A few years ago me and the wife were on holiday in spain.we were at a bar where we met 2 guys from england.we all had alot to drink and one of the guys was feeling my wifes legs under the table.when lwent to the toilet she came after me to tell me what he was doing .l dared her to go a bit further.when we were back at the table and he started feeling her leg under the table she grabbed his hand opend her legs and let him feel her pussy.there was around 8 of us sitting around the table but nobody knew what was going on.when me and the wife got back to our room we fucked like rabbits. Since then we have had one other guy come over and play with my wife. He let us take pics of the event and attatched is one of them. He looks embarrassed and so does she. It was thier first time for both of them doing something like this.
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:20 AM