr UPS is married. I can't imagine any other reason she wouldn't "go for it". I took this while she was using the dildo and "imagining" the UPS guy with us...
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:36 PM